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Astaroth the Medic

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  1. Nic Rage liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in New Asylum Staff   
    Too much DS.
  2. 王 Bobby Leel 王 liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in New Asylum Staff   
    Too much DS.
  3. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in New Asylum Staff   
    Too much DS.
  4. Panda liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in New Asylum Staff   
    Too much DS.
  5. 王 rando 王 liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in New Asylum Staff   
    Too much DS.
  6. KingOfNarniaa liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in New Asylum Staff   
    Too much DS.
  7. Astaroth the Medic liked a post in a topic by Mason in New Asylum Staff   
    Welcome @Sjuol @KriSSu09@Luke SwagWalker@Blake.@Smurfyslaw@Alex. who are Asylum's newest moderators.

    Also Welcome to @Donald who is our newest support team member.
    PM them with any questions you may have!
    Thank you to everyone who applied.
  8. Ron D liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in Excess honor   
    Make Excess honor work like Blood Money for Skip.
  9. Astaroth the Medic liked a post in a topic by DS_Billy in Changelog - June   
    The fact that you made all theese changes and did nothing for the way evidence locker is robbed is a testament to how out of touch you all are with the server. 

    It is the only federal event on the server where the rebels can close the power down, drive away from it for x amount of time until its disabled then all push in ifrits. You should have to stay and defend the power box just like the bank, just like the fed, just like the prison. 

    Imagine going to the bank, starting the drill, flying away for 9 mins and comming back.
    Imagine starting the prison and driving away until the prisoners are out of jail. 
    It makes no sense and is being exploited. 

    Changing shotguns to being illegal and only able to buy from rebel but not able to cap cartels?? how much thinking went into that? why? 

    "Having your bounty hunter license revoked will keep you from getting a new license until the next server session." Why are you changing things that have worked for ages? Make bounty hunter licenses worth more money if you want to punish bounty hunters. Now if some new guy gets fucked over  bounty hunting 20 mins into a server session, he cant play that if he was having fun with it for another 2 hours 40 mins? Bounty hunters have it rough enough going after rebels with the same gear as police officers just without the whole police force behind them. What the hell is the thinking behind this?

    Moving the bounty hunter stations outside of citys is just as dumb, you are gatekeeping newer players and pushing stuff further away from the citys where alot of fun interaction happens.  

    Whoever is pulling the strings at the top right now, presumably you henry needs to get pulled out of here before you fuck up more shit. 

    The Gatekeeping on the federal events is a dumb, We have to wait at the fed until 8 minutes after  the prison gets done... only to start hacking the fed doors and a bank to go off locking us out of it again until that is done +8 mins. we went 6/7?? years without there being an issue with that. Not needed addition to the server also.

    Stupid stuff, we are going backwards.
  10. Astaroth the Medic liked a post in a topic by Leady in New Staff Members   
    Please join me in congratulating and welcoming our new Moderators:
    @Renegade (NotRoguePilot)
    Also wanted to welcome to the support team @Issac
    Do us proud!
  11. Astaroth the Medic liked a post in a topic by Bread in AFD Staff Roster   
    Fire Chief 
    Assistant Chiefs:
    @silenthunter217 (Chad)
    Medical Director:
    Retired Fire Chief:
    Retired Asst. Chief
    B. Stevens
    John Oasis
    Rare African Bush Tiger
    Retired Paramedic
    Alshiq Fatarra
    Anthony Angel
    Dale Gribble
    Dan (Payne)
    Dr. Avatus
    J Lucky
    Red Baret
    Tommy Jones
  12. Astaroth the Medic liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Server 2   
    Well the problem is that they often don't have the complete picture. So it's harder for them to see why something is happening, and I get that frustration. From a revenue perspective I'd want to have 20 full servers. Even with two servers, our income is better than with one. But if this was about the income I would be keeping the server up, allowing people to farm money and tank the "economy". But I'm trusted with making the best decision possible, even if it doesn't seem like it to everyone else. I also realise that the limited voices on the forums do not represent everyone's thoughts and feelings. The last day I looked, there were 800 something people that played on one server of ours in one day. So I try my best to remember that they don't speak for everyone, but their opinions and thoughts are still important. 
  13. Astaroth the Medic liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Server 2   
    Don't be foolish. We are all working hard to ensure we can keep it as best as we can for everyone. Decisions are never easy to make, and this is a prime reason I didn't want to add a second server in the first place. But no one could have predicted the virus and the effects from it. Server 2 served it's purpose. But over the last week, the population was on a decline and it finally became apparent that we needed to go back to one server. I apologize that this decision isn't the same one that you would make.  
    Don't be ignorant, you have zero idea how we effectively manage our resources. The last thing this is about is server rental fee. That's never been a part of the conversation. 
    I'm not going to bother with much here. Seeing as you have spent 17 hours total on server 2, compared to the average of others on server 2. I'd day you're just here to stir the pot. 
    That's the problem. I do not see the purpose in having two half full servers. Or 1 full server and a second with 30 people on it. 
    Right now, we have found that we get the best performance at 120. With higher than that player cap, we experienced some desync when people were close together and fighting etc. It's not worth to add the extra people just for them to experience poor performance. As soon as we can raise that cap, we will. 
    At peak times, joining will be more difficult. What would you do if you were in my same shoes? I can't have a second server where money can be earned with little to no risk. alliances can be formed and potentially you could have 10-30 people all farming some money making millions without risk. And then, take those millions and go to server 1 where there are people with a appropriate amount of risk having their runs ruined. I do not see how this values the community. Why would 1 group of people make money easy, and the second group have a tougher time?
    I will ask you the same. With what I have listed above, what would you do? We can't force anyone to play on server 2. And over the last week when the server has been open from 2pm to 2am cst. The numbers have been low. 
    If you could actually manage to form a argument, I'd be willing to chat with you. Feel free to reach out and set up a time to talk in Ts.
    Since server 2 was brought back. it's been open from roughly 2pm-2am cst. 12 hours, which is a hard restart cycle. I am not sure where you are getting this 2-3 hours a day from. Could be that you're catching it at the late night closing time.
  14. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in Waiting for interview.   
    It does. After 1 hour of waiting you are allowed to. Just like in the Police support lobby it says if waiting for a captain for more than an hour you can message.
  15. Astaroth the Medic liked a post in a topic by Blake. in Asylum Expansion   
    Babys first sentence 🥳
  16. Pin Goo liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in Changelog - mid/late March   
    Amazing Comment
  17. Niklaus liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in RDM Server 1   
    This is why you don't go unarmed. And why ya don't stay still for too long. The RDMers are shit shots already, just take a few steps and shoot back.
  18. zdeat liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in For undercover cop.   
    What about the UC using a shotgun? I mean beanbag rounds exist, should be something cops can use.
  19. Abidi liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in Changelog - mid/late March   
    I just want it changed back to hold. Messes up my Medical Tempest Horn.
  20. Astaroth the Medic liked a post in a topic by Fried Rice in Seizing vs impounding   
    Can we get an option to impound the vic when it has 5k or more of illegal items? I dont usually seize the vics but that means we have to leave them at the place we found them which kinda sucks for the civ. 
  21. 7empest liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in Changelog - mid January   
    But that was the best part. I loved driving Go-Karts in Kavala!
  22. Donald liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in Changelog - mid January   
    But that was the best part. I loved driving Go-Karts in Kavala!
  23. John Oasis liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in AFD Leadership Change   
    Congrats Sky! 
  24. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in AFD Leadership Change   
    Congrats Sky! 
  25. Master27411 liked a post in a topic by Astaroth the Medic in AFD Leadership Change   
    Congrats Sky! 
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