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  1. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Chase in Bye Asylum   
    I am quitting Asylum because I have gotten bored and have better things to spend my time on. I was never really great at the game but I have met a lot of friends throughout playing Asylum and have had some great times with you all. I'm glad I got to meet everyone I did playing Asylum. Special thanks to some close friends @Tye@Goldy @OLL13 @J1M @Panda @Quenton @Sugarfoot @Frizzy @Madlibs @O/|/|3GA @jester5716 @LmfaOExde3 @AndrewFam @Dork @Iced  And many others sorry if I missed you. I'll be back here and there but not often. Have fun #MakeAsylumGreatAgain
  2. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Haych in Georgetown   
    Asylum medics are one of a kind
  3. Vhantom liked a post in a topic by IAmLegion in Georgetown   
    a new kavala has born
  4. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Padrinos in When Good Flying Lessons Turn Bad   
    I tried to do a public service and give free flying lessons, but my students seemed to be having a hard time. I guess I will just host more lessons. Coming to a server near you.

  5. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Flax in Resell the Awards   
    When will we be able to resell the rewards we already got from the cartes back?
  6. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Haych in Resell the Awards   
    I can imagine people who spent $50+ waiting to sell all the bieber clothing they got
  7. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Durga in Change Log 7.3.3   
    Woah, that's a spicy one.
    Don't worry, there'll be more stuff coming.
    I've been thumbing through the guidebook, and reworking a good bit of it (not the live version) in efforts to get it to play like it did back in the day. When the APD only had ~200-300 people.
  8. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Norwegianviking in Change Log 7.3.3   
    Can the UC APD officer pls get the Prowler, quilling and Jeep!
  9. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by TaeJon in Congratz to our new admins!   
    Thanks my good sir
  10. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by TaeJon in Congratz to our new admins!   
    I am still the king of Kavala. Nothing has changed lol
  11. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Midamaru in Congratz to our new admins!   
    Seems their moderator time is over. 
    Welcome to the staff for real!
    @Zoex @Rodrigo @Deadly @Tae'Jon
  12. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Guest in Arma Money Spam   
    We are aware that there are bots spamming PM's with links to purchase in-game money. We are trying to limit the ability for them to do so. Do NOT click any links in these messages as they are deemed unsafe and could potentially cause harm to your computer or steal personal information.
  13. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Paratus in Change Log 7.3.3   
    Cops will be getting a bunch of love soon.
  14. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Padrinos in Medics   
    I love to play medic as well and many people have had great ideas, but sadly they are low on any priority list if any, and it is understandable. Medics play such a small roll in the game because everyone has the option to spec in first aid and get the defibrillator talent fairly quickly. So if a rebel or a cop is in need of a revive, there is usually a buddy close by. Medics mostly revive and splint brand new players that don't have many talents or gang mates. 
  15. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Cobra in Why do people hate bounty hunters?   
    Waited too damn long for someone to post this. Also, if I may add, most of you so called bounty hunters don't have a leg to stand on since you came POST patch so sit down, listen up, and shut up.
    Bounty hunters have never had a shining reputation on Asylum, nor do would I say they need to. What makes you stand out of a crowd is your RP creativity and bedside manner with criminals. In the old days you had to be smart since we only had PO7s, Stings, bugged talents, and no way to hide your badge. The community didn't help when people shot hunters on sight just for displaying their badge. Kavala and Agia Marina are prime examples of that cultivated culture that made it okay to harass bounty hunters. 

    Bounty hunters down and throw people in jail? Well no shit Sherlock, you think I would casually walk around with a captured Dark Horse gang member worth 6 mil (600k) in Girna? No, the moment any kind of bounty hunter downs a person both civs and police are already pulling out weapons to take them out. 

    We are the very definition of gray area because we often times have to break the law to achieve our goals. Yes there are hunters who abuse the tools, but that's because they're either too stupid, too scared, or poor to be a devout rebel/criminal.  The recent patch has made the profession interesting again, but it will level out since most rookies end up blowing their life savings on gear or chasing bounties. Meanwhile the rest of us will be fine and reaping the benefits. Only the strongest and smartest truly benefit from bounty hunting while the rest cry and threaten to kill us. So please commit crime or abuse the bounty hunter gear, it only makes it that much sweeter ripping that shit off you at Skiptracer. 

    TL/DR: STFU with your whining and go commit crimes so I can cash in your ass and confiscate your drugs/gear. 
  16. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Alec-I in FSA Recruitment Video [non RP version]   
    This video was designed to kill all people with epilepsy

  17. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Buckwalter in Arma 3 Apex is coming out today! :D   
    I'm very excited for the new change of scenery. I've been on hiatus from Asylum, taking some time to relax and focus my time and efforts elsewhere. 
    But with Apex finally releasing, I look forward to stepping back into Asylum. Also I'm very hopeful that with the stable release, the Dev team will be able, and willing (hopefully), to really take the new content and run with it. I really hope they decide to take Asylum Tanoa in a new direction and create a unique, standalone experience and not just a copy/paste of the existing formula. Don't get me wrong, I love the existing paradigm and I've given countless hours of my life to it, but I think Apex represents an excellent opportunity to showcase the creative virtuosity that put Asylum on the map and really get away from the established rubric and get into uncharted territory. Or at very least, make some radical alterations to the gameplay we all know and love. 
    Beyond the Asylum specific concerns, I'm very excited about the new weapons. I think having some lower tech, more familiar, real world weaponry is a nice change of pace. Hopefully, the competitive meta doesn't cripple weapon variety before the patch even finishes downloading haha. I'm also very excited about some of the smaller, quality of life features they've added. 
    But more than anything else, I'm excited to feel excited about Arma 3 and Asylum again. Feels good man. 
  18. Rosie liked a post in a topic by IAmLegion in Altis Police Department! [Video Trailer]   
    no words +1 
  19. Maxツ liked a post in a topic by IAmLegion in Altis Police Department! [Video Trailer]   
    no words +1 
  20. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by FozzyBear in hI iM cHANGING :)   
    Fuck dude, something unique with Eptic weekly. gotta say this guy is the new mascot
  21. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Dust Runner in Altis Police Department! [Video Trailer]   
    Very, very well done man.
    Not gonna lie every other police trailer video was made with heart with no finesse.
    This has both.
  22. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Maxツ in Altis Police Department! [Video Trailer]   
    Well as i might say! It has been almost 1 year since I have been serving in this amazing force of people and i dont regret a singe moment of it!.So I have decided to make a video Trailer about us,to show the Civilians who is protecting them...Rebels beware!The APD is on the scene..!
  23. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by speed in EMS   
    EMS whitelisting will most likely never happen.
    I don't feel like it would be fair to make players to have to go through the whitelisting process anyways, because we don't currently offer enough content to the EMS role.
    With that said, I've got a list of changes I'm planning on making that I hope will make the EMS role more fun, more beneficial for others, and less attractive to trolls.
  24. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Bikstok in Change log 7.3.0   
    Since you guys are revisiting old changes, perhaps you could discuss the money cap. I understand why the cap was implemented, but I think it has had more of a negative impact on the server activity. Asylum is so addicting, because you are constantly making progress on your character development. Nowadays a lot of people just sit around the money cap with no idea of what to do in-game. My teamspeak is often full of people wanting to play Asylum, but with nothing really to do in-game. Grinding is a huge part of why games are succesful, and while the cap is in place, I bet you are losing a bunch of potential players on the servers.
    I honestly believe you would see higher numbers on the servers and more people frequently grinding money if you removed the money cap. If you want to limit the ultra-rich from buying suicide vests all day, then there are plenty of other means to do so. Prestige was a cool idea, but it definitely flopped.
    Just my thoughts!
  25. IAmLegion liked a post in a topic by Durga in Change log 7.3.0   
    VC = Violent Criminal.
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