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Everything posted by Protocol

  1. Thanks for the armor stacking.
  2. this was one of the first videos I ever posted and to add to it!(its a gta V outfit glitch and it still works btw) im putting this up here for all the memes and bully's out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV4qENwVGIw
  3. I’m just gonna say but bada and Clint and Mitch have my full support from what I have seen it is quite obvious that they truely do care about asylum and its community when the old owner gave up on it they bought it and brought it back to life I remember the server would have these terrible crashes that would cause me to lose hundreds and thousands of dollars but you know what they fixed some stuff and it got better the crashes became way less often and when it did happen it would recover ever since they started working on it think about it this way if they didn’t care they wouldn’t make a response yet here we have Mitch taking time out of his day to make a response to the community and it wasn’t and short ‘yea were working on it’ no it was detailed and explained why things were happening like why Stellar’s recuritment forum is hidden etc but if they really didn’t care they wouldn’t bother fixing cause they make a shit ton of money off of it anyway so I may be 14 but what I have seen from this dev team is true dedication so you can complain all you want but it won’t make the server perform better.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0rrmnAEsi4
  5. Good job Walt but you spelled my name wrong lmao it’s all good tho.
  6. It was fun glad I could join in hopefully next time I won’t wake up at 7 in the morning for it tho.
  7. @Mitch (IFRIT) welp I guess I know what ill be spending my next years Christmas money on!
  8. another video I made today some of you great pvp bois might like this one but idk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-ol9pDxo9E
  9. this isn't a montage this is just me and the bois fighting cops at kav hq I got a few good kills and just started to be able to record so I just wanted to post this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nSh-ivSCbo
  10. that was good vid lmao you should make more tbh
  11. some new guys on the playing field nice
  12. I'm friends with Leroy Jenkins so they made an exception
  13. I never properly introduced my self so I'm here now as of right now. I am DS Dillon in game and would just like to say hello. I never really come on the forums just to let ya know. I am of the age of 14 (warning) and really enjoy playing on this server if you need to talk to me message me in game or here on the forums BUH BYE!
  14. In Game Name: DH | Dillon Age: 14 Are you a member of the APD (rank):nope Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: vdm about a day Any previous Gangs:sf trinity DH
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