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Everything posted by Donald

  1. i had a stroke trying to read that
  2. you can buy a house or maybe try one of the other 5 rebels on the map
  3. not sure if its correlated with this but the servers have been running great the last couple days
  4. I’m the same way that’s why I fight in kavala
  5. Here is an explanatory gif:
  6. https://www.change.org/p/change-org-disband-the-nfl-for-not-playing-sweet-victory-at-superbowl-53
  7. put game sound next time it makes montages a lot better imo good tage tho
  8. no i just tear my hand everytime i want to speak
  9. Donald


    if u made a crate full of orca skins they would definitely sell
  10. Donald


    mitch found his hidden talent, looks good dude
  11. exactly, then when they die they're like "rDm coMp or bAn"
  12. if ur someone that says rdm when they get killed 350m from drug cap then fuck you
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