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Posts posted by Protocol

  1. Just now, Clint Beastwood said:

    When i got pinned down at the boat docks in Pyrgos I got hit in the arm, what seemed like 3 fucking times, and my sway was god awful, I honestly was just hoping I would die.

    Yea I was on that wall behind you at the docks and with the strider at bank  I was convinced you were in god mode at the docks and bank  but I guess not...

  2. Instead of the main stream put an orca on the bank and escape we should try a new strategy! 

    two boats at the back of the bank in the water 

    ( I’m gonna try todo this when I get home and see how it goes!)

  3. 1 hour ago, Reformed epTic said:

    what the fuck was this retard pilot doing

    1) Why are you flying below 200m without a gunner? There's literally no point

    2) Why are you pointing your cockpit at the guy with the big gun? You're a monkey

    3) You do know that you can safely observe someone in a vehicle from fucking 600-700m in the air and the chances of you being shot down are literally fucking 0, right? 

    I asked him why he didn’t fly away when I stopped he said he wanted to know who was driving the truck....

  4. Bench: 55 

    never tried deadlift or squats  I weigh 111lbs I’m a sophomore and didn’t really work out for that long maybe about a month or two before I just kinda quit trying it since I got bored but I do wanna get back into it :)

  5. 2 hours ago, Mason said:

    I help people in game when I can. For example, "Help I am stuck, I am stranded etc." If there is an issue such as RDM/Combat log etc, that is why we have a report system in place. We cannot watch everyone on the server at once. There is a nice button on the phone that sends a message to all available admins. I wont speak for all admins but personally when I log on Asylum, I am there to play. When I am off Asylum, I do player reports, comp requests ban appeals etc. Unless something happens right in front of me. I will respond in side chat to help someone or help them if it is an issue I can solve immediately and quickly (TP them from being stuck, ill help new players who are stranded and TP them to a car garage etc.) What was the reason this topic was made? We also have the ability to admin message specific players so if someone asks for an admin in chat we can start a PM dialogue with them. Just because you do not see it does not mean we do nothing. 

    I made this post because I saw the other post a guy made saying only you can change asylum etc etc with new players not wanting to report since its to much work apparently but with most of my suggestions I gotta think I kinda think about and think it’s a great idea! And then as people point out why it wouldn’t be only then do I realize it’s not a great idea.

    1 hour ago, Sean That Irish Guy said:

    Admins cant be online in the server 24/7.

    Admins cannot prove rdm/vdm if you cry in sidechat.

    Messages are logged but they aint gonna check because you asked ingame, make a report.

    Message online admins works if someone is mass rdm/vdm'ing.

    If they add a @ feature for admins in game you best believe people will just spam that shit for the luls.

    Shit works fine, think before posting. i guarantee if you took 5 minutes to think before making this you would have realized.




    Yea that’s what happens with all my posts at this point :p

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