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Everything posted by Ryan.

  1. Tanks 3 shot from me in first clip pepehands bro nice play
  2. https://gyazo.com/e399d5ec44976b9ae0575c24a73b46cf https://gyazo.com/c7217eafe9dddfc65df27c496329665b Yea @Nathan_ hasn't been looking good for you lately 😕 I've put a lot of thought into this and Its come to my attention that if I replace Nathan what does that kid have to live for so at this point I cant have a suicide on my conscience unfortunately this is his life and without it he has jack shit.
  3. Holy shit thats fucking awesome looking 🙂
  4. This time he didn't potato instead it was you
  5. Ryan.

    hella bad

  6. Yea sure because the smash and grabs every time it was off cool down was fun, you either couldn't start a federal event as rebel or you would barely be leaving air HQ and see that the fed was no longer tracking because they were half way to sofia rebel. Keep it at a hour its a event that can net more than 2 mil in gold if done properly and shouldn't be spammed.
  7. https://medal.tv/clips/40736454/mNcCzBCtQqzo @Azeh
  8. https://gyazo.com/1044c2a6920628d3871a48eb59b3d0b2 Still Shit
  9. No but those are tools to take the vehicle out completely, you can just wait for them to drop and kill them all with 1 grenade or rip the tires out and render it useless.
  10. Fought against it at a Prison and Pyrgos Bank, the vehicle isn't as big and scary as everyone thinks it is and it does what its meant to do by getting the cops to the event it does a good job. That being said once the vehicle gets there it turns into a slaughter it doesn't make the cops invulnerable it just adds a new aspect that we don't have right now and its pretty cool. That being said it took 1 rocket to blow the vehicles up and whilst backing up into the prison we ripped 3 out from the glass on the back sides the only thing that people wont like is the driver which can also still be shot out, while driving around the bank I shot Leady who was driving and he was down to about 1 shot, hard not impossible overall would be a good addition for something we don't have right now
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