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Infamous [FULL SEND]

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Everything posted by Infamous [FULL SEND]

  1. man all you niggas got me fucked up on this shit, give @Ethan Darrellhis admin back, I know he banned me once for 3 days, and fuck you respectfully but shit nigga Ethan was the best asylum admin i've ever seen. (Besides big G).
  2. AHAHAHAH I love the last clip. #RegionLockAsylum!
  3. Hey man, next time try gathering at the gold bar field!
  4. Very cool Ryan. thanks for sharing with the class!
  5. 10% tax, I actually enjoy my money not being fucking robbed thanks!
  6. I swear you're only an asylum staff member because of make a wish, you're truly so fucking retarded my brain hurts.
  7. +1, this my asylum thing is pretty cool boonie, but i think its time to start loading up sublime and watching @Pizza Man’s SQF tutorials
  8. Who has seen this fella around?

  9. sounds like it's just waiting for me to get 10 bbnb members on cop and hit them all in the head with one shell respect
  10. Make a 25k infamy talent called weapons specialist, and make it so that on the rebel boat or bm only you are able to buy higher caliber rifles (beyond 7.62) or the ability to buy a titan AA for a large sum of money(150-200k) If this is to happen crafting them must be heinous, arms should be needed and at least 500k in materials as well as like a 5 minute crafting time. What if i have a zafir? Or head shot a cop with an rpg? Or the projectiles from the rpg hit like 5 cops in the head? Hey man, its been like this for 5+ years. Realistically this whole thing should be removed or maybe have the “season” reset.
  11. who is watching in 2021? like if you are
  12. there are many problems to this, mitch is being a meanie and doesn't like me, likely altis radio will never see the sunny side of Altis, but if it does... What your suggesting is possible, however would require a custom audio file and also would take up mission file space.
  13. btw your code literally makes no sense, or I'm retarded Why does it on key up check to see if the key is down?
  14. listen bub, why don't you go make an altis radio station for the altis community to enjoy!
  15. Please fucking stop Just fucking stop bro, please, please, please, please, please, please, please please. Stop It is so fucking heinous
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