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Posts posted by Raza

  1. On 12/15/2019 at 2:14 PM, bigjohn561 said:

    Lol... Its a 2 shot. Just dodge the 2 shots and by the time they reload (which takes 2 years) you can down them. Let me guess... U died from a shotgun? I died from running into a desk! Lets remove all desks!!! Or nerf them!

    OH OH! Don't forget about that pesky dmv npc in Pyrgos. Touch him occasionally and you die. REMOVE ALL DMVS!

  2. 17 hours ago, 王 rando 王 said:

    so? we'll just report it.


    And nothing will happen. Why not you ask? Because screaming gimme your gear or die is not RP. The times i gave my gear up they shot me anyway sooooo they can sit on their thumbs and twist, they'll enjoy that more :thinking:

  3. Probably and unpopular opinion (IDC really) and already said somewhere in the wall of text but here's my idea. 

    Take away the MX... Give the SPAR16 to BHs (Only legal to BHs)

    imho the SPAR16 is an equal competitor of the MX albeit a lower caliber. 

    Reduce the bonuses of the talents just a touch or not at all (I never had an issue with them) then voila. 


    I remember a time where bounty hunters didn't even HAVE talents nor an MX. There were still plenty of them roaming around the server. 

    Go back to its roots and go from there

  4. 14 minutes ago, Tarro said:

    Was thinking about that. Would bring some life to the forgotten part of altis. Although with distance like that I feel that it should reward more for the trouble getting out there.

    make it lucrative, make sense and have a decent reward. Possibly LEGAL when its raw, illegal when it's processed due to the how "lethal" it is. I mean raw uranium ore isn't all that radioactive but refining it brings out the radioactive properties more

  5. 2 hours ago, GO7NEY said:

    Yeah you aren't the only one to say that. It's based off a Hoonigan drift/rally car and they always seem to be really colourful and trippy. The hatchbacks we have at the moment are fairly simple, other than the Type-R, so I wanted to change it up a bit. I will look at something more subtle too.

    Go at it m8. Your stuff is better than 98% of what I've seen so props :)

    goyney likes this
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