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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by KrazyKnight

  1. Well no. There's been a downward trend for a few weeks now. Olympus for example has been near capping while we struggle. The numbers don't lie.
  2. I feel like part of the problem is that everyone is spread out. I've said this before in other posts, but I'll say it here. Reduce the amount of illegal areas, and force people to come together more. The more you see another person, the more interactions you'll get.
  3. https://gyazo.com/02f08f1f1b5e738be162728fd7ffe9cb
  4. I'd just keep walking. Nothing good came come from this cursed land.
  5. Was I trying to help you escape? Lol what was I thinking I had a house nearby.
  6. You're also forgetting the quilin mini gun. Those have doors.
  7. If you want my opinion, I feel as so this is fair. Though I really feel as if you should sell your additions if you don't want them anymore. For instance if the market isn't in favor of an aging barrel why have it? Be better to off load that and lessen the blow of your bill in my opinion.
  8. I have an Athira house that's 5 meters away from square if you're interested.
  9. I was banned irl for a bit.
  10. Sweet Jesus never thought I'd see the day that @DarkKnightwould go into retirement. Feels odd.
  11. Dude holy shit I loved this game mode back in the day. Giving me some hype.
  12. Add Pokémon into the game. Should be zero legal issues. Totally.
  13. Was brought in by a buddy of mine and made most if not all of my friends in P1 for the APD. Most of them are gone and moved on tho myself included for the most part. ;;;((((( Oh and FSA was fun as h e double hockey sticks.
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