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16 minutes ago, Mahdizzle said:

YEEEEEEEESSS!!! well both of you know what rules are needed and i have trust in you both <3 

You do know what happened when all the APD Lifers tried to join in on the gang wars last time right? Dont act like you joining the team is going to make much of a difference.

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55 minutes ago, SharingWriter said:

One of the first things we would need is a representative from each of the gangs willing to participate to attend a meeting to discuss how we as a community would want this event to be executed! @Mahdizzle 

When bamf is about to release new caps he should post screenshots of the cap, make a poll, the 2 most favored caps should be playtested during the event, have each gang sign up a roster of minimum of 8(?) & maximum of 12 players in advance, set a date where an admin is free and willing to host, maybe find a designated streamer/commentator, close entries at a certain date, put all gangs into a bracket, get a set time to sign in, setup a server where everyone will have enough money to buy stuff, or an arsenal, give each gang 2(?) ifrits, fight of the two caps cap twice (once defending/once attacking).


Obviously there are better ways to do this but this is my opinion on what should be the basics.


Announce it, open up signups, have gangs (due to lack of structured/active gangs I'd advise letting people form a group and enter) comment their roster on that thread, have a closing date, go from there.



Edited by Jimbo!
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5 hours ago, Tom said:

@Mahdizzle Will be able to cover for me on this meeting, I'd love to attend it.. but depending when it is i probably won't be able to attend the meeting.. probably not even the Event.. with my Schedule being in the Marine corps i have a lot of things going on coming up.. I leave Wednesday the 24th till September 14th for a meeting then after that i have no idea yet till it comes up.. Count me in.. but lets get this meeting like soon. tonight or tomorrow.

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@Jimbo! @Kuklinski @AndrewFam @Sp^ceGod @O/|/|3GA @Quenton @Bilal Battu @Valkyrie @Allstarplaya @Drunk Devin @Mahdizzle @ZUR9H@Tiger there is any other gangs that i missed. start getting your roster ready and etc. I've talked with @Mr Smirnoff about hosting this event. And he said he will, and if he needs it I will be helping him also. He is going to work on the date and probably be talking with yall for suggestions. Any questions feel free to ask. Or any suggestions feel free to tag me or him and post them.

Edited by Goku
Had to add tiger jumbo perm modq
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3 minutes ago, Bilal Battu said:

If there isn't any opposition to FSA participating then it would be likely but I'd have to stay out of it and their comms.

Any gang is welcome to participate. This is a COMMUNITY event and if any one opposes the idea then they can cry about it. 

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2 hours ago, Pentax said:

Not like I had/have a perfect mission with a server for such things, but hey nobody asked ever (even when I gave the idea out in public).

@Bilal Battu @Mr Smirnoff this would work right? Would minimize the desync, and people teleporting and lag spikes. If you gentlemen have something better let me know but I honestly don't see a problem with this.

Edited by Goku
I can't spell
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1 minute ago, Bilal Battu said:

At that point he wouldn't need admins to run it because it would be on his server.

Need Admins to run it because it's an Asylum event. But I get what you're saying, we'll stick to the Asylum servers and hope for the best

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56 minutes ago, Goku said:

@Bilal Battu @Mr Smirnoff this would work right? Would minimize the desync, and people teleporting and lag spikes. If you gentlemen have something better let me know but I honestly don't see a problem with this.

It would be basically completely different mission file which is fully focused only on asylum cartel combat, with cartel locations (or any custom locations wanted for event). Would save custom location setting up time, no desync (unless ip gets out to certain people that shouldn't have it), no third party disturbances, and easy punishments with no any harm for people that don't follow basic rules. Easy spectating access to only people that need it for (streaming, etc.). Not saying that I'm up to do it atm, cause the mission file is not even up to date (wouldn't be hard and long to make it up to date) and don't really want to do it now. Just throwing the IDEA out there, that it is possible for future (if I'm still even interested in arma 3 at all anymore).

Edited by Pentax
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1 hour ago, Mr Smirnoff said:

I am willing to help out hosting it as well .

What was the format when Killswitch hosted it? I think 10v10 is a little too many people not all gangs have that many maybe 5v5 and everyone who joins needs to deposit some money to weed out poor gangs.

Prize will be $5,000,000


No point, server will crash.

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