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Everything posted by ObiWoki

  1. I am open to suggestions to fix cartel life, but I doubt money would be the real incentive to bring cartel life back to Asylum
  2. yikes we didn't think this through
  3. Every town has its own unique drug, location will stay near Athira / center map.
  4. + it was derived from the weight of our SA's We will discuss internally and decide on a new weight
  5. ObiWoki


    I don't see why heroin should have an extra processing step to produce a purified form but then again idc if we do. @Patato thoughts and opinions?
  6. For sure that we can arrange the distance to be infront of the car name no biggie, For the other bit ima look into the possibilities of adding the despawn timer to it but by looking into the system for 3 seconds I doubt the current system easily allows for that. I'll add it to the list of "future projects maybe soon?"
  7. We do not feel like exploring the possibilities of having an on the fly spawnpoint other than house spawns as of right now
  8. ObiWoki


    Works every time
  9. Already on the list of things that has to be done, just don't want it in the quest system
  10. You can already do this in arma 3 settings and if thats not enough maybe the night eyes talent is just the right talent for you
  11. Hotfix #1 Wanted menu is back on 1 to not confuse older players Can now actually be changed with user action 16 (instead of just adding a second button to open the wanted menu) for players that badly want to use 1 to pull out their gun A house near athira police checkpoint has been disabled due to it being unbuyable Static inventory is no longer a thing when drilling for oil (your upgrades count now!) A bug which resulted in people being able to buy vehicles for 2% of the actual price
  12. SWAT spawns use a safe spawnpoint system. It moves you away from the players that are in HQ for a reason. It might be unfortunate that you spawn far away but keep in mind it comes in handy sometimes. We could take a look into the existing normal spawnpoints tho
  13. Correct yet incorrect. I eventually changed it to be a settable polygon so we can exactly decide where you can seize and where not because using a circle around a mapmarker is dumb so now we draw a polygon and within there you can seize. In my opinion you should be able to seize / send to jail in the entirety of the HQ which should be a viable option but probably an unpopulair opinion
  14. Will be added for bounty hunter cuffs
  15. Might sound harsh but we are not adding a store to just sell one item, go to the rebel outpost or rethink the entire chop shop idea and we might have a longer talk
  16. We will be doing tests with rare occasions of rain. This will not be a realtime follow of the real life islands weather.
  17. We will be internally discussing the viability of the impact it would have on the 'life' aspect on the server and all other important aspects of having such tool in the game.
  18. You are going to have to be way more specific than 'add cartel / processing / new drug please thanks bye' As we are open to suggestions for new stuff I have no clue what you imagine by 'Counterfeit Cash and Document Forgery processing plants with a new Cartel?'
  19. We will look into this mod and if it doesn't give any advantages other than lighting we will add it to the server
  20. You are not playing battlefield, but a life server
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