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  1. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in TLDR   
    On February 3rd, 2015 I joined Asylum for the first time. A few co-workers got me into it, we tried to learn the ropes as fast as we could. Although at times it felt damn near impossible. There were mechanics that we just simply did not understand. However, that was the very allure that kept me coming back day after day. Those co-workers moved on to be KOTH nerds at one point and left me in their dust. I kept digging and eventually figured out the spawn map, and the hard lesson was that I didn’t need to run from Sofia to Athria, and I could just respawn. This was life-changing, for better or for the worse, as I was hooked on this new digital heroin. I eventually fell in love with Kavala. Instant and constant action, while being called a myriad of names, and a ton of new experiences. I was a combat logger, i didn’t have the money to buy these cool guns time and time again. I exploited the Kavala Hq daily. There was this spot where if you Sync’d and logged back in, you would drop down just under the concrete surface and the cops couldn’t get you, but you could shoot and cause your own kind of hell.
        As time progressed, i wanted to become more and more involved. I was known by a few different names throughout my time here. The IFRIT part just stuck out of all the different usernames. I joined some gang with a Zombie Dude? He had an awkwardly deep voice but was a good leader. He essentially was able to weaponize the kids from Kavala and make us do his bidding. A few guns and some cash in the game sure when a long way. I just kept buying damn IFRITS because I simply could not drive. If I drove a hatchback, I was going to die. Every single time, there wasn’t a question about it. 
        I was invited to join the team of staff after befriending @Clint Beastwood and @BaDaBiNg_10-8. I still remember us taking a .50cal through the streets of Kavala on March 17th, 2017, with every civ hell-bent on killing us. Every single cop was determined to take us down. The laughter that rang through my house has since never been repeated. I was sore the next day from the belly laugh. 
    As I worked my way through the team of staff, I quickly found my heart had been fully invested in this place. I would work and get home only to sit and devote all my time to playing or providing support. I was hooked and down badly. There wasn’t any hope for me to return from this rabbit hole. I made new friends along the way and experienced life one event at a time. I had a lot of highs and lows. There are people here that were extremely supportive during these times. I had a lifeline and so did they. It started as a video game and ended as a family. 
        A while ago I was able to meet @Roice in person in vegas. He waited for me at the airport and was about 2 feet taller than I thought he was. It was a strange experience at first but it quickly showed that we hadn’t missed a beat. As Roice drove around vegas, the shenanigans we got ourselves into that night will never be forgotten. There were core memories developed that night, some of those memories I don’t have the pleasure of actually remembering. But Roice could easily tell you if he wasn’t sworn to secrecy. 
        The point I am trying to assert here is that many of you come and go. Some are here for a week and some of you have been here for almost 10 years. We have not survived this long because Arma is a cutting-edge game that’s leading the charts in popularity. However, we offer something that the triple-A developers will never be able to, a family. This has turned into an escape for many. The typical life bullshit doesn’t apply to here. The medical, finical, family, and school problems have no bearing here. You are provided with the unique opportunity to create your own story that can be turned off with the click of a button. 
    Today, I am clicking that button
        I have made the decision that for the health of the community and my personal life, I am stepping down and allowing new leadership to take the wheel. I am excited to announce that @RoguePilot has accepted the challenge and is rising to the occasion. I have the utmost confidence that rogue will find the best path forward to continue the long legacy of Asylum. I encourage you to all offer the same support and gratitude that you showed me when I took over ownership in December 2019. The first 6 months were terrifying and contained a huge learning curve. I truly never stopped learning.
        While I step away from Asylum, I won't disappear from Asylum. I have some career and family goals that need my utmost dedication and focus. And I believe that without the stress of ownership, I will accomplish these goals. Asylum has created a foundation that will help me succeed for the rest of my life. I wish the ownership aspect was something we could easily show the masses, but I wasn’t able to find a concrete way to do just that. 
    To the countless staff through the years, I truly cannot thank you enough. You guys are the sole reason that Asylum is what Asylum is. You guys through my ownership time worked to keep me in check and my feet planted in reality. The respect I have for you guys will never be forgotten, and I will never be able to thank you enough. For that, I am in debt to you.
    There are a few secrets that I wanted to air out as I depart.
    The bear image in my signature contained a coupon code for a shit ton of money in the store. It was a puzzle and it was not easily seen. A few got close to figuring it out years ago.
    I hate banning people. It was a necessary evil, but with every single ban, I wondered if the person I banned was dealing with shit in life that they too were trying to escape. And that ban may have been their last line to that escape. I know I caused someone to face their issues when they were not ready. For that, I am sorry. It’s not my place to tell you when your issues should be faced. 
    To the person that died shortly after I spoke with you, I am sorry I didn’t say a better goodbye. Neither of us knew, but I would give anything to go back and say a final goodbye. 
    To the people that confided their deepest secrets and struggles with me, know that I have still never repeated those to anyone and they will continue to rest with me. I hope you have found peace from those burdens. 
    To the friend groups that still exist today because of Asylum, I hope they will continue long beyond Asylum. 
    Open letter to Rogue
       The journey you have agreed to undertake has ramifications that only a few know. Being the owner brings a burden that cannot be described. We have spoken at length about the lessons I learned. I encourage you to never forget that you are not here for yourself. Your mission is to continue providing a place for all these people from across the world to meet and continue their connections and friendships. I encourage you to always be humble, listen more than you talk, and admit when you are wrong.
        You will have thousands of voices in your ear, and it will be impossible to respond to them all. But you can read them all. I know that during my tenure, I read every single message that I got. Sometimes they were extremely irritating to read and hear, and often they were downright violent. I still read them and used them as fuel to continue the charge. However, I expect you to exercise your restraint when needed, and tenacity when required. You are here to defend what has come before you, and continue what comes after you. You will never take the L, and defeat at any level can never be welcomed. Defend every community member as your family when they come personally under attack.
        You hold the power to affect change in people's lives. I know this sounds dramatic, but it’s only because of the messages I received that showed this to be the reality. You should always be humble and understanding. The server is a direct reflection of how you conduct yourself. The team of staff is there for you at any time. Use them for their duties, and empower them to build with you. 

    With love,

    “I’m not any good at killing, but I sure can die with the best of them.”
    “Don’t light a candle for peace, light it for violence and let peace extinguish the flame.”
  2. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by stoned turtle in setting up a timer for legal/illegal switch.   
    ayo shit was hella funny tho i think gap horn is enjoying your tempest

    the APD didn't come because they were butthurt over your gang kidnapping someone, the APD came because I wanted to watch the chaos. 

  3. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Vash in setting up a timer for legal/illegal switch.   
    It can go both ways btw

    @王 rando 王
  4. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Jr4life24 in setting up a timer for legal/illegal switch.   
    I've been around since 2017 with a 1 year break and this is the first time I've ever seen this or even heard of this. It's honestly funny considering how rare this is, and I doubt it affects as many people are you're making it out to seem.
  5. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by goyney in Texturing Guide for Beginners (CRAP GUIDE)   
    Detailed guide to help any of you that want to start making your own textures to contribute to the server.
    You will need:
    Graphics editor; preferably Photoshop. A good alternative would be GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ Texview 2 - Download Arma 3 Tools on Steam PBO Manager - https://www.dropbox.com/s/1qt179h629cyy6d/pbo_manager_v14.7z?dl=0 If these links expire, please find a live link Obtaining original textures to work with:
    You will find the destinations for base textures in the assets wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Assets I will use the 'MTP Fatigues' as an example.  
    Go to your Arma 3 installation folder. [C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 - mine for example].   
    Click Addons. [This will vary depending on whether the texture you want is from an expansion or not]  
    Find the relevent PBO. In my case I am looking for 'characters_f'. Look for the PBO which the wiki advises for your chosen texture.  
    Ensure that you open the PBO with PBO Manager.  
    Once you have the PBO open with PBO Manager, navigate through the folders to find your files. For me it is: BLUFOR>Data>clothing1_paa.co. *Some vehicles/clothing have 2 parts*  
    You will need both the 'paa' and the 'nohq'.(For me it is clothing1_paa.co and clothing1_nohq.co.  
    Open both of these files with TexView2.  
    Save a copy of both files to your Desktop in a .TGA format. (Just type .TGA at the end of each file name).  
    These files can now be opened with GIMP or Photoshop to edit. When you are done, save the texture as a .JPEG. [I will cover how to apply it in game later in the guide].  
    Texture Templates
    You can also find templates online which are already set-up and ready to edit. However, the above process is important particularly for expansion items as there may not be templates created yet for these textures. You will also find that some of the templates are low quality, so it's worth just making your own if you can.
    Creating an overlay with the texture map (nohq) to work with - Photoshop.
    You will need both the .co and the .nohq in the same window on Photoshop.  
    Select the nohq layer (the ugly pink one) in the layers tab and press CTRL+A to select all.  
    Go to channels which is in the same tab as layers to the right.  
    Select the Red channel, and ensure you are still selecting all (there will be an animated selection line all the way around the canvas).  
    Press CTRL+C to make a copy of the Red channel. (The texture should appear grey on the canvas if Red is selected correctly).  
    Once copied, go back to the layers window and CTRL+V to paste the Red channel. (You will need to un-select by clicking anywhere in the right window first).  
    Do the same process steps 3 to 6 for the Green Channel.  
    Once you have both the Red and Green channels - name them 'R' for Red and 'G' for Green. Press the Eye Icon next to the nohq and co layers to hide them. The co is useful later if you need any support or reference from the original texture (incase you can't find a certain part of the texture etc).  
    In the layers windows you will see a drop down box which is set by default to 'Normal'. For both the Green and Red layers, set this to 'Overlay'.  
    This will make a transparent overlay, and you can place anything underneath these layers, whilst still having the overlay show for guidance around the texture map.  
    Applying your new texture in-game
    Open the Arma Editor and choose a map [Singleplayer>Editor]. I like to use Virtual Reality. For light realism use Altis, as you will see how the light affects your texture. CTRL+S to save the singleplayer mission. I named mine Scenario for example.  
    Once you save the mission, go to your Documents folder and then to Arma 3 Other Profiles.  
    Click your Arma 3 name folder and then Missions.  
    Find the name of the mission you saved, and place the JPEG that you saved into the folder. This will allow you to import the image in game now. *Give the JPEG a simple name eg. t1.jpeg*  
    You will now need to use the editor to place the ie. vehicle/uniform into the mission. I will be placing an AI soldier into the mission as I am doing clothing.  
    In my case, I will right click the AI and select 'Edit Loadout' to put the MTP Fatigues onto the AI.   
    Once this is done If you are doing a uniform, you will need to right click the AI again and select 'Attributes'.  
    In Attributes > the 'Init' box, type this code: this setObjectTexture [0, "1.jpg"];       - Replace "1" with the name of your .jpg in the mission folder.  
    11. Once this is done, click Play Scenario. You should see your texture covering the base texture.
    For Vehicles:
    Instead of the above step 7-10, do the below: Right click your vehicle and go to Attributes. Give the vehicle a Variable name; again something simple such as v1. Click Play Scenario. Press ESC for Debug Console. Type: v1 setObjectTexture [0, "1.jpg"];         - Replace v1 with the vehicle variable name and '1' with the name of the jpg in your mission folder. Execute the code locally and the skin will change. In some cases, such as ifrits, there are two texture maps to the vehicle. In this instance: The code would be: v1 setObjectTexture [0, "1.jpg"]; v1 setObjectTexture [1, "2.jpg"];          - Notice how the second line of code has a '1' instead of a '0'. This is used to select the other part of the vehicle. You will need to edit and save both parts to your mission folder as jpg's. For Backpacks:
    Same as clothing, except you place the backback on the ground and edit its attribute code from there. You pick it up once you start the scenario. It will be skinned this way. For anything else:
    You need mods, and that's a whole other story. (It's a fucking pain).  
    Feel free to PM me with any questions/feedback regarding guide.
    @InvictusTheReaper This will help you I hope.
    @Infamous [FULL SEND] "Why would anyone want to follow your guide you make dogshit skins faggot". Beat you to it kid.
  6. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Boonie Hat in Moderator Applications [CLOSED] [REVIEWING]   
    use me as a dislike button. For light mode user Mitch.
  7. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by KrazyKnight in Lower down timer   
    it's 2022 i guess im gay

  8. Sandwich liked a post in a topic by BlackShot in Exposing Maxime (February Fails)   
    February is coming to an end, so as Maxime's APD career. So I decided to bring some small compilation of his fails.

  9. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Clint Beastwood in How do you get an Admin banned for harassment?   
    The good ole days
  10. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Boonie Hat in How do you get an Admin banned for harassment?   
    I've taken this accusation seriously so I've reviewed the video and houses owned during the timeframe.

    Both houses did not have their Owners or Key Holders online during the incident or before the restart happened 30 minutes later.
    The second house destroyed is not owned by your gang and doesn't appear targeted anyway towards your group.

    It's been concluded that the Admin was trying to have a bit of late night fun before restart and did not mean to cause a scene to others on at the time.
    However, this does not fully excuse blowing up houses for fun in such a way above. It simply is a bad look, even with no harm being done, the last thing we want is you or anyone to think the Admin Team is actively being bias towards your group or targeting you in any way.
    I've talked to the Admin and they understand it's a bad look and will do better.

    If you want to further talk about it or something else comes up shoot me a message on Discord or find me in TeamSpeak.
    An Admin Report also works better investigation wise. (Admins can't see Admin Reports)
    Also to answer the title of your post
    Here is the answer
  11. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by ObiWoki in Changelog November   
    Doors You can now open all doors by pressing U (unless they are locked) Remote engine kill switch Buyable at a rebel store Can be used to disable a vehicles engine by attaching it to a vehicle and then calling the number on your phone Car can be repaired Must be within a 1km radius of the vehicle At a small price of $50,000 Keychain Despawn timer is now displayed at a tooltip when hovering over a car Tutorial system A brand new tutorial system on the phone Holds legal and illegal tutorials Guides you through the steps by waypoints and text Launching with a small amount of tutorials for testing purpose More tutorials soon! New cartel location  
    Gang fort Range to 125 meters Text message from 1.5h to 1h Time change Cartels Cartels now rotate over all available caps on the server to give more diversity whilst fighting Loadouts Loadouts can now be stored with civilian gear aswell Repairing The repair animations now differs from the lockpick animation SWAT Can now redeploy Fixed:
    Aircraft carrier rebel missing the loadouts menu P90 Cops can now pickup the p90 after dropping it on the ground again Governor building Cops can now open the governor buildings (at the correct rank) Mobile HQ Send to jail action always showing Revive cost Revive cost was only a thing when a medic revived you now you need to pay for all revives Achievements Free loadout vehicle reloads Quests Lifetime quests not giving any virtual / physical items: Master Blacksmith No Kneepads APD Mald Generator Pig Sniper Anti-SWAT Deerstand Defender Making Bank RIP APD's Most Hated Rambo Ripper Black Market (7.62) lootcrates giving the double amount of weapons A backend vulnerability Tempest Device No longer possible to gather more than intended 50 cal reload Reloading a 50 cal offroad with vehicle ammo resulting in a animation state that disallowed the players to continue shooting after the reload Cop search Suicide vests not showing up when searching a player Admin jail Being avoidable by requesting a trial Skins Prowler skins being added to the quilin Exchange Items disappearing when going back to your storage Removed:
    Hotfix #1
    Having the remote kill switch in your inventory ended your mission Remote kill switch could be done as long as you could see the car (no distance check) Remote bomb could be done as long as you could see the car (no distance check)  
    Hotfix #2
    Improved doors Updated backend security Fixed bank security upgrading when failing a bank aswell Swat cancelling on redeploy Not being able to pull vehicles at cartels Oil rig flag spawning on bottom of the ocean
  12. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Donk in Housing Solution   
    As we all know the housing situation currently in the game is in need of a rework. We have so many players that horde good real estate, sheds, houses in specific dps and towns. Just about every major town, dp and/or smaller town located around any sort of money maker albeit drugs, crafting, legal ways of making money are all taken. Even houses in the most remote areas of the map with nothing around are owned. This would be totally fine IF the houses were all owned by active players in the community. Something needs to be implemented to counteract people logging on for 5 minutes once a month to keep houses that they don't even use. 
    Housing is one of the major draws for this server. It's advertised in the title of the server, its a huge integral part of what players want to experience. The argument for never wanting to change is that "we don't want old players to lose housing or people take a break." For the longevity of the server are we really wanting to keep new players or current active players from being rewarded with ability to purchase houses or sheds in areas that they want; just to cater towards people that don't actually play the server but log on to keep their houses??
    With housing being such an important part of the server how do you think it affects the new influx of players that start to play, get a little bit of money, but then cant find a house? Or they look at the realtor in game and see everything is marked and being sold for millions. The only reason players can get away with price gouging houses for millions of dollars is because there are no houses for anyone to buy! Looking at battlemetrics the server probably averages anywhere from 50-60 new players a day out of the 400 average total that log in each day. That is 13.75% new players that log in each day that could be converted to long time players. Now of course there are other factors that could keep a new player from not staying, but it is highly discouraging to not be able to use one of the main functions on the server.
    Now here is my suggestion for a solution:
    I have a system that can be put into place that isn't requiring a lot of activity in order to keep your houses. No tax requirement idea for a money sink, nothing like that. Instead I'm suggesting an idea from reborn that we know worked for them.
    Maximum of 10hrs/month required play time. 2hrs per house Able to set a house as a priority so after your first 2hrs of play it will be saved for that month If you do not meet the full time requirement then you lose 1 house that is not the priority home Example: You own 5 houses requiring 10hrs of play, you only play for 6hrs this month. You only lose 1 of your houses, not 2 even though you didn't fully meet the time requirement.(I'm not wanting people to lose all their houses but I feel just losing 1 is enough if the time req isn't met) The house that is lost will be random excluding the priority home Still keep the 30 days of no activity to lose houses Implement an auto afk logout timer similar to WoW to prevent people from afking for the 10hrs required Example: afk for 15 minutes with no movement, clicking, etc presents you with a logout prompt countdown from 30secs and puts you in the lobby when it reaches zero Make sure people are aware that if they are going to be inactive for longer than the 30 days for work, deployment, vacation etc.. that they know it is an option to put in a request with the admins to pause their timers so they don't lose housing That's really it its pretty straight forward and simple. Its not really requiring too much effort to keep your houses. If you can't find time to play for 10 hours a month out of the 720 we are all given then do you really deserve to horde your homes? Now I'm sure you're going to all say, "people can just afk for 10hrs each month and still keep their houses." This is true but I'm sure the admins and devs can come up with a way to counteract that via tracking stats if its not possible to implement an auto afk logout.
    In conclusion I'm just one of you guys that has been playing this server for years since 2014 and I want to see it thrive. Maybe this can be one step into the right direction. If you have any other suggestions or ideas on this matter please comment down below and lets try and come up with a solution as a community and not just instantly shut it down.
  13. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by KrazyKnight in Please define harrasement on the server.   
    Only the one that your directly fucked with. Usually how you probably catch that.
  14. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by william in poll to get inateocean to go on a date with me   
    @Innate is spoken for... he sucks my toes most evenings before a gentle spoon to fall asleep.
  15. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Section F ( kick admins)   
    Idk why @skimancolelocked this. But I agree.
  16. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Alshiq Fatarra in Civilians can check the registration on a lockpicked vehicle   
    Give civilians the option to check the glove box to check registration on a vehicle
  17. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Cre in What the APD should listen to   
    Buddy, it's a game. It's also a dying game. You're absolutely out of your mind to expect people to grind out more than 20hrs to apply for whitelist. Not to mention that the whitelist interview, cadet period, and ride along are all perfectly good gateways to test people's knowledge.
    Tl;dr: Chill out. People have lives and don't get paid to work 12 hour policing shifts on Asylum 💀
  18. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Innate in What the APD should listen to   
    The APD is not meant to be an elite force of experienced players, if we were to tighten restrictions on who we allowed in we would not have an active police force. It is okay for constables to be asking questions it is a role for learning, while we expect constables to know the basics they will not know everything and that is okay.
    Also of our active APD sgts/lts/cpts 10/17 have less than 300 hours on civ, these are trusted officers who know what they are doing.
  19. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Spanky2060 in 2022 RESET EVERYTHING   
    yah wipe everyone, keep seeds removed, change scotch back to how it used to be, re-add the old infamy system, readd parole, add bounty hunter shops back to cities, and make kavala actually have people in it again, along with more incentives to play as cop because no one ever plays as cop.
  20. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by ObiWoki in Changelog October   
    Asylum duel arena Can contain one fight at a time Players can invite at the duel arena With bets that are variable from $50.000 - $999.999 Invited players can accept at a courthouse (60 seconds to accept) On acception the players get teleported to the arena On teleportation half of the betting amount will be subtracted from your account (500k bet on the game, each player puts 250k in the pot) Both parties will battle for the best out of three On win you will get the battle amount On lose you will get nothing (obviously) if your battle partner leaves you will get your input back and as a punishment for leaving your battle partner will lose their input. Once the battle is concluded you get teleported back to your previous spot Interruption of the event from the outside is a bannable offense.. Any interruption is recorded and can / will lead to administrative actions Mobile HQ Cops can use prestige to unlock the mobile HQ (SGT+) Prestige lvl 1 - 45,000 You can buy the mobile HQ Other cops can spawn on the mobile HQ Seizing items is allowed within the vicinity of the hemmt and it will act like a normal HQ You can buy gear at the dedicated NPC Prestige lvl 2 - 65,000 You get a additional car spawnpoint and a dedicated NPC for car spawns Prestige lvl 3 - 90,000 Your car spawnpoint now also functions as a air vehicle spawn point Cost of buying a mobile HQ is $40,000 Buy it at any cop vehicle NPC You can drive it to anywhere you like and set it up by using the 'Setup mobile HQ' Once deployed you can not move it to another location Need a free space around the HEMMT of 30 meters Blowing up the center vehicle results in destruction of the HQ Cops can remove the HQ by impounding the vehicle The HQ despawns automagically 28 minutes after it was placed The HQ can only be placed once every half hour Gang fort scoreboard can now be initialized by typing "!gangfortscore" Changed:
    Gang fort time Gang fort now only lasts for 1 hour (since last patch actually but we never mentioned it) House inventory The house inventory does not unlock for other civilians or medics anymore when you unlock all your doors of your house Cops (lieutenants) can still unlock houses and access the inventory for house raids Prison Performance increase Removed unnecessary data being created Scotch 25 year scotch will now be processed at purification factory A 5% tax will only be taken for 25 year scotch due to it now being more risky Smoke blur Disabled in vehicles Disabled on foot Fixed:
    Tempest device mining returning "The vehicle is full" when trying to mine with a trunk capacity of over 900 An error with some type of ammo not being able to be found Adrenaline shot consuming twice on use Box truck displaying the wrong max weight in garage Quest Ghillie in the mist not giving loot rewards Black market (air) requiring you to hold the full amount of cash whilst having a reduction Gang fort hud disappearing on respawn not displaying the correct score Join when in progress not showing the capture circle Join when in progress not initializing the HUD scripts Removed:
    RPG damage reduction to vehicles Unnecessary variables being transferred across the network when starting some federal events Old evidence files  
    Hotfix #1
    Not being able to send players to jail at the mobile HQ Not being able to pull vehicles at the mobile HQ The duel arena using the wrong logic resulting in random players getting teleported Some issues on the backend Hotfix #2
    Disabled ammo on hellcat benches Hotfix #3
    Error in lighthouse lamps Gang fort hud memory leak Gang fort marker not spawning on JIP Added your own gang score to top of the hud
  21. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by GravL in Reward for stopping bank   
    As far as i know, there is very little to no reward for cops if they disable drill, you get more of a reward if the vault opens and you sieze the money. what about making it so that if you disable drill, however much money would've spawned is instantly split between cops in a 2km radius. just seems redundant to get more of a reward if the robbers succeed.
  22. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by ObiWoki in New shipping style mission?   
    Interested in what the community thinks, adding a poll I don't have permission to add a poll nevermind
  23. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Vhantom in Community Service | Probation   
    No one will ever get parole lol
  24. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by william in Community Service | Probation   
    hahahahahaha loved parole back in the day made me millions
  25. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by ObiWoki in Changelog September   
    You are sending a image from the stone age without actually showing real proof of what rain actually looks like now and how it impacts performance. It doesn't look like this shit show anymore and has had multiple revisions by bohemia over the state of rain to improve the exact things you are saying.
    For now it stays till a restart, this is subject to change in the future though
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