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Everything posted by Oskarr

  1. https://gyazo.com/9f2a44e6c1757cc3bd291bb58da9c48b talk about running from fights
  2. last time i checked u do the same
  3. Unknown is looking for a medic!!
  4. idk everytime i came to rebel to refill mags i see u there gearing maybe thats why
  5. WOW du får en kommentar oxå oroa dig inte
  6. First place should profit 2nd place should barely profit while third should barely break even. Everygang should wanna go for #1 and not be happy with 2 or 3 because it pays decent. Makes everything more competitive
  7. This was really good only things were the freezes during time switch and ifrits need to go faster
  8. yea change name to strife domination sucks
  9. only reason i have the amount of bloodmoney i have is cause i cannot lose it unless i spend it which i dont, alll my bloodmoney shows is that i killed alot of people but if i would lose some everytime i die then i would be nowhere close and having alot of bloodmoney would mean something.
  10. Bloodmoney is already super easy to get if these buffs get added please make it so you lose some if you die. I dont like the idea of only gaining and having 0 chance of losing especially if getting bloodmoney without waring is gonna be a thing
  11. Just get a global ban and he will unban u straight away
  12. Oskarr


    NO WAY U GOT BANNED FOR TRYING TO KILL SOMEONE if thats the reason and they dont show any proof this should be enough for @Mitch (IFRIT) to unban u wtf is this
  13. Unknowns best player is this bad!!!!! 🤣
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