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Everything posted by wollie35

  1. In before rebel whitelisting. We need to make sure rebels rob enough and fight enough cartels before allowed to acces rebel outpost
  2. @Space are u linking the chop shop clip or am i
  3. Bh is Just hype right now cuz it's back. The real scary bounty hunters will appear when the hype is over and they won't need RDM.
  4. Just give it some time before the retard come in
  5. U asked me to describe the video, I did
  6. Time for you to speak Dutch and if you pick the wrong word oh boi ur getting bullied ❤️
  7. Makes more sense tbh. Anyway surely there is somebody who's been to Lissabon. I also thought Spanish and Portuguese were similar languages. Don't think ever been yelled at harder in a language I don't know
  8. I am going to Lissabon next week and just realized there is a Portuguese translation of the rules so I am assuming there are a good amount of Portuguese playing this or at least alive on forums. Any hotspots in Lissabon? Non Portugese players who have been there feel free to say shit. I have 1 week.
  9. wow ur 2 hp with a 700 k bounty. Want a sticker?
  10. U can leave the 2019 out tbh. Imagine cheating in an RP server. How sad can it get
  11. Yeah interchange i never really thought of cheaters cause everything is dark and impossible to see where ya got shot from. But i havent played so happy that the anticheat is working nicely. I am just waiting for Wipe. But the new Engine and Hideout is gonna be gooood. And those building blueprint are gonna save me so much time
  12. Hideout + ghillie + anticheat + new engine are the best things hands down. Mil base seems cool. Also I am down to put a 50 cal at the factory exit door.
  13. imagine the MX being legal and beyond the predator talent. That sounds alot better. Work for the gun
  14. they could use server 2 as a test server for the server to test aswell tbh. No1 plays s2. Dk if its still available tho
  15. I've been logging on an hour here and there in the last week. The only thing I see is bamboo union afk capping cartels, a shit load of BLS and miller, Adam and their group. Nobody is scared of going to jail. But I haven't come across a single cop in the last week
  16. Had shit frames in Athira only (like 20-25). But we were blowing up everything and shooting everything that was there with shotguns so can't really blame asylum on that 1
  17. Even tho I was slightly drunk when making this post originally I think that's what I ment b I'm fucked. Shotgun casually 1 hit fully geared rebel over 150 meters ( shot myself) Of course TeamSpeak works fine cause the only thing that's in there are cops for S1 Forums are dead idd V2 is not amazing. Cop system seems fucked there is no BH and let's be real there is nothing new? If the server doesn't crash is the biggest part of V2 something went wrong. And don't know where the last point came from Chip but your a special snowflake Muppet and should not steal my insults.<3
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