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Posts posted by |Cam|

  1. On 11/7/2022 at 10:17 AM, Beifang Ming said:

    Bring back the justice wagon


    3 hours ago, ObiWoki said:

    Would like to add this to our backlog, if anyone could fill me in on what else dispatch did please do i dipped out at the time this was here

    Sitting on the chair opened the map, 911 call log, and officer name list. You could select a name and view their live feed. You could also select names and dispatch them to 911 calls which placed a marker for them similar to the request revive for medics. It would be cool to be able to respond to 911 calls without having to use your phone like select the call, and respond to them directly without having to find their name on phone. 

    KrazyKnight and Sandwich like this
  2. Parole is an option when non evasive non aggressive, give it to them instead of half ticket, it costs the perp nothing.

    If they get a bounty within the next hour however they get a charge called breaking probation, it is $20,000 I think and straight to jail (maybe?)

    When you give someone probation and they accept it gives you half the ticket amount.

    This was a long time ago my memory is a bit fuzzy but that's the jist of it


    bring that shit back

    Polar and Galaxy like this
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