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Sheriff Rick

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Everything posted by Sheriff Rick

  1. The Tower Lag God is the one who decides people's fates and who will be getting roasted in sidechat
  2. Sorta wish that if you stay at rebel longer than ten minutes or something you get marked on the map or some shit. Nothing ruins everyone else's time like sitting at rebel and camping
  3. Shit almost got me my houses taken away back in the day. It was nice while it lasted. I thought it was a feature I swear
  4. Did that bitch Clara get on his PC? She's gotten all sorts of people
  5. I sorta wish you had a timer of 15 minutes where you still kept your bounty in case your escape doesn't go so well. But I agree it defeats the purpose of being broken out of prison and can even be something you don't want to do because next time you're caught it is straight to jail.
  6. I'm looking for Carl and doing hood rat shit in Kavala I still do that
  7. Bank is suspect for lag anyway and there's probably a better alternative. Prison for sure needs to be reverted back to OG prison
  8. Gotta try shit to see what will work and what wont
  9. I say try removing doors on Quillin and Prowlers first and if they are still as powerful then think about removing them. They're a nice all purpose vehicle that I personally would hate to see be removed entirely.
  10. The Australia life modded server Paratus did wiped everyone and sure money was worth more on that server. But also nobody played on it after two weeks. And this was when Arma 3 actually had a thriving community, which it doesn't now.
  11. If you guys can optimize the servers and bring some new content I think there's a good chance that Asylum gets its population back. Perfect timing toowith Christmas break
  12. You did a lot for the servers and I'm also glad that you are leaving the servers with new ownership have a dev with them so they can continue Asylum. Thanks for making Asylum live on
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