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APD Sergeant
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  1. Repto liked a post in a topic by william in s2 vehicle rule   
    me, @Djmon, and demi roze are single handedly reducing the economy. You're welcome @ObiWoki @Patato @Gen. Henry Arnold
  2. Repto liked a post in a topic by Junke in s2 vehicle rule   
    its almost like there should be policy written for SRT... *cough* @Innate
  3. Repto liked a post in a topic by Boonie Hat in Moderator Applications [CLOSED] [REVIEWING]   
    use me as a dislike button. For light mode user Mitch.
  4. /|/|0T4RD liked a post in a topic by Repto in Change Mobile HQ   
    An increased price to swap it from one time use to being able to unpack and repack a mobile HQ and pull it later. Like it but at the same time the current system is tolerable too.
  5. Repto liked a post in a topic by operatorjohnny^ in 2nd purification factory or rotating puri   
    No one has any drive to make money anymore because of how much of a grind it is. The more money people have, the more things people do. I understand there needs to be a balance, but for how old the server is and how old the game is, no one wants to grind for hours to make 200k. I believe drugs need a buff (a reasonable one, not insane) to not only allow people to have a few extra bucks, but more importantly to get people moving around the map. I do not believe the reason that people are not moving around the map is because a lack of money making methods, but rather that the current money making methods take forever for a mid return. I think this is a good idea, adding more purification plants makes it more inciting for people to use them.  
  6. Dlkl liked a post in a topic by Repto in 2nd purification factory or rotating puri   
    I mean i'll admit from my own personal beliefs whether they be true or not, with all the cartel improvements/changes and how sometimes it feels like the server is more of a wasteland server rather than an altis life server really has killed a lot of the more to the root things about it, like drug running for one. In all the attempts to decrease the economic wealth of the populace I feel like solely putting that task into increasing taxes and mostly reducing value of drugs or making it harder to process the top tier drugs shouldn't be how it's done in general.
    I used to run drugs a lot and enjoyed it a bit myself and would like to see a couple things too like adding in a 2nd puri, slightly increasing drug values and countering that by maybe decreasing cartel reward so they are more even on both spectrums. From my observation the moment the first puri was initally added it kinda killed the drug running gangs almost completely, most just switching over to a more cartel and pvp based money making. Putting in that bottleneck of having a single location to process the top tier drugs just made the work and risk completely not even worth the attempt. If they arent 100% guaranteed to get fucked by another player at puri then they are gonna get fucked by cops at puri and theres no way to avoid one or the other almost 90% of the time unless you get lucky as hell or play odd hours in low pop.
  7. Dlkl liked a post in a topic by Repto in 2nd purification factory or rotating puri   
    I honestly though wouldnt pick either of those 2 spots mentioned in the suggestion, the surf club location seems okay-ish but for the outputs of a puri those two locations seem either to far out of the way or to close to advantageous locations. I feel like a good spot would be more up somewhere by sofia, lots of places to choose from without much worry about heroin distance since heroin doesn't have a 3rd stage output. Maybe old african warlord location, using the big factory building that was used for it. Or somewhere more inland if a dev would think inland would be better.

  8. Repto liked a post in a topic by Jr4life24 in #WingGate2022   
    This is an accurate description of CPT chat since Innate has taken over. Please send help
  9. Repto liked a post in a topic by william in CPLGATE2022   
  10. Repto liked a post in a topic by Polar in #WingGate2022   
    I, Sergeant Polar do not affiliate with whomever created this video and do not accept any punishment moving forward.
  11. Repto liked a post in a topic by Farmer Steve in Gang Permissions   
    GIve R3 the ability to kick R5's, as it only makes sense since they already have the ability to invite.
  12. Repto liked a post in a topic by Don Julio in Why is AFD still whitelisted?   
    For real though, I haven't played arma in a minute, and decided to hop on medic since there was no medics online (there's never any medics online anymore shit dead.) and find out my emt was taken due to lack of playtime lol. So why is there even a requirement to become a medic? and even better who added a playtime requirement for medic like what? Make it like the old days so people can actually play medic. What is the worst thats going to happen? A medic vdming someone or breaking a small rule?? then just blacklist them. I would like to see some medics playing the server.
    Also how is one suppose to re apply for medic when there application gets locked, I made a new one and some tard closed it.
    Server should be that anyone can play on a medic slot, but if they want to become higher rank they should have to take tests, etc. Like i said I can't see anything bad happening with this, It brings more players to the AFD faction, sure u will have a couple people abuse it, it is inevitable, but like I said just blacklist them and problem solved.
  13. Repto liked a post in a topic by Jr4life24 in ****APD Policy Update 12/24/2022****   
    APD/AFD Cooperation
    During a Federal Event, any EMT+ who has chosen to assist the APD may join the corresponding APD Federal Event Channel in order to assist.
    The EMT+ must follow these rules when joining the APD channels
    EMT+ CAN NOT join police channels if they are gang affiliated to the rebels. The EMT+ May still choose to assist the APD without joining their channel. Upon joining the cop channel the medic must change their teamspeak name to indicate they are on medic by putting Medic in parentheses after their name.
    Strict Tac-Comms will be enforced.
    The Medic(s) can not give callouts of rebel positions, nor assist the officers in any form of transportation until both the event and combat is over.
    The EMT+ will Introduce themselves, and let APD personnel know that they will be assisting them for the duration of the event. 
    The EMT+ may inform officers that they are attempting to revive them, or that they are unable to be revived. Once the fighting has concluded the medic must leave APD channels and return to AFD channels.
    Abuse of this policy will result in disciplinary action on both factions up to a blacklist depending on severity.
    If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please reach out to a Captain or Fire Chief.

  14. Repto liked a post in a topic by ObiWoki in Changelog December   
    The christmas items need to be enabled from the database, that will be done in a short moment of time from then the events will start

    Sorry to everyone for the delayed December christmas patch but we are working on a multitude of things in the background that we wanted to add but just didn't get enough time for. This is a part of what we have planned for this month and we hope you have patience for the rest.
    Strider fishing. Seasonal Santa Event: Santa flies around the map but the government of Altis doesn't seem too understand he is only here to bring presents, therefor he gets shot down out of the sky resulting in a crash location with valuable loot for players to grab. Gangfort civilian clothing shop. Two safezone rebel outposts which spawn when the gang fort becomes active. Cop seizing Cops can now choose between seizing items and seizing all stuff from a player: With this system in place you can let people keep their legal gun. keep in mind this does not affect anything regarding the SOP of cops and you should always follow rules and guidelines. Abuse of Bounty Hunter weapon charge. 3 new cartel locations. Christmas trees around Altis. Commodities trader to Sofia. Changed:
    Cartels Cartels now rotate over differently then before: Drug and arms can be placed on the following locations: Tower House Church OG East New cartel locations that are not offshore Oil and wongs can be placed on the following locations: East Admin island lighthouse New cartel locations Drug or arms will always have one of the 2 placed on the OG locations, the other one has a chance of spawning on the new cartel locations. There can not be more then one cartel on the peninsula. The way some variables are broadcasted by the gang fort. UFO crash to start at a player count of 75. Fixed:
    Players colliding with suitcases when walking (this does not count for cars). A 'nil' error on join. Toolkits not spawning in your car when you would buy a vehicle from the shop. APB not clearing after a arrest or pardon. Heli spawning above water falling through the placed map objects. Wrong house price after buying a house from someone. Coke trees spawning on domination server. Repair animation not cancelling. Loadouts not saving with weapons in backpacks. Removed:
    Purify lsd text from the house upgrade menu. Hotfix #1
    Festive billboards The christmas tree now has presents. You can unpack one every day untill the tree is gone You can now interact with the new cartels map objects Hotfix #2
    Snow ❄ Retribution Case (store listing coming soon) Keyboard Warrior Ifrit Retro Ifrit Toxic Csats Worship Csats Molecule Orca New Asylum Plus skins Backpack Csats Changed the Menace achievements title text Christmas tree fixes missing texture on the boxes grenades not being given properly Fixed client side doors on the new cartels Santa event Blackfish fixes Locked the vehicle (-_-) Made the crew invulnerable Crate no longer moves when pushed
  15. Repto liked a post in a topic by ObiWoki in Bring back house weed   
    We've al agreed internally that stuff that you do in your house will not be added to the server again for a while. This doesn't fall under stuff that entices people to go out and about and explore and only results to a endless passive money grind from the safety of your house
  16. Repto liked a post in a topic by ObiWoki in fix scotch, white lightning/spirit distillery   
    This suggestion falls under the common grounds of things we normally do not approve, although I do agree that we might have to revisit the alcohol / lsd shit
  17. DemonDan1 liked a post in a topic by Repto in fix scotch, white lightning/spirit distillery   
    LSD and Spirit need to start getting a little more love and rebalancing. Right now it just seems like that whole northern section of Altis up there is all just filler with how worthless it is to run them anymore.
  18. Repto liked a post in a topic by skimancole in Self lockpick   
    Eh I mean I agree with this one or else they could just keep breaking out over and over - 
    failing to stop attempting to when asked could waive your right to explain charges with 'disobeying an order from an officer' charges and just get a ticket, followed by jail after the 3rd warning as the charge policy is normally. But not the straight to jail if escaped
  19. Nicolas March liked a post in a topic by Repto in Self lockpick   
    With some planning then yeah, some can see how it could work and they could like the idea of it. I still personally think it would be to much but if I had to argue for it.
    Self lockpicking Handcuffs Very low chance of success. Can not be done with inside a vehicle Needs to consume a lockpick if the suspect has one. Impossible without one. (If cops are neglecting to take your stuff then that's on them and their fault.) Decent time for action, not as fast as lockpicking a car but not super long either. Animation to show action. (Only one I see that would be decent would be the sit cuffed '!e' animation with the lockpicking sound effect) COULD BE!!! An end all scenario. No new charges for trying failing to stop attempting to when asked could waive your right to explain charges with 'disobeying an order from an officer' charges and just get a ticket, followed by jail after the 3rd warning as the charge policy is normally. Successfully escaping but getting restrained again in the same situation could be a straight to jail offense, considered as 'escaping jail' without the actual charge. (Keeps things manageable and fair to a cop(s) efforts while still having that spice and responsibility of supervision. Having an end all outcome to still hold in that fear of arrest that would prevent this addition feeling like abuse.)
    Self lockpicking Zipties Slightly higher chance of success. (Zipties arent made of fucking metal after all) Can not be done inside a vehicle Needs to consume a lockpick if the suspect has one. Can attempt to break the zipties without a lockpick. Cop faction always attempt as if they have a lockpick. (Lockpicks aren't really available for cops...) Decent time for action, not as fast as lockpicking a car but not super long either. Takes significantly longer if user is not using a lockpick. Animation to show action. (Only one I see that would be decent would be the sit cuffed '!e' animation with the lockpicking sound effect) COULD BE!!! Considered a noncooperative action If caught trying to break free would be considered enough grounds of RP to be killed if the capturers choose to. (Keeps things fun for civilians and BH restraints. Adding the spice while also leaving the responsibility of supervision rather then yeah just leaving people stranded for 10 minutes preventing the trolling or restraint harassments)
  20. Sandwich liked a post in a topic by Repto in Self lockpick   
    I never mentioned anyone being mad, it was just my way of saying that this really would be a useless implementation.
    Not sure where values came into play, if you pay attention to most of what cop's complain about then you would know more. The loss on rebel side is usually of their own volition. Majority of the times even with high bounties most civilians are just in one giant group which also seems ridiculous imo, if you choose not to run a giant group then good on you; Congrats. Even if you win you got to split the payout, big gangs are understandable but people shouldn't be able to make 15-20 man groups of randoms, just join the same gang... As for cop's even with the cheaper kit price we generally run the same if not larger loss. Being required to push rebels whether we want to or not, Rebels always have the advantage as defenders plus all our payouts get autosplit by the server not to mention we barely even get a pea sized amount of what ever we seize from bank notes for example. Unless we manage to get lucky and beat a fed with only a few cops on.
    The title isn't even the only problem though. Obviously though if you put a suggestion in that clearly targets cops then of course you shouldn't have a problem with getting a strongly cop based response, that just makes sense. You also never mentioned any good context to it at all, even when you did bring up some use for it all you mentioned really was wanting to get out to kill more cops and have fun. Even with the low success rate a suggestion this impactful should be prepared perfectly to the T rather than how it was just done.
  21. Repto liked a post in a topic by skimancole in Self lockpick   
    yeahhhhh cop restraints have never been "self lockpickable" ever since this server began for a reason.
    This would also make processing unbelievably difficult and make the slim RP we have even worse.
  22. Repto liked a post in a topic by operatorjohnny^ in Self lockpick   
    tbh this is just not a good mechanic for the game, and there is no reason for it. 
  23. /|/|0T4RD liked a post in a topic by Repto in Oil Rig Cap Changes   
    That helicopter not wanting life anymore sure was a sight to see lol
  24. Repto liked a post in a topic by PaytonR in o7   
    You gotta comeback Panda its not the same without you
  25. lukee liked a post in a topic by Repto in Oil Rig Cap Changes   
    That helicopter not wanting life anymore sure was a sight to see lol
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