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Asylum Pre-Patch Announcement 6/12/2024


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Hello all,

We understand there has been some major concerns with the current state of the server in terms of low population, QOL improvements, and so on.  Despite our best efforts with tons of new content, we have decided to make some major overhaul changes within Asylum geared towards a better player experience overall, and we would like to present a brief announcement outlining just a few things of what is to come (These are not the actual Patch-Notes)

Please keep in mind we are aware that the changes we are making will not please everyone, but we feel it is necessary for the state of the server to continue and thrive.

Here is the following upcoming changes that you can expect:


  • Given the state of the server and majority of others feedback our developers have been working on creating a new environment for Asylum (Some make call it Asylum v3, Asylum Reborn, call it what you want).  We have taken a step back and are going back to our roots.  Player progression will be wiped, your donor level and faction rank will remain untouched.


  • We will be introducing new patches and changes more frequently at the start of the wipe introducing old/new content items.
  • Starting out there will be four Fed events - Fed, Bank, Casino, & Prison.
    • This is to prevent players hyper inflating the economy in the first month as seen in the previous test wipe.
  • Talent System - Removed entirely (No more grinding for unnecessary talents).
    • Some talents were redistributed to faction ranks, others were dispersed behind infamy, prestige, and honor.
  • Housing Changes:
    • 3 houses total (Including 1 shed)
    • Increased max storage options for both virtual and physical items.
  • Legal and Illegal money methods have been reworked to where both can be affordable living - with the exception that illegal methods will still pay more.
  • Removed Drones for time being.
  • Starter money increased.
  • Gang bank payouts every 5 minutes based on the amount of cartels you own.
  • Removed purification.
  • Simplified crafting.
  • Many, many, more things that are just too much to list for an pre-announcement. 


  • Admins - will not be getting any money or perks for the time being, including spawning in vehicles. (They will be a new player just like you)
    • This is to ensure fairness across the community.  However, admin duties outside of normal game play will remain and can still run events to make it fun for the community. 
  • We are wiping your current count of bans for this year.
  • Ban times will be reduced drastically overall. The goal is to have players in game.
  • Player conflict dispute - If a player does not intentionally break a rule they may try to resolve with compensation.  The player does not have to accept compensation, however, the admin team will take it into consideration if we feel your situation is genuine. Note - this is not an in game feature… yet. 

APD Changes: (Temporary Changes)(Subject to Change)

  • No house raiding will be performed at this time
  • No drones
  • All cop ranks will follow helicopter guidelines. (No searching illegal areas without ground units)
    • Cops may respond via helicopter if ground units in area.
    • 20 30 minute timer cooldown for drug fields. 
    • 2 Life rule for all illegal drug areas regardless of how many cops are online (Ex: 5 cops or less is no longer valid) 

**I want to re-iterate these are just a brief example of changes to come and more will be released in the upcoming patch notes laying out exactly what was changed and what will be changing in the upcoming updates.**

The developers are working hard to make this work and we hope you guys are excited for the upcoming changes.  Thank you for continuing to be apart of our community, we love all of you. ❤️ 

- Asylum Team

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2 minutes ago, NewYork718 said:

Server wipe... GG. 

Congrats to everyone who went hard to make money and get prime houses, Just to lose it in attempts to save a dying server... 

What happens when the wipe doesnt help? 

Despite everyone being a long-term players, grinding, etc (we all have been there). - What does it matter if there is no server to own these items on?  I am losing out on stuff too, I just recently got a shed after 10 years... 

BLOTTER and HUNTE like this
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All I’m gonna say is this… there is no point to wipe a server thinking it’s gonna help when there aren’t any new arma 3 players in 2024. You guys already offered to match peoples economy from other servers so there would still be no fresh incentive for them to come play asylum all the sudden. The only thing you are doing is wiping players progress for loyal players that have played for years. Can we maybe get some sort of donor levels or skins or something for the money we have right now? I mean fuck we have a dude with 600mil and it’s going to be wiped and he’s spent 1000’s of hours grinding money for it to be taken away. Also all of our stats on myasy and the leaderboards are all for nothing. Cops kills and quests we have all done wiped. I can’t see myself personally playing after this wipe. 

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3 minutes ago, Alex. said:

Server wipe would be the final nail in the coffin. Unless you add ALOT of new things with this wipe i still feel it aint the a good direction.

This... The developers have been at it non-stop and to address all the clutter, simplifying things, and will be introducing new and better content more aggressively.

2 minutes ago, NewYork718 said:

3 house total? Who is even making up these new rules? No community vote? I love asylum buy dam this is a massive lowblow to the community. 

The constant complaint has been that players have not been able to acquire homes.  We have increased inventory of these houses, and there is more to come on that matter in terms of storage.  A lot of the points in this are temporary to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity.


Sandwich, Crossfade and BlackShot like this
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3 minutes ago, HunterB said:

This... The developers have been at it non-stop and to address all the clutter, simplifying things, and will be introducing new and better content more aggressively.

The constant complaint has been that players have not been able to acquire homes.  We have increased inventory of these houses, and there is more to come on that matter in terms of storage.  A lot of the points in this are temporary to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity.


New players are mad they cant find a PRIME house 1 week into the server, I have 200mil in the bank and recently acquired primed houses. That's called grinding for what you want. Just handing things out isnt going to attract server pop. 

Wipe will not help, im calling it now, people are already talking about not coming back. 

Make sure to back up these server files, incase that wipe is an absolute bust like the TEST wipe, and we need to  come back to this. 

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1 minute ago, Chris Peacock said:

All I’m gonna say is this… there is no point to wipe a server thinking it’s gonna help when there aren’t any new arma 3 players in 2024. You guys already offered to match peoples economy from other servers so there would still be no fresh incentive for them to come play asylum all the sudden. The only thing you are doing is wiping players progress for loyal players that have played for years. Can we maybe get some sort of donor levels or skins or something for the money we have right now? I mean fuck we have a dude with 600mil and it’s going to be wiped and he’s spent 1000’s of hours grinding money for it to be taken away. Also all of our stats on myasy and the leaderboards are all for nothing. Cops kills and quests we have all done wiped. I can’t see myself personally playing after this wipe. 

+1 to Chris. A reset is going to leave this game maybe refreshed (MAYBE) but it will last a month, after that its gonna be worse than it is now. I can almost guarantee you the remainder of your player base will end up with Oly. Thinking from a player POV why would we start fresh here when we can just go start Oly which will have more numbers. For those who spent a while grinding to the point where they can now just enjoy fighting and buying kits with the money they have, this is a big fuck you to them. Chris also be right, arma 3 is a 10 year old game and isnt seeing many new players anymore, this isnt Anzus, a reset wont help. 

I see a lot of your old players quitting for good and going elsewhere. These days half the fighters who come on purely come on to do fed events or fight and nothing else, everyone spent their 500 hrs grinding. 

It would be a different story if you kept your money into the server wipe for new content and we are only allowed 1 house/1 shed until the first month is over. 

I hope this pans out, but i personally dont think it will, you've just dug asylums grave. 

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1 minute ago, Jr4life24 said:

"Hi guys, I grinded between 1-4 years ago and have stacks upon stacks of cash and have turned a light RP life server into a wasteland server. Now that I'm no longer able to play this like a wasteland server I no longer wanna be here."


Please name 1 arma 3 server that isn’t being played like a wasteland server in 2024. And if you say anzus all I can do is laugh in your face

luke110, lantz0607 and Big fart like this
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