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Mike Stmria

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  1. Space liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Mexico needs your help   
    Hello guys,
    As some of you already know, a 7.1 earthquake just stroke Mexico City. There is a specialized group of guys that help people that are trapped under structures called TOPOS (moles, you can find more info about them here www.topos.mx). They are not helped by the goberment as they are a NGO and right now they are in need of stuff (machinery and equipment) to help the victims that are still trapped after almost 10 hours in some buildings.
    If you can help they are taking donations through paypal with the following info:
    Dear international friends, Topos is a professional non-profit Mexican rescue team. More than ever they need our support. In Mexico: Banco: Santander Cuenta: 92-00070929-4 CLABE: 014180920007092942 Referencia: Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco, A.C. Anywhere else: Paypal: [email protected]
    In case you dont know what im talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/715t6d/building_collapses_in_mexico_city_during_todays/?ref=share&ref_source=link
    Your help could save a life today.
    Remember that one of your us dollar is about 18 mexican pesos that will help them afford a lot of stuff.
    Thanks for your help!
    note: Keep this a political.
  2. Reformed Katheeri liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Mexico needs your help   
    Hello guys,
    As some of you already know, a 7.1 earthquake just stroke Mexico City. There is a specialized group of guys that help people that are trapped under structures called TOPOS (moles, you can find more info about them here www.topos.mx). They are not helped by the goberment as they are a NGO and right now they are in need of stuff (machinery and equipment) to help the victims that are still trapped after almost 10 hours in some buildings.
    If you can help they are taking donations through paypal with the following info:
    Dear international friends, Topos is a professional non-profit Mexican rescue team. More than ever they need our support. In Mexico: Banco: Santander Cuenta: 92-00070929-4 CLABE: 014180920007092942 Referencia: Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco, A.C. Anywhere else: Paypal: [email protected]
    In case you dont know what im talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/715t6d/building_collapses_in_mexico_city_during_todays/?ref=share&ref_source=link
    Your help could save a life today.
    Remember that one of your us dollar is about 18 mexican pesos that will help them afford a lot of stuff.
    Thanks for your help!
    note: Keep this a political.
  3. HomeTrlx liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Mexico needs your help   
    Hello guys,
    As some of you already know, a 7.1 earthquake just stroke Mexico City. There is a specialized group of guys that help people that are trapped under structures called TOPOS (moles, you can find more info about them here www.topos.mx). They are not helped by the goberment as they are a NGO and right now they are in need of stuff (machinery and equipment) to help the victims that are still trapped after almost 10 hours in some buildings.
    If you can help they are taking donations through paypal with the following info:
    Dear international friends, Topos is a professional non-profit Mexican rescue team. More than ever they need our support. In Mexico: Banco: Santander Cuenta: 92-00070929-4 CLABE: 014180920007092942 Referencia: Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco, A.C. Anywhere else: Paypal: [email protected]
    In case you dont know what im talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/715t6d/building_collapses_in_mexico_city_during_todays/?ref=share&ref_source=link
    Your help could save a life today.
    Remember that one of your us dollar is about 18 mexican pesos that will help them afford a lot of stuff.
    Thanks for your help!
    note: Keep this a political.
  4. Silver-Spy liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Mexico needs your help   
    Hello guys,
    As some of you already know, a 7.1 earthquake just stroke Mexico City. There is a specialized group of guys that help people that are trapped under structures called TOPOS (moles, you can find more info about them here www.topos.mx). They are not helped by the goberment as they are a NGO and right now they are in need of stuff (machinery and equipment) to help the victims that are still trapped after almost 10 hours in some buildings.
    If you can help they are taking donations through paypal with the following info:
    Dear international friends, Topos is a professional non-profit Mexican rescue team. More than ever they need our support. In Mexico: Banco: Santander Cuenta: 92-00070929-4 CLABE: 014180920007092942 Referencia: Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco, A.C. Anywhere else: Paypal: [email protected]
    In case you dont know what im talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/715t6d/building_collapses_in_mexico_city_during_todays/?ref=share&ref_source=link
    Your help could save a life today.
    Remember that one of your us dollar is about 18 mexican pesos that will help them afford a lot of stuff.
    Thanks for your help!
    note: Keep this a political.
  5. explicit liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Mexico needs your help   
    Hello guys,
    As some of you already know, a 7.1 earthquake just stroke Mexico City. There is a specialized group of guys that help people that are trapped under structures called TOPOS (moles, you can find more info about them here www.topos.mx). They are not helped by the goberment as they are a NGO and right now they are in need of stuff (machinery and equipment) to help the victims that are still trapped after almost 10 hours in some buildings.
    If you can help they are taking donations through paypal with the following info:
    Dear international friends, Topos is a professional non-profit Mexican rescue team. More than ever they need our support. In Mexico: Banco: Santander Cuenta: 92-00070929-4 CLABE: 014180920007092942 Referencia: Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco, A.C. Anywhere else: Paypal: [email protected]
    In case you dont know what im talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/715t6d/building_collapses_in_mexico_city_during_todays/?ref=share&ref_source=link
    Your help could save a life today.
    Remember that one of your us dollar is about 18 mexican pesos that will help them afford a lot of stuff.
    Thanks for your help!
    note: Keep this a political.
  6. Xehons liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Mexico needs your help   
    Hello guys,
    As some of you already know, a 7.1 earthquake just stroke Mexico City. There is a specialized group of guys that help people that are trapped under structures called TOPOS (moles, you can find more info about them here www.topos.mx). They are not helped by the goberment as they are a NGO and right now they are in need of stuff (machinery and equipment) to help the victims that are still trapped after almost 10 hours in some buildings.
    If you can help they are taking donations through paypal with the following info:
    Dear international friends, Topos is a professional non-profit Mexican rescue team. More than ever they need our support. In Mexico: Banco: Santander Cuenta: 92-00070929-4 CLABE: 014180920007092942 Referencia: Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco, A.C. Anywhere else: Paypal: [email protected]
    In case you dont know what im talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/715t6d/building_collapses_in_mexico_city_during_todays/?ref=share&ref_source=link
    Your help could save a life today.
    Remember that one of your us dollar is about 18 mexican pesos that will help them afford a lot of stuff.
    Thanks for your help!
    note: Keep this a political.
  7. Eric916 liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Mexico needs your help   
    Hello guys,
    As some of you already know, a 7.1 earthquake just stroke Mexico City. There is a specialized group of guys that help people that are trapped under structures called TOPOS (moles, you can find more info about them here www.topos.mx). They are not helped by the goberment as they are a NGO and right now they are in need of stuff (machinery and equipment) to help the victims that are still trapped after almost 10 hours in some buildings.
    If you can help they are taking donations through paypal with the following info:
    Dear international friends, Topos is a professional non-profit Mexican rescue team. More than ever they need our support. In Mexico: Banco: Santander Cuenta: 92-00070929-4 CLABE: 014180920007092942 Referencia: Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco, A.C. Anywhere else: Paypal: [email protected]
    In case you dont know what im talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/715t6d/building_collapses_in_mexico_city_during_todays/?ref=share&ref_source=link
    Your help could save a life today.
    Remember that one of your us dollar is about 18 mexican pesos that will help them afford a lot of stuff.
    Thanks for your help!
    note: Keep this a political.
  8. Mike Stmria liked a post in a topic by Steve in Remove money cap   
    Sometimes I'll make 4-5 mil in a week if I know I will be too busy to keep up on making money for the next month or so. Besides If you are in a gang that likes to fight cops or cartels a lot, having any kind of money cap is a real pain in the ass. Ifrits and Orcas are expensive, they can even get expensive if you craft them( I know first hand.) 
    I also just simply want the personal freedom to have as much or as little money as I want. Not to mention the few people who do want the money cap in haven't seen the end game content yet.
    In my opinion the money cap and 6.0 in general was the first step in the direction of I guess you could say, "holding peoples hands." You see, the money cap was put in place to stop the rich from picking on the poor, to stop gangs from bringing 3 suicide vests to come save their friends from cops. When I first got killed by a full orca of FSA at the weed field 2 years ago I did not blame it on them being too rich, I realized that I better get some friends together or I will never get any further. I realized I had to make enough money so I can buy a real gun and have a fighting chance, I took the situation into my own hands.
    Group cap was put in to stop people from having 25 people at a cartel fight, and another gang having 10 (the server would take a shit if you tried doing this now anyways.)  Instead of complaining about being outnumbered, I would group up with more people and teach them as best as I could. Besides if a gang has 25 people on they are most likely strong in numbers and not skill. Solution: kill them, if you are good enough you will win.
    The rotor script was put into stop gangs from using Orcas aggressively in combat, whether it was for spotting or hot dropping. So they put in the rotor script even though Orcas are made of fucking paper now. Solution? Shoot the pilot out with a 7.62, if you are on cop and can't get one shoot them when they drop on you. Chances are you have 30 rounds to spare instead of 20. Get behind a rock and kill them. Or stay close to your team mates and they will be able to trade-kill your death. The rotor script is a crutch for those who are bad shots or for those who don't know how to deal with them in the first place. If you think I am wrong quote me on what and explain why, I am more then happy to discuss.
    Furthermore on the hand holding bullshit in general, I noticed gangs will only fight cartels if you let them defend, or go to a certain cap. Half the time the cap they want you to go to isn't even the current cap for that restart. People will not come back if they get shot in the back or if you do something they don't want you to do. Asylum has shaped many players into a very narrow minded style of game-play. If you shoot someone in the back it makes you apparently "dishonorable" or "unfair." Solution: check behind you before you push closer to something and that will happen less, have a little patience, if you can't then oh well, tough shit.
  9. Glass of Water liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Heli garage at drug runner   
    And avoid any chance of "RP" ?
  10. bobzen liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Heli garage at drug runner   
    And avoid any chance of "RP" ?
  11. Reformed Katheeri liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in What Chair do you guys use?   
    Real players play in a potato sitting on top of a cardboard box
  12. Reformed Katheeri liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in APD Ride Along Schedule   
    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.
    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.
    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.
    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule
    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.
  13. Mike Stmria liked a post in a topic by Leady in This is just ridiculous   
    It was changed, but most of us prefer to give the banning admin a chance to handle it. Sometimes there is more to the story than just a player report. We typically try to notate an account as much as possible, but the box is rather small. At the end of the day unless I know the admin is away for some time I don't handle their appeals.
  14. Kev 23 liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in This is just ridiculous   
    I feel offended. Cara is gorgeous and she should be seen in any available place
  15. Mike Stmria liked a post in a topic by HapHazard in This is just ridiculous   
    this thread is fucking amazing...i must say...
  16. Mike Stmria liked a post in a topic by Bikstok in This is just ridiculous   
    She's probably too busy making some stupid makeup tutorial on youtube.
  17. Mayhem liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in New Updates soon?   
    Guess my Undercover Sgt new name is working then.
  18. Midamaru liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in APD Ride Along Schedule   
    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.
    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.
    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.
    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule
    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.
  19. Crossfade liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in Looking for new teammate   
    Why you recording my gameplay?
  20. J. Urbanowski liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in APD Ride Along Schedule   
    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.
    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.
    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.
    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule
    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.
  21. Gen. Henry Arnold liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in APD Ride Along Schedule   
    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.
    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.
    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.
    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule
    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.
  22. CRH liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in APD Ride Along Schedule   
    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.
    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.
    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.
    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule
    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.
  23. Huan Lee liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in APD Ride Along Schedule   
    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.
    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.
    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.
    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule
    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.
  24. conthegodoffire liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in APD Ride Along Schedule   
    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.
    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.
    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.
    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule
    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.
  25. ItsLego liked a post in a topic by Mike Stmria in APD Ride Along Schedule   
    Attempting to give Cadets the oportunity to take a Ride Along at the best of their convinience and attempting to lower the time they new to wait, I've decided to make the follwing format to be able to schedule your Ride Along.
    At this point I am the only one involved in this, but if any other Sgt/Lt wants contact me with the required info and I will add your name. Also if you are an Lt that wants to schedule your interview.
    Cadets and people applying, please take into consideration that we have a max of activities we can do per day so its possible that we won't be able to do it the required day, make sure to choose a couple options if there is any available.
    Please feel the next Form if you wish to Schedule
    Note: This is not official. This is a test to see how it can improve the APD response times and done entirely by myself.
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