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  1. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Bag Of Funyuns in V2 house crates   
    We don’t allow retards in the gang
  2. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Jesse in Planned Downtime [Completed]   
    Hey everyone,

    The following Asylum services will be brought offline at midnight (CENTRAL TIME - https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/cdt) tonight.
    All Game Servers All Web Services The duration of the downtime expected is around 1 hour. Could be longer/shorter depending on how things go. I'll update via announcements in discord if the duration is extended.
    Sorry for any inconveniences that this may cause.
    At this current moment in time, this downtime is only to update the database services to support V2.
    - Asylum Development Team

    [7/31/19 @ 23:39 CDT]
  3. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Mayhem in Asylum V2 Story a TL;DR   
    To be fair, if it was scripted by Gnashes(the jet) it never would haven taken off and he would hit you with the "working as intended"
  4. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Clint Beastwood in Asylum V2 Story a TL;DR   
    Keeping with the Top Gun theme...
    Honestly though -
    Huge shout out to our developers working unbelievably hard...  You guys dont know it yet, but you will.
  5. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Clint Beastwood in cops really be lacking   
    I think just the idea that we were able to dodge them so long just brought everyone to help.  Finally ended in VDM @DS_Billy @DS_Billy@DS_Billy@DS_Billy @DS_Billy @DS_Billy@DS_Billy @DS_Billy@DS_Billy @DS_Billy
  6. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by .Casper in Role Play on the APD   
    Just two innocent gamers trying to have a fun gaming session while roleplaying when a rude cop rolls up. 
    RoLePlAy oN tHe ApD
  7. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Big Fred in Giving away Infamy points to gang members?   
    Are you suggesting we impair people's ability to dickswing and chest beat with massive infamy points?
    That's just absurd.
  8. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Azeh in So close....   
  9. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by DS_Billy in So close....   
    shit wont embed, halp
  10. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Jesse in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    I feel you've all vented long enough on this thread. Here on out it will be used solely for update notification purposes.
  11. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by DankBud in Role Play on the APD   
    at one point in time this was used correctly but not for the last 2 years,just comes down to who has the highest bounty,then its lethal auth bounty gets killed an back to downing people again and handing out full tickets just because,ima go out on a limb here an say alot of it has been on a more personal level like depending on the group of cops playing they don't like said gang an or group,most times its higher ups like @Hanzo/Dirty Scrubz an his little group for example would issue full tickets after most of our guys would explain there charges an the response would be i don't believe that happen an then everyone would get a full ticket no matter how short or long the story was.Shit like that is what needs to change when it comes to apd an timer for being in jail it self too...Alot of the time cops where cool rising thru the ranks,but once they get sgt or higher they become assholes an gravitate to a click an then they become assholes because said click don't get along with x gang or group.
    Another thing cops do is they used red=dead as a reason to shoot first(no weapon out) or say active firefight is the reason we didn't siren or initiate.Last i checked your voice is your main weapon,an for alot of people to do this over the years(mainly under the old ownership) higher-ups  or the people that could change things just let it go an it just came down to report me to IA but would just fall on deaf ears an just continue an got worse.Accountability is what i would like to see when it comes to apd,they are said to be held to a higher standard then players who don't play cop,the only time you see that is when its someone who isn't liked,known,or new. Politics with in apd is what it seems to be to me.
    One main reason i don't bother with playing cop is it becomes a ego trip an all these lone wolfs trying to make plays instead of working as a group or a team,just becomes cancer an other players talking down to you for w/e reason.Shouldn't be like that,for the new players that do join the apd they see this so they learn to do it this way an thats just imho an unhealthy way to teach new players.
    Should be allowed to keep your bounty if you get killed by a cop,same with escaping from jail should add to the bounty instead since you got broken out all the charges should stay its already straight back to jail anyway(up to the cop but 99% of the time its right back to jail) ,also gives the cops another chance to get paid,so that seems fair if your taking the ability to lethal for bounty's out.
  12. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by william in Viet Mong   
    re-upload now hes perm banned
    very funny haha +1
  13. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Jesse in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    Just finished my 3 day work week. Making dinner and such. Then working on some stuff. Will know more tomorrow night or so. However I'd say some point this week. As next week and the following I'll be back to working a ton of OT. Barely dodged the bullet on having to work this week. So I have the week off. And plenty of time to do stuff because my GF will also be occupied with OT and a few other things.
  14. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Gen. Henry Arnold in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    July 25th, 2020
  15. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Hoodlum Priest in Mason abuses his admin   
    Shit, we are getting so many new members I cant keep up with them, thats Leroys job. Hes the mommy, Im the daddy.
  16. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Hoodlum Priest in Mason abuses his admin   
    Why'd I get tagged in this?
    I would have wasted your ass kid.

  17. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Mason in Mason abuses his admin   
    I loved the message to me after he died. Why is your gang mate in godmode? 
    I love putting my gang in god mode. Ez cartels
  18. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Innate in Role Play on the APD   
    You haven't been here for three years... You are clueless
  19. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Seán That Irish Guy in Role Play on the APD   
    Youre obviously having a stroke or thinking of a different community because you couldnt be further away from the truth.

    Im saying you're veering away from the problem not the outcome. Ive an issue with how things are approached with regards to higher ups.
    Would you believe if i said he cant record because he drops FPS? Prob not, but besides the point.
    (This is a very stereotypical answer but its the truth)
    You've been given plenty to work with, not just from me either. Issues have been brought up, reported, acknowledged by fellow higher ups and still it seems you throw it on the back burner.
  20. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by •ÐŠ• Randy in Role Play on the APD   
    I think if you don't enjoy playing as an APD officer by itself and are only in it for a reward, then you shouldn't play. That being said, sure recognition is a great thing, but I don't think paying cops to be good is the best idea. 
  21. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Sp0on in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    As long as it's right you guys can take your time. And for those that are seriously that fucking asshurt over them trying to be thorough with v2 may i suggest that you find a fucking hobby.
  22. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Jesse in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    Thanks for those of you who understand. For those of you who don't, I'm sorry and obviously there is not much more I can say to make you understand.
    We took an absolutely empty basic OLD ( Altis Life and are trying to make it Asylum. It's not just copy paste, it's a lot of work and a lot of debugging. As a lot of this code hasn't been updated or adjusted. We've also added in some new stuff like vehicle syncs between restarts, new housing/vehicle inventory systems, several new menus. All this stuff requires time to be done correctly. If we release a mission with errors. How do we know the issues we may experience are from the KNOWN released issues or if it's some deeper issue? It's not a good practice. Projects almost never meet deadlines unfortunately. If you've ever had your city re-do a road... you know this... weather changes.
    However, for those who have seen what we have going as far as staff and Henry/Azeh, I think we'd all agree we've got quite a bit done and are close to where we want to be.
  23. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Jesse in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    We've actively been testing stuff ourselves of course and staff members have been testing stuff as well as fit.

    This is a game dude. Not a business. If I didn't have a job and other commitments this would've been done a long time ago. People don't want to be left in the dark, so I try to give the best possible estimates that I can. I said the date was not set in stone. We're trying very hard to keep to our commitment. If you were here in the days of Paratus, you would be thankful. We could just leave you all in the dark forever and then just randomly drop something. We're trying to be involved with community as far as active development of things go. I mean we can just stop communicating and you can all wonder. We're trying our best for a group of people working on this, especially when THIS IS NOT OUR JOB. It's merely a hobby. My real life stuff comes first 100% of the time. I use to put Arma in front of that stuff and I got to a real shitty point in my life. Never again.
    See above.
  24. Maaqs liked a post in a topic by Jesse in V2 - "Official Release Week"   
    We're currently working around the clock on it basically. We'll see where we're at tomorrow. We wipe a few things off the list and several more pop up. Nearly all server code has been re-written for current stuff in. Also, a lot has changed clientside code wise to improve readability, functionality, and making stuff more scale-able.
    However, we are in my opinion about 24hrs - 36hrs behind where I expected to be. Not necessarily that many development hours, just a day and a half behind schedule. Which is pretty good considering I gave the week almost a month ago. It does look like we may need to push it to release next mid-week (Which if we do that, we'll release with the contact stuff and such at the same time). However, we could do it Saturday. Really depends how our testing continues and what we realize we're forgetting and what is missing as we go. I also work Sat-Mon, so I'd really rather not release it then leave for work in the event issues crop up while I'm working, I wouldn't be able to do anything.

    You can see below we literally have timestamps at all times of day... 3AM, 4AM, 12PM, 1PM, etc...

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