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  1. Steve liked a post in a topic by Goku in Goodbye everyone!   
    After all the years I've played on Asylum I think it's finally time to stop playing.. Everyone says "you'll be back" but I won't. I'll play here a few times till January 4th. But once January 4th hits, I won't be playing at all. With that being said, the reason why I'm going to stop playing is nt because Asylum isn't enjoyable anymore, but because real life is hitting once again and I will be deploying in July. January 4th is when we start out Pre-Deployment training so things will be getting extremely busy. So to all the friends I have met here, I'll keep in touch, from all the people I've played with thanks for the fun times!
    I'll be semi-active until the January 4th. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays everyone!
  2. Furnie Mack liked a post in a topic by Steve in Weapon crafting materials   
    I personally don't have a problem with farming at all. Let's say for example, the mk1 is at its highest price 12.5k(that is the highest I have seen it recently) Too give any incentive to craft them your time would have to be worth it. If you could make that 12.5k neary twice as fast doing something else, there is no reason to craft them. I actually enjoy making money, and I don't mind buying the guns as opposed to crafting them, though if it was truly worth it to craft them I would. On top of that, if they truly hate farming entirely, why do they play altis life? Why not go set up their own cqc server where they can fight where they want to with the rules they want, with nothing to lose other then the $40 a month or so it would cost to host a 25 slot server.
  3. Steve liked a post in a topic by Crunchedd in How to Counter Combat loggers   
    I have been playing Bounty hunter for a while these past few days in order to max out the honour traits but i find it increasingly difficult to do that when 3/5 of every bounty disconnects and it is getting annoying reporting them over and over again, only to see them back at it again the next day so i have come up with  two workarounds.
    1. If someone disconnects while in bounty hunter restraints (if possible) the server checks if the person is in fact a bounty of theirs and pays out the bounty hunter and his group the bounty, and send them to jail sorta like cop restraints do. that way the incentive to log would be much lower as youd end up in jail anyways.
    2.I've heard of some servers where if someone disconnects in restraints that bones drop to the ground where they were standing and you can escort those bones to a courthouse to send them anyways that would also be a feature.
    Ps If anyone flames this post you're only admitting to being combat logging scum.
  4. Steve liked a post in a topic by bamf in Change log 7.7.0   
    We have a compromise on the money cap that we think protects the integrity of the game, but also gives the community something that it has really asked for - removal of the money cap.  So with that being said, here are the changes:  
    The money cap is now variable dependent upon the amount of prestige you currently have.  The prestige values are: 500,000 prestige - money cap is $1,500,000 1,000,000 prestige - money cap is $2,000,000 5,000,000 prestige - money cap is $6,000,000 10,000,000 prestige - money cap is removed If your prestige falls below the threshold for your current cap, the money above that amount will automatically be converted back into prestige. Please take note of this. Suicide vests have become less stable on the island.  Being shot in the chest while wearing a suicide vest may result in the vest detonating on its own.  Please note: Initiation rules still apply to shooting someone with a suicide vest.  You must have initiation with the people in the area if you are going to blow someone up wearing a vest.   Drug runners are now requiring pilots of higher skill. Drug runner missions will now be more dynamic. Fixed a few bugs related to undercover APD officers re-gearing. AK variants now require the Marksman talent to continue holding the weapons. The Air shop in Sofia has moved to the other end of the runway due to recent rises in crime at the original location. Various exploit fixes. The radius for doing a prison break has been expanded to 20m. Hotfix 1:
    Federal reserve gold bar spawning disabled temporarily Other tweaks to look for the cause of client disconnects Hotfix 2:
    The federal reserve system has been re-enabled (gold bars will spawn again) The Most Prestigious list is now the Most Wealthy.  This goes by money you have stored in the bank.   Drug runner payouts have been tweaked to account for an error in the calculation of the reward.  This will cut both ways, but at least now it will be accurate all the time.   Drug runner missions will now give you slightly more time.   Several group cap bugs have been addressed. Hotfix 3:
    Stuff related to the Patch. Asylum Exchange mailbox NPC at the Pyrgos Government complex. Hotfix 4:
    Welcome back HUD (heads up display). Additional gas stations have been added to Altis.  Potentially more to come. The corn and rye at the prison is now more hardy. Checkpoint locations updated Hotfix 5
    Meth, pure cocaine, and sugar are now more valuable. Tanoa has gained a second cannabis field and processor. The poppy field on Tanoa has moved. Crates in houses should now function more reliably. Lots of behind the scenes performance enhancements. APD vehicles with alarms should function more reliably. Suicide vests are less likely to explode when you die. Hotfix 6:
    Crates enabled again. 
    Hotfix 7:
    You can now place crates again. Car alarms should now properly be added to vehicles.  Please select the fact that you intend to purchase an alarm before selecting the vehicle (I'll get that part working later, but for now just select alarm first).  The alarms persist even when your vehicle is stored. Gang tags now show in system chat when a player is downed. Skydiving pricing shows correctly on Tanoa now. Having a drink will still relax you, but will no longer impact your shooting ability in a positive manner.   Various exploit fixes related to restraints. Hotfix 8:
    Pulling downed players out of a vehicle should be less likely to kill them now. New cadets should be able to spawn into the game. The federal reserve timer should be more consistent across the game now (it's 30 minutes). Only APD officers who have unlocked pilot coveralls will be able to see them in the APD shop.
  5. Steve liked a post in a topic by Sheriff Rick Grimes in Weapon crafting materials   
    If you pull something bigger than a flatbed people are going to go after you if they see you.  And if you have a cargo vehicle and you're close to illegal areas with a speeding ticket, cops are going to pull you over in hopes you will evade.  I don't see how that's zero risk.
    The economy is largely based on who is bored enough to actually spend their time crafting weapons for everybody else for cheaper prices at rebel.  If nobody is crafting weapons because there is no point in doing it and because of that they are always in high demand that's not a good system.
  6. Steve liked a post in a topic by Das Otter in Weapon crafting materials   
    A box truck + backpack can hold the materials required to make 4.8 mk1s, which would cost about 52k on a good day at rebel. A coke run in the same truck gives you more money, while taking way less time. So youre way better off making money other ways and buying the mk1s at rebel yourself. 
    I propose we cut the materials required to make weapons as there is 0 incentive to craft them (barely anybody does) making weapons personally should yield more guns than you would be able to buy in the same time doing other altis money making techniques, as that is the whole point of crafting weapons.
    And lets be real....1 coke for 1 magazine? Why even add that
  7. Steve liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in Info for everyone for generic Game downloading / connection problems - Solved my issues after months   
    Another solution that I found to work 100% of the time was this:
  8. Steve liked a post in a topic by Gatorade in Info for everyone for generic Game downloading / connection problems - Solved my issues after months   
    So This may or may not help anyone but in the case it does I am going to post a wall of text that should help a lot of people. Im sure all of you know most of this since
    most of the people in this community are extremely savy in general.
    my Problem:
    I have been trying for fucking weeks to solve connection issues to Arma3Sync ftp repositories, NAT TYPE problems , and generic connecting to friends who live in the same state.
    my Fixes:
    - Connections / Port forwarding fixes:
    I had port forwarded my router, firewall, router firewall, anti virus, and even went through a list of ports for the games / exceptions / admin. None of it worked.
    Turns out all this time my FUCKING MODEM wasn't in full bridge mode. It was in partial when I had set it up years back and had a problem and got a new one that was supposedly already set for me. The reason I didn't know is because there online login for the modem gives you just a bridge or no bridge option. 
    What this basically means is that the modem sits there spitting out a wifi + has a firewall and still acts like its trying to be a 2  in 1 router/modem rather then utilizing your router.
    So if you are having connection problems and you have already gone through your firewall + anti virus + generic program and router solving things - check the modem and modem firewall.
    So im sure everyone and there brother at this point has changed the NAT TYPE for an xbox or something and its always easy its either secure or open. The problem I had was that not only
    did my router have something that was interfering with NAT - but the modem did too. That was why even though I had gone from Strict NAT -> To Moderate NAT after opening it on my router, I had to go to my modem and either disable the firewall or change it for this. The NAT type is now open. Even with Moderate I couldn't join people that were located a few "Hops" away from my router in the same state. Again this is super simple and you can look it up but its literally the act of logging into your router at or w.e your router login is and finding the setting to switch to "open". If you still have issues or so then its either your personal firewall / anti virus or your modem like my problem.
    -Generic thing to know - Unless you actually go into  your windows exceptions your windows defender is still enabled even if you disable it. You actually have to set a specifc setting in a drop down UI menu that will "enable" the disabling of it. As weird as that sounds.
    -Port Forwarding - Im sure most of you know how to port forward but if you dont, you should be logging into your router - something like or you can google it. The reason why i wanted to speak about this is that if your modem isn't properly bridged your port forwarding wont work - or if your router has a fucked up firewall / modem firewall. As for the actual port forwarding its a simple as a guide would tell you in that you just enter a name for the rule / ports to open / IP to open it for (Your IP not the routers).
    -Always run as admin -  You can right click a program and set it to auto run as admin all the time.
    -Setting Bridge Mode - Most of the time you can easily log into your modem usually something like depending on your provider and here you can change settings for your modem. The thing you should be clear here is that if you set to bridge mode you need to have your router off and then reboot the gateway(modem). The reason being is that it will refresh the modem and make sure the wifi is now turnt off(feature of bridging uses the router wifi) and it will now be a bridge device. From here your ROUTER NEEDS to turn on to seeing one device as a bridge and only one. If not you will run into issues where you have partial internet like your google chrome sites but cant log into games or steam. Please turn it off and turn it back on once the gateway reboots. Its much easier just to call your provider and have them not only set it but reboot it.
    -Setting the modem firewall off- My modem doesn't allow me to turn it off through there login. In the past it has but recently I can't find the option - however a quick phone call they were able to turn it off. Turning it into FULL BRIDGE MODE should solve this issue but just in case it doesn't I wanted to give you the info.
    - CMD prompt port opening - Note you can do this and its pretty simple but you should do it on your own so you can name the rules according to what you do.
    - Make sure you turn your Router Firewall back on because a lot of the games and mods now a days really get some scary amount of access to things.
    - Turning your Anti Virus off doesn't always really turn it off. Just putting that out there for the record.
    - There are sites to verify your port forwarding to see if it has worked or if it was something else.  This helped me narrow it down to being an issue with port forwarding which I know I did right. These are the two sites I used. (first one is canyouseeme , second one is Shields up!)
    Again If this doesn't help you or if it sounds retarded im sorry. Ive been pulling my hair out and I just wanted to give the info if anyone had similar problems.
  9. Steve liked a post in a topic by Allstarplaya in Remove CSATS   
    LOL come on there is rpg's now-a-days
    Taru glass can't stop that
  10. Steve liked a post in a topic by What zit tooya in Remove CSATS   
    Another "bring back old asylum" thread. 
  11. Steve liked a post in a topic by PhizX in Olympus Rat   
    Hello there everyone, just stoppin by to introduce myself. Been playing Olympus for about 2 and a half years now, got really tired of the shitty cartel fights and tanking on Olympus, so I decided to give Asylum a shot. In over 5k hours of Arma 3 I thought I'd never end up playing Asylum, but here I am. Some may know me from fighting on Olympus(or the past couple days on Asylum) some may not, but regardless I think you guys will be seeing a lot more of me in the upcoming weeks. It's been going good so far playing with Tenacity and I've enjoyed it far more than I've Olympus. 
    Latest Montage- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyCNBKumFLo
    Olympus Gangs- Titans, MC Current: Regicide(Some may know it as Oceanus/Centurion)
    Thanks guys, hope you all had a Merry Christmas(or Happy Holidays). 
  12. Steve liked a post in a topic by Crossfade in Remove CSATS   
    csats have been back for ages. and what about all those people who put 50-300$ into getting them?
  13. Steve liked a post in a topic by Midamaru in Question about rules   
    What he was trying to say:
    What if you are wanted for 2$ a cop restrains you and processes you but disapears somehow. Would he have to combatlog to go to jail and lose his gun or get arrested by someone else.
    So @Nicolas March for your question: 
    If a cop restrains you and leaves you somehow, the restrains also break after 10 mins if there are no cops in the area. Cops in general should always try to fetch anyone in restrains if they are left somehow.
  14. Steve liked a post in a topic by Opie Winston in Bring this back   
  15. Steve liked a post in a topic by Promethus in X-Mas Minitage   
  16. Steve liked a post in a topic by Big Gay Jay in I completed asylum   
    Only man i know to get banned 20+ times is Sheep. I'm honestly surprised he wants to play dude gets banned for anything and everything. I'd want to kill a bitch. 
  17. Steve liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in I completed asylum   
    This is nothing new to me, I eat taco bell on the regular.
  18. Steve liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in I completed asylum   
    There are a few people at 15+ and it wouldn't be hard to guess. I won't confirm or deny who but some players just have the connections!
  19. Steve liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in I completed asylum   
    The record is 22 bans and still able to play on the servers. 
  20. Steve liked a post in a topic by George Lopaz in Zipties   
    I think it'd be a pretty good idea if you needed a skinning knife or a wood ax in order to unrestrain someone in zipties, because they're simply that, zipties.
    I think it would add much more to rp experience and make people carry knifes around more for gutting, etc.
  21. Steve liked a post in a topic by Haych in Change log 7.9.1   
    In reality cop payouts need to be nerfed, while also reducing the cost of everything on cop to balance it out. This will reduce people playing cop for money and being dicks, but won't fuck up the fact that things will be expensive, you'd still be able to afford things as everything will be globally cheaper. It will just reduce the type of people that come on to robocop, camp donor, borderline follow guidelines, minimum RP just for money that they can then later spend/sell when they play rebel.
  22. Steve liked a post in a topic by Frizzy in Commodities trader sofia   
  23. Steve liked a post in a topic by Phil. in Cop Penalisation   
    If you want the decision based off of RP, then pay the cop the same amount no matter if they pardon, parole or ticket someone. If they get the same amount of money either way, the decision will be completely off of the experience and RP. Done.
  24. Steve liked a post in a topic by The Monopoly Man in Cop Penalisation   
    Due to asylum and its minimal roleplay, if RP standards were increased, it would have to be increased for all of Asylum, not just the APD. This would drive off many players as quite alot are here for the "run and gun" feel of asylum. Now as we know this isn't happening any time soon, we can think of ways to increase cop RP. I have always believed that rewarding for good RP is much more effective than punishing for the bad. 
    As legit said, the point system is a neat idea, it would encourage more roleplay throughout the APD.
    However, it still won't fix the cops with bad roleplay inside of the APD.
    This will never change unless the Application requirements to join the APD are heavily increased.
  25. Steve liked a post in a topic by Legit in Cop Penalisation   
    I'm not suggesting strict RP rules forcing people to dive into a character. As it currently is, the more a civilian RP's the lower their ticket is expected;however the cop also has to RP back. 
    Cops refusing to RP would parole/full ticket anyway, I see no problem in just always rewarding cops with the players bounty regardless of pardon/reduction. This could lead to officers being too "nice" to civilians. To counter this there could be a system that provides 'points' similar to prestige that could be used to buy vehicles or cashed out to money. These points would be earned based on how much money you make the government. (Higher Tickets/Prison) I know it's a bit silly but its all I could come up with. I believe there can be a middle ground where everybody wins. 
    I'm not trying to transform Asylum into a Hardcore RP server, I just don't see the point in punishing civs while rewarding bad cops and penalizing good ones. 
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