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10 hours ago, Dork said:


@LmfaOExde3 - take notes from these guys ;)


we come on to fight you guys, you either don't show up and say you're busy or take an hour to push. You then lose and then bitch at us for "always defending", yet when we offer to let you defend, your retarded leader says "we don't arrange fights"


It's a fucking game and you're bad at it. Don't @ me in a thread for attention faggot

Ghouh, JAY1HP, william and 2 others like this
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Personally I like the trash talk. It's a fight based video game as long as it's not like too overboard then it's in all good fun.


I remember back in the day when glo would roast an entire gang in between kills, or kuklinski would type literally 

" u r bad , hahahahahajajajajajha", and everyone would freak out and start to fuck up trying to make risky plays to kill him 

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44 minutes ago, LmfaOExde3 said:

we come on to fight you guys, you either don't show up and say you're busy or take an hour to push. You then lose and then bitch at us for "always defending", yet when we offer to let you defend, your retarded leader says "we don't arrange fights"


It's a fucking game and you're bad at it. Don't @ me in a thread for attention faggot

calm down bud

im not part of 1/2 those fights

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24 minutes ago, LmfaOExde3 said:

then don't @ me saying I'm toxic or w/e retarded point you were trying to get across from this thread. Like I said, Asylum is bad. You are bad. Lawless is bad. 

fuck off.

Lawless has Motard and he is OG bad blood back off his gang dude. They are gods!

Edited by ZUR9H
544heu, Repent, william and 1 other like this
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16 minutes ago, Kuklinski said:

Never in ur life say that again Motard was never a old Bad Blood player he join when noone played there and he sucks once again zurch zur9 or what else is ur name say that again u irrelevant person and player. " MIND GAMES SHIT TALK " play the game and stop being pussys.

Im motards son did uk that?

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1 hour ago, Kuklinski said:

Never in ur life say that again Motard was never a old Bad Blood player he join when noone played there and he sucks once again zurch zur9 or what else is ur name say that again u irrelevant person and player. " MIND GAMES SHIT TALK " play the game and stop being pussys.

That was the joke. Didn't mean to hurt your pride didn't know bad blood meant that much to u though

Edited by ZUR9H
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