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APD Corporal
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Posts posted by Sp0on

  1. 13 hours ago, pr0digyt said:

    @Mitch (IFRIT) Consider: Cops HAVE to have a forum account to become a cop, so the forums will be represented disproportionately by (career) cops and the cop cap does NOTHING but nerf cops. It's not hard to see which way this vote will swing.

    Ask yourself: "will the server ever have a shortage of cops"? Now ask yourself "will the server ever have a shortage of civs"? 

    That tells you all you need to know. The cop cap has helped regrow the civ playerbase, and removing it is just going to be encouraging the APD to recontrol the server like they did in the year the server was truly dead. If you lose a couple cops to the cap, it's worth the civs you gained because of it.


    10 hours ago, pr0digyt said:

    My gang is an oligarchy consisting of two people. We don't have enough members that we can't give them personal attention. The APD is similarly structured as my gang, but with a slightly less centralized Oligarchy because of the number of people needing management, run by the Captains and second in Commands. Some Civ gangs are democracies, some are oligarchies, some have dictators. This isn't relevant. The point is you're sitting here asking for more slots to log cops in with while simultaneously saying that rebels just need to train people better to keep up. The hypocrisy. Cops are the largest gang on the server with a low bar for entry. Then their gang cap was lowered, because there were too many and it was a monopoly. Now people complain that they can't win and accuse rebels of not recruiting good enough people or teaching their existing people. Bro. Raise the requirements to be a cop. Add an actual roleplay scenario to the interview or something. Tell your Gang Leaders to change your rules and start being more elite because there's too many retards for the number of slots.

    shut the fuck up

  2. 12 hours ago, Reformed epTic said:


    To be fair we have no proof that Jessie was indeed a she.

    wasnt there nudes floating around?

    although there is no way to confirm they were hers...


    at any rate @Azeh that's really fucking awesome that you were able to fix something that has been plaguing our community for years. It's a shame that it has taken this long to fix the problem but not something that was your fault. I'm sure the rest of the community agrees when I say that we are grateful for everything you have done and everything you are doing for us.

    Gaskal likes this
  3. 2 hours ago, Reformed epTic said:

    i mean you don't get revived when you're domed by a 7.62 either

    more people have lived from being shot by a 7.62 than narcan working on someone who has od'd only on meth...but point taken.

    2 hours ago, Batcan said:

    Add drug addiction so I can shoot up in kavala


    it would make sense to have the drug fields if this was a thing and a reason to fight cartels.

    gotta keep the fiends fed.

    Raza likes this
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