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APD Officer
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  1. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Codie Alterman in ****APD Policy Update 5/14/2019****   
    Illegal Areas (two life rule)  **UPDATE**
    When entering any illegal area, officers now have a two life rule.
    Officers may only patrol illegal areas once every 20 minutes if no suspicious activity is observed that requires their attention.
    Officers are allowed to return to illegal areas before the 20 minute timer is up under the following circumstances:
    If a 911 text is sent within the illegal area. If a fugitive pings from inside of the illegal area. If a vehicle with a tracker enters the illegal area. If nearby traffic enters the illegal area. Active visual pursuit into the illegal area. If an officer needs to update a warrant or APB. If an officer dies within an illegal area, they may return one more time per engagement.
    The two life rule does not apply when there are 5 or less officers online.
  2. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Buck in Pineapple on pizza   
    @Gregg says no I say yes

  3. Fried Rice liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in yall are funny   
  4. BioHazard liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in Old memes   
    I remember this. Good times lol
  5. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Clockwerk in ****APD Policy Update 05/09/18****   
       Over the last few months the Captains have been keeping a close eye on some outdated policies as well as trying out new things to keep it fun and fair for both civilians and rebels. With that being said, these new policies will be effective immediately.
    Federal Reserve
    If there is an active fed going on officers may NO longer seize gold bars out of the vehicle unless there is a 1 minute all clear. If the vehicle manages to escape the fed and is stopped in route to rebel, then the officers will have 2 options.
    1. Wait for the one minute all clear call and seize gold.
    2. Sergeants and above may hop in vehicle during combat and begin to drive back to the HQ and seize upon arrival.
    Cartel Raids
    Going forward with cartel raids there will be 2 new rules implemented that all offices must abide by. Any higher-ranking officers caught abusing these rules will be held accountable.
    1. After any SGT + calls a cartel raid, they must mark that cartel with the time (just like drug fields) once its completed. Once that raid is over no new raids may be called for 20 mins.
    2. If there are 8 or more officers attending that cartel raid it will be a ONE LIFE RULE. If there is 7 or less officers going to that cartel raid then officers may respond back as many times as they wish until all officers are killed/raid ends.
    Warning Shots at Helicopters
    When helicopters are flying around outside of the HQ's, warning shots will no longer be an acceptable way to initiate by APD standards. If you wish to shoot at a helicopter outside of an HQ you MUST text the pilot first before shooting. If Helicopters are hovering/flying around at an HQ then officers may use warning shots to deter the heli (still try and text pilot first if possible). If the helicopter does not fly away after given a sufficient amount of time then all officers on scene may shoot at the heli.
    Any further questions/concerns, feel free to contact a Captain
    Thank you
  6. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by wollie35 in Wollie at it's finest   
    for any of you who didnt figure it out, i was playing with those guys. I just joined and didnt realize they were in that heli
  7. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Rosie in Text GIF   
    Why are you always an asshole? What you get out of it? Looking cool? Pfft, you can fuck off.
  8. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Scott in Quick poll related to APD and lethals   
    None of these options are what we're asking for. Just make it so the person stays exactly the same as far as being revived, but they don't get a pardon. Simple.
  9. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Clint Beastwood in ****APD Policy Update 04/25/18****   
    New Immediate Seizure Vehicles

    It should go without saying these vehicles are both HIGHLY ILLEGAL and, if encountered, should immediately be neutralized.
    Please remember to follow vehicle SEIZING guidelines
    Stipulations of engagement 
    You may shoot to disable the vehicle WITHOUT initiation. 
    Do NOT shoot drivers, gunners or passengers WITHOUT initiation you WILL be subject to all appropriate violations in the APD and server rules.
    Lethal ammunition is ALWAYS authorized for anyone in the gunner position.
  10. Walt liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in Change log 8.1.4   

  11. Mr. Linux liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in First Armed Quillin Seizure   
    @Morgan Lacerda with the legendary spikestrip 
  12. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Silver-Spy in Change log 8.1.4   
    Hell yeah
  13. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Jbdragon in Change log 8.1.4   
    Yes sorry everyone I meant no pardon when they get lethaled. That way gives Bounty hunters a chance to go after some bigger bountys and the cops will keep the killing down and go for downing to get a payout if they so wish. But to use the lethal ammo for a tactical advantage to push a bank,fed etc...
    Please lord @bamf
  14. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by DarkKnight in Change log 8.1.4   
    +1 on both of these!! 
  15. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by Jbdragon in Change log 8.1.4   
    And @bamf no more cop lethal payouts A.K.A no bounty wipe for cops lethaling a wanted person, I think it would bring alot to asylum and open up more opportunitys for the people of asylum. 
    I know Clint,Dk and clock are for this idea as am I.  
  16. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by BlackShot in First Armed Quillin Seizure   
    It's Morgan's fucking specialty.
  17. Dressbuck liked a post in a topic by The Monopoly Man in First Armed Quillin Seizure   
    "Here we go boys, Armor on Armor"
    Famous last words before 1 Week VDM - Clint

  18. Kettles liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in Change log 8.1.4   

  19. Nate!!! liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in First Armed Quillin Seizure   
    @Morgan Lacerda with the legendary spikestrip 
  20. StrobelightDiscoweaver liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in First Armed Quillin Seizure   
    @Morgan Lacerda with the legendary spikestrip 
  21. Brendon Smith liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in First Armed Quillin Seizure   
    @Morgan Lacerda with the legendary spikestrip 
  22. Morgan Lacerda liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in First Armed Quillin Seizure   
    @Morgan Lacerda with the legendary spikestrip 
  23. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Dressbuck in First Armed Quillin Seizure   
    @Morgan Lacerda with the legendary spikestrip 
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