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ROGUE PIGS 08/25/2024 8 PM EST


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A few APD officers are tired of the rebels robbing the Federal Reserve, so they decided to do it themselves.

on 08/25/2024 at 8 PM EST the cops will be robbing the Federal Reserve.

How it works

A 8 PM EST a truck filled with gold bars will spawn in the middle of the federal reserve. The APD will already be set up inside the federal reserve defending it. After 30 minutes of defending the truck the APD will be allowed to take the truck to the Sofia HQ to "sell the gold bars".  Any rebel group may steal the truck at any time and take it for their own.


  • No explosives of any kind are to be used on the truck or anyone in the event.
  • The truck is not to be blown up or destroyed in any way.
  • This is a no chop event. (Any vehicle you use isn't allowed to be chopped / blown up)
  • All cops must lethal at all times.
  • Medics are allowed to attend but must revive all parties.
  • No other federal events are allowed to be robbed during the event.

How to join

Be on the server at 8 PM EST.

Get a loadout from rebel and head to the event.

Make a group or fight it solo!



Edited by Tom
Akula, Samperino, JoeDa and 8 others like this
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