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  1. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Stretch in The Submarine   
  2. Elijah liked a post in a topic by DS_Billy in 10 Years of Drunk Squad   
    So something rather special happened this month. Get ready for gayness.

    10 years ago @Drunk Devin @Travy @IndianapolisJones and some Asian wife beater we don't talk about anymore, came into asylum from another server and founded Drunk Squad.

    Since then, Drunk Squad has been lead by @Drunk Devin @PwnCake @Luke SwagWalker @Robb and myself.

    The first time i encountered Drunk Squad was late 2013, i came across a very drunken Indy and a very young Luke Swagwalker, i was swiftly roped into surrounding a police officer and torturing him to the point where we ended up taking over the kavala hq, where i was swiftly downed ziptied and sacraficed to mohammed by indy, by throwing me off the top of Kavala HQ.

    Since then, Drunk Squad has managed to keep its values in tact while also maintaining a fun safe place to play, upholding a family mentality that is incredibly hard to find elsewhere. We have always upheld simple values that are expected out of each and every one of the members that have come through the family. Play fair, uphold your integrity and torture the cops and anyone who is, in the words of luke swagwalker "Saltier than Nickis in the Ocean holding two salt shakers with the caps off". Gone are the days where we have 25 DS tags in the server list at one time during the glory days, but when we come together and take an interest in asylum we still manage to find inventive ways to fuck with people. Mainly cops.

    While other gangs on asylum have come and gone we have stayed as a staple. We take breaks off asylum, whilst always maintaining a presence there, but our community has always been here since we were founded. We have since spread into different games to try and scratch the itch that not playing a 10 year old asylum leaves.

    A personal note from me, we have had many people come and go but the core has stayed the same. You lot have made sitting down in front of the pc and having the honor to log into TeamSpeak and hang out, an absolute pleasure. I have watched some of you go from single, to in a relationship, to married, to having kids. I am so proud of the people you guys have become and i love each and every one of you. People have joined Drunk Squad with the intention of splitting us up and they have never succeeded. Blood is thicker than water. Fuck em.
    A note to everybody else. 

    There is no other gang out there on asylum that remotely gets close to the success that Drunk Squad has achieved within Asylum. Although we only managed to win one Gang Wars, (Gang wars 7). We have managed to stay together for 10 years whilst annoying the fuck out of anybody who's allowed themselves to get salty. We are a different breed of human in here. We've had Jew, muslim, mormon, British, American, Norwegian, French, Canadian, Indian, Mexican, African, Black, White many other nationalities and Ebola. We all rip the shit out of eachother for our differences and it makes us closer. Drunk Squad is a great lesson for how not getting offended at anything can bring people closer. You will never be able to troll us more than we can troll you, cause we truly don't give a shit, a reaction is all we ever want out of you virgins, and if you're reading this and hating, thankyou for proving my point you dribbling retards.

    In closing, i dont know how the online presence of our family ends if ever, who knows maybe the next generation of Drunk Squad littleuns will be playing ear rape music at cops in arma 5, but i know that the family itself will never die.

    Happy Birthday to us lads and ladies. Here's to another 10 years. 

    Bring it on fuckers. 
  3. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Ebola in Gear/Variants   
    Messing around in the  Virtual Arsenal for a few. Would like to see if any of these options can be added for both rebels/APD UC.
    1. Special Purpose Suit (Green Hex & Hex) make this a 25k-45k price tag and only stackable with load-bearing vests only that do not add any additional armor value (I.E. LBV Vest, Grenadier Vest). The suit is equivalent to wearing CSAT Coveralls with a just a hint more of protection and less than or equal to pilot cov/tac vest combo. **Could also be an additional suit that can withstand radiation.** (SEE PIC BELOW) 2. For those that have the Light Combat Helmet unlocked, please add the rest of the camo variants that are avaiable please. 3. Press vest = Same armor value as Police Tac vest. (Maybe make it buyable with blood money only for rebels & not stackable with granits/coveralls) 4. Ghost Hawks. I know this topic has been visited before but if the pawnee can be added for 500m, why not add ghost hawks for 500k or something along the lines of that. Orca still has better armor rating than the Ghost Hawks and glass can be penetrated with 7.62/6.5mm
  4. HunterB liked a post in a topic by Elijah in New admins   
    Congratulations 👍
  5. Ken liked a post in a topic by Elijah in New admins   
    Congratulations 👍
  6. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Rogue in What has Asylum come to...   
    If you provide actual content suggestions I will look into it and bring it to the devs. The issue is just that though, content suggestions. Everyone, including me, screams NEW CONTENT...yet we don't provide the devs with content to develop. If the community has actual content ideas we can get the ball rolling on them. That being said, making a ton of new custom skins wont be the new content.
    We can look into the following:
    1) Releasing more in game Arma clothing (not skins) for purchase
    2) Revamping "Menace to Society" @Louie@Vista@Zurph@bbgreg17
    3) Working with faction groups to get input for community content (we need this as the devs cannot and will not be responsible for dreaming up new content ideas)
    4) Releasing (I make no promises here) more weapons and attachments for purchase/crafting
    5) Either increasing explosive damage done for explosives or decreasing price
  7. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Wang Liqin in Wipe event feedback thread   
    Did you ever actually make money on the asylum? have you ever did a big meth run with cops opposing you?
    If you wanna just fight people go wasteland or koth lil bro
  8. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Friendly Reminder:   
    Donating to the server in any fashion DOES NOT make you immune to the rules. Further, if use that donation to influence your standing within the community, you will be promptly removed from the ability to do so. 

    Don't be this guy @Michael Gambetti
  9. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Natha in (WTB) SHED NEAR BLACKMARKET/METHLAB AREA   
    Looking to offer a good deal on one of the sheds near black market / meth lab area. If owner of any of these sheds would like to discuss business please reach out to me via Discord
    - Natha 
  10. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Changes   
    With the feedback that we received from last nights meeting with the community there are going to be some changes taking affect immediately.
    Community Manager role has been removed:
     As Asylum has evolved over the years so has the role of our Community Managers. These added responsibilities moved them further away from what I think of when I think about what a Community Manager should do. In an effort to better reflect their duties the CM role has been changed to a Senior Admin position. In addition to general admin duties and special items Senior Admins will be responsible for the following: VPN whitelist requests, owner/really old ban appeals, admin reports and activity tracking, APD Cpt and AFD Chief IA's, overseeing Support and moderator applications and training. Expect to see some additional senior admins in the coming weeks.
    Civilian representatives:
     I heard your calls loud and clear and I have agreed to implement a civilian council to ensure there is a clear path for community suggestions and feedback. It will be based in our discord with an area that the representatives are able to speak directly to myself and the development team. Typing in the chat will be limited to those representatives, but everyone will be able to read it and see what's being talked about and proposed. I hope this brings an additional level of transparency. Our new contributors @ObiWoki and @mitch have agreed to take the lead on this group. You can apply via the support system under the section "Civilian representatives application". Your application will be reviewed and a decision will be made.
    More changes to come over the coming weeks. 
  11. Elijah liked a post in a topic by DS_Billy in "Drunk Squad" Server 4   
    From Tonight. 

    The community is still running strong as ever yes 😀  We play multiple games as a community, sometimes that isn't always asylum but we always have a presence here, and we are heating back up on Asylum. |

    DS still on top. 
  12. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Boonie Hat in New Crates & Bundle Skins Showcase   
    You can buy the new Keys & Bundles at https://my.gaming-asylum.com/store/gold
    Camo Crate 1 Contents:
    Commons: Bust 1 - 4,
    Rares: Pink Camo Ifrit, Purple Camo Ifrit, Red Camo Ifrit
    Limiteds: Pink Camo CSAT Coveralls, Purple Camo CSAT Coveralls, Red Camo CSAT Coveralls

    Camo Crate 1 Skins:
    Camo Crate 2 Contents:
    Commons: Bust 1 - 4,
    Rares: Orange Camo Ifrit, Green Camo Ifrit, Blue Camo Ifrit
    Limiteds: Orange Camo CSAT Coveralls, Green Camo CSAT Coveralls, Blue Camo CSAT Coveralls
    Camo Crate 2 Skins:
    For the Bundle Skins you will get a skin for each of these civilian vehicles: Offroad, Hatch (Sport), Flatbed, Hunter, Strider, Box truck, Van (Cargo), Van Transport, Tempest (Device), HEMTT Box, Qilin (Unarmed), Prowler (Unarmed), Jeep (LMG), Qilin (Minigun), Jeep, Hummingbird, Hellcat, Orca, A-143 Buzzard, Mohawk, SDV, Motorboat.

    Blue Camo Bundle Skins:

    Purple Camo Bundle Skins:

    Pink Camo Bundle Skins:

    Red Camo Bundle Skins:

    Orange Camo Bundle Skins:

    Green Camo Bundle Skins:

  13. Vortex liked a post in a topic by Elijah in New Mods   
  14. CoffeeTea liked a post in a topic by Elijah in New Mods   
  15. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in APD is already leaving?   
    Plot twist he made this thread, got roasted, hid it.
    I'll unhide for you
  16. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Mr. Slick in Changelog - May   
    Hotfix #6:
    - Optimized some on death stuff (should reduce some instances of lag)
    - Fixed AFD house repairs not deleting ruins & marker for medics not cleaning up properly
    - Fixed war rating calculation 
    - Fixed LSD processing not taking a cut if you didn't have the talent
    - Fixed "the God of Feds" & "the Cop Slayer" title tags not properly showing their colors
    - Fixed “Lucky Man” seasonal quest
    - "Gold Bars" seasonal quest will now give the proper buff for selling gold bars and nuggets
  17. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Mr. Slick in Changelog - May   
    Hotfix #2:
    - Fixed Gun Game (again)
    - Decreased price of sativa/indica bud from 1250 to 980
    - Decrease amount of cannabis that matures per restart (50 to 35)
    - Made some quests harder overall to complete
    - Fixed instances of houses being purchased, even if they were owned
    - Fixed medkits stacking on cop and medic
    - New charges breaking wanted menu
    - Fixed seasonal quest "deerstand defender" applying to any deerstand (woops)
    - Fixed ufo creating an antimatter explosion and sending the server to a blackhole
    - Chop shop quests for cop vehicles not working correctly
    - Clarified some quests requirements
    - Fixed oysters not taking a cut to the drug cartel
    - Fixed jury summons not informing players that the bench was full
    - Fixed jurors not being able to see defendants charges
    - Issue with smoking cannabis closing menus around people
  18. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Changelog - May   
    Leaving where it is for now until we are confident that any bugs from the patched are worked out. Don't much feel like playing the guessing game with lag. Rest assured that I want to see it higher as soon as we can, but not willing to ruin the experience of 135 people for an additional 10 people to play. 
  19. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Mr. Slick in Changelog - May   
    Hotfix #1:
    - Fixed Gun Game positions
    - Talent/Prestige Menu fixed
    - Exchange Menus Fixed
    - Virtual Shop will no longer sort
    - Attempted fix for house repair invisible
    - Fixed issue with cops getting more than 4 virtual first aids on respawn
    - Attempted fix for UFO crash
    - Fixed sprouts not maturing correctly
    - Added first aids to more places
    - Increase cost of attending jury duty from 2.5k to 5k
    - Fixed issues with blackjack giving more rewards
    - Option to fak if legged
    - Fixed Moonshine not working correctly
  20. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Protocol in The Altis Life...   
  21. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Azeh in Changelog - Late January   
    "Crypto" loot crate. Gold/Iredescence Orca skin for donor 10 and 9 respectively. Cop: Gendarmerie Uniform (Blue). Cop: Gendarmerie Uniform (Grey) for donor 3. Cop: Gendarmerie Uniform (Tan) for donor 3. A map marker will be created when your bounty combat logs. 30/75rnd Lush magazine AK12. Sand magazine for Spar 16. Car garage to the airshop south of Kavala. Changed/Tweaked:
    Everyone, regardless of donor level, spawns with a debit card. Increased the maximum house sell price from $999,999 to $4,999,999. Removed the fullscreen NVG implementation and added a fullscreen NVG item instead. Cops can purchase diving gear at the normal cop clothing store. Replaced the cop Rangemaster Uniform with a new uniform and new textures by @danile666 Reworked Kavala by @Jbdragon The drug runner boat can no longer be loaded into other vehicles. Some code optimization. Improved tilde key usage when inside or looking at a heli. Fixed:
    Picking up gold bars not being possible in some places. An issue with the gun game event causing server lag. Inability to drop bounty if that person is APB.
  22. Elijah liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Minecraft Community Managers   
    Yesterday I appointed @Elijahand @Natha to take lead on the Minecraft project. Below is a message from them in regards to their new position and their future plans.
    Myself and Elijah are very excited to take on the role of Minecraft Community Manager on top of roles as Admin, and Ambassador. A little About us, our Asylum adventure started now nearing 4 years ago but we have been friends in real life for now going on almost 10 years. Joining the asylum community was a new experience for us and and we loved it. Our one and only gang we have been in has been Drunk Squad for 2 and a half years I'd say. Our passion for this community then lead us to taking these current roles and now our new role.  While our background in the Minecraft community isn't at an expert level, Myself and Elijah have a long history of working with some of the biggest, and well known eSport/Gaming organizations (they will not be named) in the world. Most of what we did was business development, brand marketing, and partnership/talent acquisitions. Our goal with this Minecraft project is to make it something the players absolutely love. Population, regular map/content updates, and community giveaways. Our initial soft launch was a success , and we appreciate everyone who played , donated , and reported bugs within the server.  Now,  it's time to take it to a whole new level. In the near future we will be announcing our first partnership, and soon we will be looking to fill a couple of staff positions.  If you feel like you have talents or experience that could help us in the MC world or the Asylum brand , we encourage you to reach out to us via Discord or via PM. 
    Some may include :
    * Cinematography
    * Video Editing 
    * Graphic Design 
    Thank you all have a great rest of your day/night. 
  23. Mason liked a post in a topic by Elijah in New Staff Members   
    I don’t see your point, but my dog sure is cute 🙂 
  24. Protocol liked a post in a topic by Elijah in tage 5   
    Nice Tage!
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