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  1. Kawaii liked a post in a topic by Niklaus in Changelog - Early January   
    then leave the server. all you do is whine and nobody cares 
  2. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by uh oh retard in Changelog - Early January   
    fried oysters cooked oysters fried oysters cooked oysters fried oysters cooked oysters fried oysters cooked oysters fried oysters cooked oysters 
  3. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Azeh in Changelog - Early January   
    Civilians can purchase Striders for 55,000 Blood Money. APD Ifrit: can be purchased by LT and above. Donor 10: Gold skin for Offroad, Ifrit, Hunter, Van (Cargo), Van (Transport), Tempest (Device), Qilin, Qilin (Armed), MH-9 Hummingbird, Strider. Donor 9: Iridescence skin for Offroad, Ifrit, Hunter, Van (Cargo), Van (Transport), Tempest (Device), Qilin, Qilin (Armed), MH-9 Hummingbird, Strider. Donor 6: Urban skin for SDV. Donor 5: Black MK200 skin, Green Hex skin for Ifrit. Donor 4: Red beret skin, Black carryall backpack skin, Olive skin for Hunter. Donor 3: Olive skin for HEMTT Box, Olive skin for HEMTT Transport. Donor 2: Jungle skin for Offroad, Jungle skin for Truck, Grey skin for SDV. Donor 1: Jungle skin for Hellcat. Subscriber: Black Taru skin. Medics can scroll on a destroyed vehicle to remove it. Being in a vehicle that blows up will eject your body out of it. Boat drug running. Oyster gathering/processing (illegal). Fresh oysters can be gathered near a water body on Arms Island. Fresh oysters can be processed into cooked oysters north east of DP8. Cooked oysters can be processed into fried oysters at the same spot (double processing). Can be sold to Wong's Food & Liqour. Changed/Tweaked:
    Buffed the spawn rate of animals at the hunting grounds. You can no longer activate the suicide vest while free falling. The "a potentially hostile player has logged in" notification no longer shows if one of your gang members logged in. APD Hunter: can be purchased by CPL and above. APD Strider: can be purchased by SGT and above. Fixed:
    The height position of the Kore speed camera. Cop uniform not having the correct texture on respawn. Likely fixed the respawn/revive options not showing up after death, resulting in a bugged corpse when respawning. Some missing attachments/magazines for SWAT. Fullscreen NVGs deactivating when picking up and item or dropping one. NVGs disappearing if syncing or dying with fullscreen NVGs enabled. SWAT registration not teleporting you for the Convoy Robbery. SWAT immediately starting its ending countdown for the Convoy Robbery. "-0.5 remaining SWAT slots". Potentially fixed a rare cop prestige wipe. Fixed the cooldown for the federal reserve. Hotfix #1:
    - Fixed NVGs disappearing when taking/storing something from/in a house
    - Fixed cop Ifrits not having an impound option
    - Other minor fixes
  4. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Jewish in Changelog - Early January   
    oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters oysters 
  5. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Ignition bomb suggestion   
    Car turns on, random farmersville member dies, House explodes, kavala wins.
  6. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by danile666 in APD Change Proposal   
    The certain number of cops inside of it wouldnt really work.  Everyone in the back drops out from one spot so its a hard kill spot.  Makes it pointless without additional units covering the drop.  

    Only allowing a captain to drive it is a bit silly too, if they manage to be shot out there is really no reason to not allow another cop to hop into driver and finish the push.

    From the front it is really hard to hit a .50 cal shot.  We tested this for about 30 minutes.  It is possible, but due to the angled armor on the front most shots are actually ricochetting into the window and do not have the force.  An elevated dead on shot can pen with .50 or 7.62 through the driver or commanders window.  This was confirmed on pushes into events.  

    The side and back are very penetrable by .50.  You have to shoot above the seats as they apparantely absorb the bullet, but once it is in it ricochets and wreaks havoc.  So along the windows and maybe 6 inches below the windows and a .50 can just rip dudes.   The windows are 1-2 shot in the back with 7.62.  Again pushing the prison we lost 3 cops from the back being shot out.  

    The left side panels of the marid for the driver and commander are fully pennable with .50.  

    There are clearly different settings on the server that John Lemmon was testing on.  When you decamp out of this thing it is almost as bad as an orca on the Asylum server.  

    This is not near as OP as these people seem to think it is.  Without proper planning and backup it seems it is actually a bit of a hinderance to the APD.  

    With the proper planning and backup it just positions cops closer.  Again just changing the dynamic of the fight.  Are people really scared of a cqc fight with cops rather than a snoozefest of ripping cars out as they pile in?
    Quit being pussies, and fight the damned thing.  You will then see its not a big deal.  
  7. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Niklaus in APD Change Proposal   
    tbh the amount of armor we have now is fair. I think an APC would more or less give cops a free 10 man push and most rebel groups don't put enough people on first floor to counter that amount of people. The other thing is the limitation of captain+ would make it rarely used and for that reason I think it's too powerful and too much of a luck thing for rebels. You'd have to hope a captain doesn't log on and drop a fuckload of cops on drill right away.

    Also from reading the points other people wrote this honestly wouldn't do much to help cops in the first place. most rebels could probably kill the driver and 2 or 3 wheels before the thing reaches construction
  8. Abu liked a post in a topic by Niklaus in APD Change Proposal   
    tbh the amount of armor we have now is fair. I think an APC would more or less give cops a free 10 man push and most rebel groups don't put enough people on first floor to counter that amount of people. The other thing is the limitation of captain+ would make it rarely used and for that reason I think it's too powerful and too much of a luck thing for rebels. You'd have to hope a captain doesn't log on and drop a fuckload of cops on drill right away.

    Also from reading the points other people wrote this honestly wouldn't do much to help cops in the first place. most rebels could probably kill the driver and 2 or 3 wheels before the thing reaches construction
  9. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Slime in "Drunk Squad" Server 4   
    +1 Really chill, fun to play with, mature and decent at PVP. Also, dislikes Chinese highly.
  10. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by John Lemmon in APD Change Proposal   
    This would be the most OP thing ever if being added. Considering its only captains too which means its gonna 15+ cops online anyways.
    Please tell me this is a joke
  11. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in APD Change Proposal   
    Hello all,
    I was asked by APD leadership about the possibility of adding a new vehicle to be used during federal events. We are seeing issues with many officers not quite making it to the fight. This vehicle would be used to help transport officers to key positions to contest the robbery etc. Only a Captain would be able to pull it and once it's used at a fight they would not be able to bring another one. 
    I have concerns that if it falls into the hands of Civs that havoc will be caused with it. The windows can be penetrated with 7.62, the body with .50 cal and the tires shot out with most weapons (?).There are small windows at the front and the back, and a few on the side. It holds a total of 10 people. it has a top speed of 108 km/h. When Officers dismount they are discharged at the rear of the vehicle. 
    I tried to push a bank today with it and while pushing the main building someone was able to shoot me down to 2% health. 
    What are your thoughts or concerns on this?
    Please understand that this isn't some guaranteed to happen. Just looking into it and thinking it over. 
  12. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Changelog - Post-Christmas   
    Can we make it a 50 percent chance that every time a new person logins to the server. Either a farmersville house is destroyed or a gang member is randomly killed and forced respawn?
  13. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by DS_Billy in Richard having a bad day..   
  14. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Francis Weenie in Weenie Family   
    Hello Asylum....

    A new threat plagues the street of Kavala, me and my family have moved in and are here to stay! watch out for the weenies... we have experience in the field of rook combat! and we fear no man!
  15. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Yeah his stream sucked big yikes ^   
    Deleted, money removed.
  16. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Free CRH   
    @CRH Good luck, don't fuck it up
  17. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Tea. in Free CRH   
    Yeah well it technically is a shared ban.. koth banned him for cheating so now he's banned on asylum for scripting, and was banned on olympus for scripting as well since asylum banned him. So they banned him but when they looked into and realized how stupid it was, they unbanned him.. and I still dunno why Mitch refuses to even bother to work something out. Also dunno why we got devs commenting on the matter and not admins or the owner himself lmao
  18. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by matthew666 in "Drunk Squad" Server 4   
    In-Game Name Rat K!ng (Cousin Rohan)
    Age 17
    Arma Hours(Screenshot) 1759 
    Banked Money 1.7 mil
    you ever been Banned? Rdm and some VDM And one CL nothing over a day
    Current/Past Gangs - Construction crew, Chronic, Marines 
    Do you have a Mic/TeamSpeak? Yes, I do.
    What's your interest in joining Drunk Squad? I would be a huge improvement to the panagia fighting squad as they cant seem to smoke the flag and cap with an ifrit and instead would rather try and .50 cal a house down and sui vest a shed im willing to spend my time and soul into shutting down this chronic idiots these suck so much. I Have keys to all junkes sheds and will blow them all up every single restart. im sorry if this is to much I just really wanna join drunk squad. WizeV likes me I think
    (Me fighting Stretch after 2v5ing them at wongs) 
  19. SuperfarvaOG liked a post in a topic by Niklaus in Trying to get the APD to understand.   
    superfarva doesn't take shit from cops
  20. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in REDUCE SCOPE SWAY   
    Thats pretty toxic. I hope you slip and fall.
  21. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Fredz in "Drunk Squad" Server 4   
    Dont have anything against you or alot of your members, but when you mass recruit you end up adding alot of stupid people
  22. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Hakeem in My experience as a returning player + public gang report   
    delete post pls
  23. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by TNT in My experience as a returning player + public gang report   
    Thank you for sharing your perspective and wisdom with us.
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