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Posts posted by Energy

  1. 13 minutes ago, Mitch (IFRIT) said:

    I understand that the summer has not been as great as many had wished for. I wish there were words that I could say to put everyone at ease.


    But to be frank, there isn't.


    However, we can all stand around the fire and continue to focus on what is bad, or not good. Or we can decide to focus on what is good. And to be frank, I don't care for us to be compared to Olympus. Sure, they have some amazing features, and some skilled developers, there is no denying that. I just don't see the purpose of it. Neither company's strive to be each other. Moving on.


    We are getting hit by the ever so amazing summer's end slow down. But this slow down really sucks. I find it very frustrating to see the servers have low pops. I really wish the people from Server 3 didn't have to migrate to an new server to enjoy Asylum. However, some things are out of my control. It's my fear that a majority of our veteran players still cannot understand that the Admin team and the Development team are separate when it comes to these things. We all work tirelessly to get features implemented. Some things happen and some don't. That's called life. We have some stuff in the oven, and I'm hopeful that it's done cooking soon. But I won't lie to you, and I'll beat the edgy kids around here to the punch. No update will bring us to full servers if we continue to implode. The unrelenting amount of B.S that seems to float around is exhausting. You all need to take it easy on each other. The members of the community and staff don't wish to be your virtual punching bag. Do you think that people have lost interest here? You are not wrong, they have. I have a lot more to say here. But I'll spare further comment as I have to run.


    TLDR Thanks for being here at Asylum. Strive to make the fun you wish to see. Be a positive influence.





    If the rebel tree was out and was good people would start playing again.But the server performance is still a big issue and is another reason why people are qutting asylum and playing Olympus   

    Gagss likes this
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