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Everything posted by Peterr

  1. it's okay the showers are safezone
  2. started using it today, only downside is that it only support a few maps not universal like the one i linked.
  3. oh shit didn't know that, this as good/better?
  4. I think this mod should be allowed on dom server. Very nice mod that makes your game look good! (Clientside) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2070681304
  5. 4 minutes and 8 seconds of oskar complaining
  6. ach junge from teamELAN lutrox x rambob collab
  7. idk what that guy is about but deffo not accurate, i mean the "warzone" cheat.
  8. my song lolololollol, unknown peter dogs
  9. american sumo wrestler vs trained norweigan seal
  10. Eh something unique ig. Maybe instead of a flag you have to repair a tempest first gang to do that gets x amount of points. And focus on tanoa, stratis and malden at first and make them REALLY good then expand to more maps.
  11. my settings doing work 😎
  12. haven't heard that one before
  13. good montage but song is really slow man
  14. yeah sure, but also to make it better by adding more variety ie caps in other places possibly new gamemodes (like gta outbreak domination etc)
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