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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by HomeUser

  1. Did you ever consider that the server is meant to be a simulation of real life?
  2. I agree, I think a lot more people would prefer it without the circle around the screen tbh
  3. What do you think of the server being daytime 24/7? Post your opinion below. I am really curious of other people's opinions, personally I enjoyed it going night-time it was fun to fight at night also it felt a lot more realistic rather than is just being day 24/7
  4. What does this mean, Im so confused
  5. Yeah that's a pretty nice shed to be honest @TheDevil
  6. This shed was sold already, sorry i forgot to update. It was sold for 270k on the market
  7. @Sp^ceGod Its still on the market if you wanna buy it, i've also reduced the price
  8. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Industrial Shed House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 220k Location (Town/DP#): Athria Asking Price: 320k Description: Shed, just outside of Athria. No crates included Pictures/Video Walk-through: http://prntscr.com/c5gyoq
  9. I was on the other side of the map i couldn't help him xD
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