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John Lemmon

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Everything posted by John Lemmon

  2. I had to ask who I was even talking to. You came back to quote the boys instantly. idk whos living in whos head, but I dont browse a forum of a game I dont play looking for recognition or bragging about how much money my wardrobe is worth. Stop acting like you wont read these messages, we all know you read everything
  3. hahahhaha you can be without a job and have a wardrobe worth 12k. Most of it is probably the cost of your cumsocks that you keep anyways
  4. I feel like thats some shit you brag about to people irl lmao ur fucking cringe hahahhahaha
  5. This bunk bed bandit kid is no joke the most cringe guy I have ever heard speak. Holy fuck go touch some grass or some shit
  6. Lets do a new exploit no one has seen before and that no one knows about and do it on purpose!
  7. Yea for sure! playing alone gets boring after a bit. Just hit me up if you would be down to play sometime!
  8. I have had enough of the flame im getting on this game! I am not old and I am not bad at this game! I LOVE ARMA 3 but the hate is getting to me. I get called old everyday by newer players, and it really makes me angry. Every domination I fail to kill somebody and I get called bad at arma 3! FOR WHAT?! This flame is the only reason I wont let my grandchildren play arma 3 with me.
  9. I would love to watch myself get dumpstered in 60fps next time
  10. It is beyond me how the admins havent banned this player yet.. at 1:17 you clearly toggle using AIMHACK(!) to cheat your way into getting a kill. So pathetic. Grow up man stop cheating
  11. no one on this entire game thought you were cheating bud. You got banned at the same time as UC thats how we know 🙂
  12. Name them, because I bet you it will be laughable
  13. Log on olympus and get killed by cheaters that got a 2nd chance already too Noma shouldnt get unbanned shut up about that shit
  14. yes sitting there repairing a truck sounds like something every player in a gang wants to do. It gives me a lot of afk time to not do anything. Focus on making it better for everyone before expanding to other maps. No point expanding something no one plays to other maps
  15. When you bookin the plane tickets to fight tiger? I wanna watch
  16. You and your gang made all of your money from playing domination lmao. Besides that, what progress have you made that you will lose? The server should have been wiped when asylum got revived again. I still want it now though because it would bring back a nostalgic feeling I believe. Imagine working together with your gang again to make enough for some trucks to run drugs with. All the fighting over meth and shit sounds so much fun.
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