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Posts posted by operatorjohnny^

  1. 24 minutes ago, NewYork718 said:

    I may not be in attendance due to superbowl party but heres my two cents. 

    New car horns would be fun, maybe add some more houses and a new drug type. 

    Change Cartel times to 1 hours possibly. By the time we cap it, go home and gear up, not much times for drug running, unless youre a cartel fighting gang thats constantly at drug cartel. None of the smaller gangs get an opportunity.

    Add a new turf maybe? There is a lot of emptiness in the west side of the map that can definitely use some new things. 

    Im very excited to see what 2023 brings. 

    i should add, there has been a lot of speculation of a wipe. I would say don't wipe unless there will be massive changes when the wipe is dopped. 

    Goodluck to new management.

    Super Bowl is this weekend. meeting is next weekend.

    Panda and NewYork718 like this
  2. 33 minutes ago, Chow Mein said:

    Money isn't hard to make, its actually extremely easy. The people sitting in towns are almost always there just for the interactions they get with one another, even when Asylum had a full server there were still different gangs in each city. A big majority of the pop comes from cartel fighting and cop v robbers, or at least it did. I think illegal money shouldn't be touched, there's plenty of options and the risk goes for the reward. How often do you see someone at heroin field while on cop? I personally never see someone there and I stopped checking because of it, I didn't wanna drive to the top of the map where nothing else is for 20k, the risk meets the reward. What "goods" are you considering lowering, and the tax rate has always been stupid.. Just an easy way for one person to make money doing nothing for a week.

    I completely agree that the overhanging issue is the fact that cartels aren't fought anymore and civ v cop fights are becoming more rare. A lot of complaints I here regarding this issue is that people "don't have money". I didn't make this post to say that money is too hard to make, rather that it makes no sense to hinder people from fighting while the server has a lower pop. I do believe that the root of the fighting issue comes down to the economy. 

    24 minutes ago, genesis^ said:

    server needs wiped

    There was a test wipe done and many did not care for it. I'm sure if there is a big enough push for a wipe it would happen, but the problem is that people do not want to spend all their time grinding for money. 

  3. No one can deny the decline in player population over the last month. Though we are in a typical down period, I think there are still some changes that could be implemented to boost activity. A large problem I've seen in the past few months is that civs are not moving around the map, rather they are just standing in towns making the server seem dead. A large part of this problem in my opinion is the lack of drive/motivation for civs to make money. After years and years of grinding for money, many people are simply tired of grinding for 2 hours to make 200k. When people have more money, they do more things, especially for any newer players that come to the server. 

    The past issue of domination "printing money" is in the past. 90% of dom players do not even spend their money on the main server. I believe that the main server is due for a buff of money making methods to increase activity throughout the map. 

    This buff can be done in a large variety of ways so I wanted to get the communities opinion on this.

    - Buff on illegal money making methods, such as heroin or weed, that are currently not worth doing.

    - Buff legal money making methods like wreck excavating, oil, or metal detecting

    - Lower prices of goods/lower tax rates

    Leave any suggestions below, I think the economy needs to be discussed!


    Dlkl, GravL, lukee and 2 others like this
  4. On 1/7/2023 at 10:53 PM, Lucien said:

    Cops should only lethal in an escort event at least until the truck is sold. If civs are getting tazed and restrained, then someone needs to take them back to hq and get processed, which pulls people off of doing an event, unless they just get left in the middle of a random field which is not fun for anyone.

    Cops that have better HQ positioning, and a better economy to respond to the event until its conclusion. Not all civs have to respond to a bank robbery man. You need to encourage civs to do the event, reasonable hard number caps makes people actual want to show up and contest. Additionally - not everyone should have to show up. It should be a voluntary event to participate in, would be aids to get forced to do a cop started federal event.

    See above. Civs need to be encouraged to participate. Knowing they are not going to be facing an invulnerable wall is much more appealing to make them want to attack the convoy. Limiting helicopter use allows civs to better attack the convey by limiting visibility further encouraging them to participate.

    It's not like people are running an undercover operation during a federal event, if a civ wants to fight the cops at this federal event and sees a civ hatch skin without rednames if no one fought yet, they might not know they can shoot. Wouldn't matter if its a redzone for everyone rather than just against cops tho

    Again, no civs are forced to participate. You need to bite the bullet and encourage them to attend.

    While I agree with almost everything you said, the encouragement of civs to participate is based on the reward they receive for winning, making it “easier” for civs would require a reduction in the prize. 

    I believe everyone has good points, but people have to understand that the first rendition of this event will not be perfect and it will almost certainly get updated/changed, as all new events do. 

    Ken, Vash and lukee like this
  5. No one has any drive to make money anymore because of how much of a grind it is. The more money people have, the more things people do. I understand there needs to be a balance, but for how old the server is and how old the game is, no one wants to grind for hours to make 200k. I believe drugs need a buff (a reasonable one, not insane) to not only allow people to have a few extra bucks, but more importantly to get people moving around the map. I do not believe the reason that people are not moving around the map is because a lack of money making methods, but rather that the current money making methods take forever for a mid return. I think this is a good idea, adding more purification plants makes it more inciting for people to use them.  

    lukee, Junke, Dlkl and 1 other like this
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