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Gloria Williams

APD Officer
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  1. Capt Pepper liked a post in a topic by Gloria Williams in Megaphone, FBIs, Swats? And some other s6 ideas.   
    Since... now we have a modded server... Can we have megaphones on police vehicles?
    Wouldn't it be cool as fuck if you were in a pursuit and you can shout, 'APD, stop your vehicle at the side of the road with the engine off!'. Even if I think of this feature, I could think of so many ways to rp and even with the phone feature, now I can start my full time scamming business as a 'Windows tech support', thanks @Paratus for this phone feature, giving me lots of free and vulnerable innocent Civilian to scam.
    And seeing that there's a model for police under Civilian, the hat there looks cool and maybe can be used for the server with a little retexturing and such, I mean since its Australia, right? We need different hats and such.
    Also, we have several custom police, FBI and Swat vests, maybe we can use them aswell.
    Maybe make a new things for cop with the use of FBI vests? I guess cops will roll with maybe plain Civilian clothing but must wear FBI vests and their car would be a Civilian car but with a small siren on top. I tried making a Swat on  editor mode and I gotta admit it looked badass in full black with helmet and etc. The FBI thing would just mostly be undercover in vehicles and won't be op as a vest will be still on and maybe make it only they will have a pistol? And where mostly FBIs would do investigation work such as 911 calls or just a scene of a gunshot, thus making regular policemen have more time to patrol and be in pursuits than all cops being in one area. I don't know, you discuss in the comments. 
    A rule should be enforced that the prison has to be guarded because on my timezone, rarely doors will be open to the prison to pay bail and etc. Gives the prison guards more interaction with the prisoners and who knows? Maybe a feature where a shorter sentence can be given by Wardens to replace the metal collecting feature!
    I believe strongly that now we have an actual modded Asylum server, these features should be doable, I think. 
  2. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Reformed epTic in Megaphone, FBIs, Swats? And some other s6 ideas.   
    I'd like to see Swat fixed on the normal servers before adding more shit to the modded servers. 
  3. Olivia liked a post in a topic by Gloria Williams in Sojobeans.. now in a store near you!   
    Abuse your admin powers, no balls.
  4. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Murmurs in Megaphone, FBIs, Swats? And some other s6 ideas.   
    FBI does more than just investigate. They run raids, have their own swat teams, use shotguns, m4s, sniper rifles, etc. Just pistols for normal patrol, like a cop
  5. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Swifty in Sojobeans.. now in a store near you!   
    You won't pour a bottle of milk over your head Sojobo, no balls.
  6. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Vash in Sojobeans.. now in a store near you!   
  7. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Google™ in Megaphone, FBIs, Swats? And some other s6 ideas.   
    They all seem like good features to be added +1
  8. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Big Bird in Megaphone, FBIs, Swats? And some other s6 ideas.   
    Only problem I have with this would be if the warden was letting his gang members out early, much like pardoning. Everything else +1 if it's possible to be added.
  9. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Henry Facesmasher in Server 6 FPS   
    download the new I7 CPU
  10. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by rngr in Server 6 FPS   
    Play Altis
  11. Ray_Gun liked a post in a topic by Gloria Williams in Megaphone, FBIs, Swats? And some other s6 ideas.   
    Since... now we have a modded server... Can we have megaphones on police vehicles?
    Wouldn't it be cool as fuck if you were in a pursuit and you can shout, 'APD, stop your vehicle at the side of the road with the engine off!'. Even if I think of this feature, I could think of so many ways to rp and even with the phone feature, now I can start my full time scamming business as a 'Windows tech support', thanks @Paratus for this phone feature, giving me lots of free and vulnerable innocent Civilian to scam.
    And seeing that there's a model for police under Civilian, the hat there looks cool and maybe can be used for the server with a little retexturing and such, I mean since its Australia, right? We need different hats and such.
    Also, we have several custom police, FBI and Swat vests, maybe we can use them aswell.
    Maybe make a new things for cop with the use of FBI vests? I guess cops will roll with maybe plain Civilian clothing but must wear FBI vests and their car would be a Civilian car but with a small siren on top. I tried making a Swat on  editor mode and I gotta admit it looked badass in full black with helmet and etc. The FBI thing would just mostly be undercover in vehicles and won't be op as a vest will be still on and maybe make it only they will have a pistol? And where mostly FBIs would do investigation work such as 911 calls or just a scene of a gunshot, thus making regular policemen have more time to patrol and be in pursuits than all cops being in one area. I don't know, you discuss in the comments. 
    A rule should be enforced that the prison has to be guarded because on my timezone, rarely doors will be open to the prison to pay bail and etc. Gives the prison guards more interaction with the prisoners and who knows? Maybe a feature where a shorter sentence can be given by Wardens to replace the metal collecting feature!
    I believe strongly that now we have an actual modded Asylum server, these features should be doable, I think. 
  12. Vito Lorenzo liked a post in a topic by Gloria Williams in The Corruption of the APD   
    I'm famous!!!!!!
  13. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Mc Duushe in The Corruption of the APD   
    We have caught the undercover rat and have put him to death in the most gruesome way.
    Since it is so graphic we've replaced it with a family friendly version
    We at the APD are never guilty of corruption.
    You'll die before you can come out in public with proof.

  14. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Paratus in Change Log 6.6.5   
    This is a pretty sad patch. Granted, the couple features might be useful but it's a very small update. The reason for this is that we spent time this week exploring a modded server, now that Arma's launcher makes installing mods a bit easier.
    Next week you will most likely see our first modded server. To start, it's not going to be very different from regular Asylum servers in terms of gameplay, but it will feature new guns, new vehicles, and more. It may even be on a whole new landmass.
    A new phone call option has been added for calling 911. This will initiate a phone call with the current 911 dispatcher. The police dispatcher can now assign waypoints to all police officers. This will add a marker on their map as well as on their HUD.  
    Fixed bugs with dropping your virtual inventory on death. Scotch and sea turtles have been added to the dynamic market. Australian police officers can now purchase the offroad as intended. Fixed car spawn points in Brisbane. Added a salt trader to southern Australia. Fixed issues with jury duty on Australia. Fixed a bug with storage crates being added to new house types on Australia. Vehicles on Stratis and Australia will now come back to your garage properly.
  15. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by bamf in Bugs that bug you   
    I play a lot on the servers, but I don't pretend to know every bug that is an annoyance for you the players.  Help me start a list so that we can knock some of the more annoying ones out please.  
    I don't intend for this to be a place to complain about things, simply a spot that we can start a running tally of the bugs so that I can give Paratus the most up to date list possible for prioritization.  
    I will update the initial post to list bugs, so please check there first to make sure we don't duplicate them as we go down the list.  
    List o' bugs
    At times, players appear to lose their gear when they exit a vehicle.  Those players still see gear on themselves, but other players do not see the gear.  This leads to unexpected ballistics results in the game.   Only for the APD, when syncs happen the fire mode is automatically toggled back to single fire.   After the patch that keeps you from dying at 0 food/water, once you go to 0 eating and/or drinking do not reset your rate of movement while on foot in the game.   Fresh spawn players are unable to buy a slash bandolier at the clothing store with the message "Not enough space". When a vehicle and crates) contains illegal contraband and the APD searches the vehicle or crate, all virtual items in the vehicle trunk or crate inventory are removed instead of just the illegal items.   Houses listed on the housing market do not always pay the seller when sold if the seller is offline.   SWAT has no way to enter the Commander seat of a Strider, so you only have 3 seats instead of 4 in that vehicle.   Medics are unable to pull dead players from vehicles.   Civilian offroads are spawning with light bars. Some houses will not allow the expected number of crates/aging barrels to be placed inside (1.2M long stone houses for one).   Apply painkillers to jailed citizens for the sake of mercy.   If a vehicle saves through a restart and then impounded by a cop, most of the times it will be gone out of your garage. (need to verify) PPE is lost when going through a checkpoing and speeding.   Possession of illegal firearms is now showing as $3500 instead of it's original value.   Entering or exiting a vehicle disconnects an APD officer from their drone.   Someone being revived by two people will end up on debug island instead of being revived.   Jury duty sometimes binds you in place instead of allowing you to move around.   When a vehicle despawns near bank it doesn't go back to the owners garage (unconfirmed?) When you die and respawn you can't reconnect to your drone for 2-10 mins.  (On the UAV terminal there will be an X on the drone like someone else is already connected to it.) Fix "the crack" at the prison. Restrained cops can not be pulled from a vehicle.   When UC cops are revived, their virtual inventory goes back to the default UC loadout instead of what they actually had on their character.  
  16. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Subaru in Roll-play.   
    Posted with my phone and auto correct... Hang me out back for this... Enjoy gents
  17. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by [§] Alex in Roll-play.   
    Don't post shit on them forums if you don't want people to respond to it. I'm sorry I'm not in on the FSA circlejerk.
  18. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by [§] Alex in Roll-play.   
    What a shit post. He mistypes/spells one thing wrong and you feel the need to make a post about nothing. 
  19. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Ed. in Go-Karts   
    Driving an Unregistered Vehicle charge is $250.
    Using a Go-Kart on main roads does not give automatic probable cause on its own.
    As APD personnel you may pull them over, if they comply you may charge them, you may impound and give them ride back into town.
    This should be very straightforward.
    Ticket Guide is updated.  Let's make sure and make this a fun, RP experience if we catch them with Go-Karts.
  20. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by What zit tooya in Backpacks for cops!   
    meh go UC if you want a backpack. If you're a constable become a corporal.
  21. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Slittcer in Backpacks for cops!   
    Get it done paratus!
  22. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Haych in Backpacks for cops!   
    Paratus can apply a script that makes Bluefor backpacks invisible. This way, the APD gets to enjoy a backpack while still looking professional. Most servers do this.
  23. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Hiraku in 1v5 TunnelSnakes Cartel   
    Tunnel snakes need to stick to spamming 911 calls and attempting to troll cops.
  24. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by Paratus in Change Log 6.6.3   
    Go-Karts can now be driven away from the race track. Go-Karts are considered "unregistered vehicles" and police now have a new charge for people driving them on roads. Recently captured messages for captures/cartels will now properly report the amount of time until it can be captured again. The longer you hold a capture point, the better the defensive fortifications will become! They will upgrade each restart where a gang held the area for the entire duration. Removed a bunch of capture points which people didn't enjoy. Added a new drug cartel location. Added vehicle garages to every cartel. You can now access them using the flag. Fixed a bug when placing charges where some charges would be missing from the options.
  25. Gloria Williams liked a post in a topic by HotWings in Should First-Person view be forced in Cartel zones?   
    Would certainly enforce real strategy.
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