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Got some development ideas? Click here! Foreword:
A number of our team members have spent quite a bit of time the last few weeks in getting this out to you guys. We have fundamentally changed the way our staff operates, the APD is represented, increased our security and processes, and done quite a bit of work to shift our community away from loud, toxic assholes and back to fun, light-rp guys. This is the first step, additional posts will announce more content, staff changes, and policies in the coming days.
The biggest thing we need to fix is the community, no piece of content is going to do that, it is on us as owners, and our staff to help our community recover from all these toxic cunts. I am always here to discuss concerns and will try and hold community townhalls to just discuss things regularly. -Fitz
Altis Workers Union
The Altis Workers Union is a new faction for civilian players. These members have access to select facilities to sell items, buy weapons, and work within the law. They are by definition law-abiding citizens, not able to have the training of a rebel, or a skiptracer.
Have access to higher caliber weapons to use for self-defense, (Legal with the license)
Have access to the Dock Worker in Kavala which grants an 10% sale buff on most legal items
Any vehicles bought/pulled out come with a built-in low jack which is activated when the vehicle is lockpicked
The APD is then notified and given live updates on the vehicle's location
The license can be revoked for uses included in an APD Policy to be released in concurrence with this post.
Rebels can now buy improvised explosive devices to place around the island.
Buy the IED from Rebel, hit "Use Item" via the Phone menu
Place the bomb where you want to put it and prime the charge
Call it from your phone to watch it explode
You can defuse an IED with lockpicks once it has been placed
There is a chance that it explodes if you try and defuse it, a higher chance if you did not plant it
APD officers have better chances of disarming IEDs via the calling of the bomb squad. Send a 911 message to the APD and officers will report to the scene.
While an APD vehicle is close to the IED officers will be able to scroll on their trunks to "Activate Bomb Squad"
Once an active EOD officer, you will be able to try and disarm the bomb. (Don't worry cops know what they're doing)
Upon death or successful disarmament of the IED, cops will get their original gear back.
There is also a chance that IEDs will spawn at random around the map. APD officers will be notified with a rough location and be able to defuse the bomb and sell the disabled device.
Cotton has begun to grow in a field East of Kavala
Go run and gather the cotton
Bring it to the Cotton Gin in DP2 to process it before selling at the commodities trader/Union Docks
Tobacco has sprouted along the coast Southeast of Kavala
Run and gather the tobacco
Dry the tobacco over a campfire (This can be sold at the union docks)
You can buy "Raw Papers" from a hospital, and then roll the cigarettes in your inventory whilst having dried tobacco and papers. These are sold at the Union Market/Commod Trader
You can buy "Raw Papers" and combine them with dried Tobacco and unprocessed marijuana at the Cigar Factory (Near black market production)_ to process cigars. These are sold at wong
Evidence Gathering Missions
APD officers now have the ability to start an evidence collection mission from any APD HQ, by scrolling on a vehicle NPC.
Drive the transport truck to the crime scene and collect the evidence
Once the evidence has been loaded you can drive back to the directed HQ, once you arrive you will be prompted to deliver the mission.
There is a chance that civilians will receive a notification when a delivery truck has been dispatched, and the location of pickup/delivery, so be careful!
Sherrifs Department
APD Officers may now deploy for the sheriffs department when joining the island. This faction is designed for those who wish to roleplay, and patrol the cities of Altis.
Sheriffs officers are excluded from the numbers required for federal events, although they may be requested as backup in accordance with APD policy.
This faction is a blank slate, for role players and experienced officers alike to play in the cities, patrol nearby and engage with the community. Policy has been worked out to ensure that we ease our players into this, with additional development opportunities in the coming weeks.
Mafia Strongholds
With the recent development of a union on Altis the Italian Mafia has setup shop with support of local union leaders. There are two Mafia compounds on the island which have associated illegal loot for the taking. These compounds can be breached by civilians (As a federal event), or by APD officers as a raid event. Civilians which successfully defend a mafia compound will be able to steal the loot seized by the APD, and be rewarded for stopping the raid.
The process to rob the compounds are the same for both factions. (Cops can buy demo charges and crow bars at the APD shop, rebels at rebel)
Place a demo charge on the main gate of the vault. ~5 minutes
Use crowbars on the crates inside the compound to open them up ~60 seconds to pry open each crate
Grab the sealed containers from the open crates and sell them at the rebel outpost/cop item shop
Tractor Harvesting
You are now able to farm bushes with tractors. (Replacing that dog shit garden truck). Tractors will harvest bushes not in towns, that are in front of the vehicle while it drives.
Strife Domination
In addition to our core domination which is hosted on S1, we're now introducing an extended version which will be hosted once a week for starters. (Saturday afternoon, time to be announced) This version is designed to elevate the battlefield, extending the existing arsenal and vehicle garage with the rest of A3.
What’s Included in the Extended Version?
Armored Vehicles:
Expanded Weaponry:
Item Persistence:
All vehicles, weapons, and equipment introduced in the extended version are restricted to the domination zone. This ensures that high-tier assets remain available only within the designated combat area.
(any exploiting will be a bannable offense)
Tutorial system
Mandatory Tutorial for New Players:
All new players will now be required to complete a tutorial upon first joining the game.
During the tutorial, players will have a special tag, [TUTORIAL MODE], displayed in front of their name.
Protected Learning Environment:
Players with the [TUTORIAL MODE] tag are to be left undisturbed, except for receiving help and guidance.
Enforcement Against Disruption:
Any player found intentionally disrupting or ruining the experience of those in [TUTORIAL MODE] will face strict administrative action.
Money prestige system
We understand this change might come as a surprise, but we’re evolving, and we ask you to give the new Money Prestige System a fair shot. Let’s see where this journey takes us together (we can always revise it along the way, we will listen to your constructive feedback on this).
We believe this system strikes a balance that benefits everyone:
Grinders now have even more reason to push their limits and be rewarded for their efforts.
Cartel fighters will not be constrained by an arbitrary 1 million cap that forces them into endless grinding loops, the 10 million cap offers a wide enough range to play a normal cartel fighting lifestyle.
Starting Money Cap:
All players will begin with a money cap of 10 million. Any earnings beyond this cap will be redirected towards Prestige.
Prestige Progression and Cap Increase:
Upon accumulating 10 million Prestige, your money cap will increase by 1 million, allowing you to hold up to 11 million in the bank. This progression continues: for every additional 10 million Prestige earned, your money cap will increase by another 1 million.
Prestige Rewards:
Prestige will offer exclusive rewards to recognize and reward long-term dedication.
Legacy Earnings Conversion:
Any money accumulated in V2 and V3 will automatically be converted to Prestige upon your first interaction with the server.
Vehicle Insurance
After Destruction:
Destroyed vehicles will now remain in your garage. Instead of purchasing a new car, you can repair them for their selling price, saving both time and money.
Stolen Vehicles:
However, if your vehicle is stolen, it will not be recoverable, and you’ll need to acquire a new one.
Added an additional free fire rebel
Combined achievement metrics between V2/V3
Centralized locations around cities.
New Altis Penitentiary
New Bank of Altis
Prisoners now pick cotton to reduce their time
Increased economic viability of legal money-making methods (Im not writing them all)
Gang Boat and Fort will now be equipped with an electric fence while they are not active. (So you can’t camp them)
Removed region lock, (more description to come before release with timing, etc.)
Money spawning for admins
Admins are no longer allowed to spawn money in for themselves
As a thank you for being a helpful member, each admin is rewarded 5k for their troubles every 5 minutes they are in game. They are allowed to spend this on anything they like.
We fixed all the known bugs too, I'm not writing them down either
As stated, there are additional pieces of QOL and playable content that are awaiting play testing, they will be pushed ideally the week of Thanksgiving, (Or after depending on holidays).
Hotfix #1 is now live
removed smokes from vehicles due to an arma bug causing lag
removed infinitely spawning trees on the map
removed the ability to repair sold vehicles
Hotfix #2
Bounties not persisting on relog
Trees that were causing lag
Pyrgos medical NPC not being there
Air HQ spawnpoint for cops not displaying correctly
Admin pay not actually admin paying
Picking cotton / anything that is spawned in with a 2d texture on profiling
wrong wording on union license
hotfix #3
Strife domination potentially WAC banning on mission end
Domination capture points not working on A3 profiling branch
Domination payouts code fixed properly (again) (players need to play a minimum of 30 minutes domination to be eligable for payouts)
Spawning vehicles in and or around new police HQ's
Positioning on the NPC's in police HQ
A broken automation on the backend of the server
Asylum exchange being usable in the domination zone
Metal gathering inside prison not working
Cotton spawning in shitty locations in jail
Removed really laggy trees in kavala
We tried to help you guys correct the server for weeks after we came back to Arma. You guys refused to listen to us, talked shit and acted like we were stupid. Now this is the state of the server. Throw in the towel...
Howdy Everyone!
We know it's been a wild couple of months here on Asylum. We've made a lot of changes and are continuing to do so to enhance the Asylum experience. As we look towards a better Asylum community, we want to thank all of our loyal players for sticking around to make this place what it is.
In the last 10+ years we have had a lot of ups and downs, from dealing with the depths of the pandemic, to Turkish lawyers, and rough days at work, this community has always been a place for people to come together to be away from the outside world. We just want to thank everyone for being a part of this crazy community we call Asylum.
In honor of this we are going to be running a slate of giveaways to reward all of you, all in all we are giving away $2,000+ of Asylum gold rewards, and $20 mill of in-game content.
They will be running for the next 2 weeks; you must be an active member of the server to be eligible to receive the rewards.
Must not be banned at the time of winning
Must have been reasonably active on the server within the last 30 days at time of winning
In order to enter the giveaway, please like this post, and make sure you have your player id linked to your forum account.
Asylum Gold Items:
2 Winners x 6 Months of Asylum Plus
4 Winners x 3 Months of Asylum Plus
15 Winners x 1 month of Asylum Plus
Donor levels (the value of that donor level gets added to your account)
1 Winner x Donor Level 8
1 Winner x Donor level 7
1 Winner x Donor level 6
1 Winner x Donor level 5
1 Winner x Donor level 4
1 Winner x Donor level 3
1 Winner x Donor level 2
1 Winner x Donor level 1
15 Winners x 10 crate keys of your choice
5 Winners x 2200 Asylum Gold
10 Winners x Camo bundle of your choosing
4 Winners x 25,000 Asylum Points
In Game Items:
2 Winners x Mar-10
2 Winners x SPMG
1 Winner x M320 LRR + MOS scope
1 Winner x lynx + MOS scope
2 Winners x Cyrus
10 Winners x Ifrit
5 Winners x 750k Cash
10 Winners x 100k Blood Money
3 Winners x Ghosthawk, civ, cop, or medic (rank doesn’t matter)
5 Winners x 1 next token of their choice
5 Winners x 50,000 prestige on cop
5 Winners x 25,000 honor
5 Winners x 25,000 Infamy
Thank you all for being a part of this community, and good luck!
-Asylum Staff
Gang Wars again would be nice. I remember when I was tasked to stream it back in like 2017. That was a great time that saw 300-400 viewers which was insane even for that periods viewership. I wouldn't even mind helping out with that again with other streamers alike. First one that comes to mind is someone like @zdeatHim and I could be commentators. That was my role in that Gang War all the way back and it was super fun. With admins too and the owner.
Not only that but you need to some how market your product. I understand the game is dead. But there's still about 7,000-10,000 people that play Arma daily. There's still some hope to reach out to new people that've never played the server or even returning players to some degree. If you have a product that only relies on word of mouth to market, your product will never see the light of day. There needs to be someone who reaches out to content creators, streamers, etc. Some sort of plan. Maybe with a small budget to help promote the server with these creators.
I've done the research as a successful creator myself and there's still hope with some specific streamers and youtubers that could possibly give the server a try. It's a slim chance, but making plans with these creators during an awesome server update with good timing could see GREAT results for people wanting to try it out. The Youtube scene for Arma 3 still gets great views, with a good bit still around entertaining Role Play-like videos. The Streaming scene still gets alright views with a few stand out streamers that do RP-like stuff.
I'd love to work with upper staff to try to make this happen. I've been apart of Asylum for over 9 years now. I'm a creator that to some degree is bigger than 80% of the ARMA creators (400k on youtube, 500k on tiktok, almost 100 million total views over my career, etc). Let me be your leverage to try to help bring some eyes to your product here. I'm retired from the APD so I have all the time in the world to help focus up with marketing and everything with you guys. I cant escape this community. I come back every now and then. I'd love to make another appearance but this time make a difference with the whole server, rather than just the APD ♥️
Too big of a gap between new and old players.
Bring back the turf gangs to bridge the gap. Revert the change so that you can spawn in a house while the turf is active and make it so you have the full rebel shop at the turf.
Also the cops are way too strong. Got them showing up to a fed event with double our numbers using nitro ifrits and vans on first contact like what is even the point lol good luck getting new players to enjoy that
Lost track of which month it is.
Are we currently on the
"Cops would win if they pulled more armor/Cops don't use tools because they are cheap"
or on the
"Cops pull too much armor/make too much money"
Its interesting that both sides have missed the most obvious argument for raising the chop price of APD vehicles.
Now that you can once again shed anything you like. Seems to me like it would give cops a better chance to get their vehicles back if it were being drove to a chop shop instead of the nearest gate/shed.
oddly enough raising the chop price seems like its in the best interest of both groups.
Too big of a gap between new and old players.
Bring back the turf gangs to bridge the gap. Revert the change so that you can spawn in a house while the turf is active and make it so you have the full rebel shop at the turf.
Also the cops are way too strong. Got them showing up to a fed event with double our numbers using nitro ifrits and vans on first contact like what is even the point lol good luck getting new players to enjoy that