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Everything posted by Shepurd

  1. We already drive away a sizable chunk when they look at our servers at 4:30PM and see 40 people on each server. WOOOOWWEEEEE THIS SERVER IS POPPINNNN
  2. We don't have to keep s2 closed forever, but playing on half populated servers is lame as fuck. All these people in here saying, "60-70 pLaYeRs iS ToTaLlY gReAt aNd DeFiNitEly nOrMaL" is fucking dumb. Anyone here who is a real OG knows back in the day when every server was 100/100 Asylum was fucking KICKASS. Playing on half populated servers is NOT good for playerbase and no one new wants to play on a server that literally never fills up. I say, keep house cap at 5 and bring it down to just one server. S1, S2, I don't give a fuck which server it is, once we can keep a server full throughout most of the day we can bring the second server BACK UP and you'll have all your shit back. Asylum is NOT going to bring in new players at a healthy rate if servers have 30-50 people on them most of the day.
  3. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I think we should only have server 1 up for now. Currently, everyday we have like 50-60 people on s2 and like 60-70 people on s1 and we never have a full server. (atleast everytime I look at server pops its like that) Lets only have Server 1 up with a maximum pop of 120 players. With our new mission file the server should be able to handle it, and it will be awesome being to play with a lot of people again. There would be people EVERYWHERE. tons of fights, tons of people out making money. It would be fucking awesome.
  4. That Narcotic Trafficing idea is pretty cool. It's like a smaller version of drug runner that is more beginner friendly and good for starter cash.
  5. lmao its a good thing my mic is turned off on shadowplay because its just me losing my shit
  6. Any chance we can uhhh, get rid of these please?
  7. Literally no one cooks meth or runs heroin when they're in their shit locations. Like, those 2 locations are actually horrible. How about instead of moving drug fields out there, we just come up with NEW content to put out there? Anyone who votes yes on this is officially on my list(list of confirmed retards).
  8. Runs in there and just starts taking everyones fuckin shoes lmao
  9. This was from a while ago DISCLAIMER! anything that looks like we might have maybe possibly not quite surely sort have could have exploited the prison was PURELY for science and was backed by badoopabong and cleetus shellwood themselves.
  10. @lethal Didn't realize you joined DS bro!
  11. Holy fuck dude. You seriously outdid yourself with this one. Incredible job bro
  12. Shepurd

    Gang Wars

    Sounds good to me.
  13. Shepurd

    Gang Wars

    Defending church cap without a box truck to block west rock with is pretty unfair tbh. Any gang with a brain knows that the first thing you do at that cartel is blocking west rock off. otherwise its impossible to hold. I'm not saying give the defending team a bunch of quilins, but you just really need something for west rock. Just 1 box truck instead of the ifrit. otherwise you're not holding church cap properly and it will ruin the legitimacy of the fight.
  14. Shepurd

    My settings

    Arma folder/files might be set to Read Only. go into the properties and check.
  15. $500 for a 2070 is fucking awesome. Better cop that shit before it goes up.
  16. A few things I'd like to share my opinions on. Quilin/Prowlers: Definitely needed to get a price increase and doors removed, however, I feel like you perhaps went a little too far with the price. 50k is quite a lot especially when they just got nerfed by removing the doors. In my mind I guess I imagined them costing closer to around 20k. Donor/Arms Rebel: I think it's a major mistake to remove the donor rebel. The whole point of getting a rebel added on Arms was for 2 gangs to be able to regear close to the cartel so that fights can happen faster. This was wanted because during cartel fights many players will just end up spending the majority of their time fighting over donor rebel, which isn't fun at all and takes up a stupid amount of time that could be spent fighting the actual cartel. Suicide Vests/RPGs: Guess I just don't understand the reason behind the price increase here. I haven't seen any threads on the forums or people talking in sidechat about them being too cheap? I don't think anyone asked for this and it seems out of no where. Prison: Looks really good, but I think a couple deerstands with some cover need to be added at the cop side of the bridge. Used to be a lot of fun to try and hold those outside deerstands back in 6.0, and it would be fun to able to do that again. All together I like this patch alot. Just a few tweaks that I think should be made to balance things out.
  17. this dude takes my fucking shoes everytime I go to a cartel someone kill him pls
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