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Imperium Recruitment [Server 1] [CLOSED]

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5 hours ago, Desert Hawk said:

Looking to link up with y'all and actually do something productive rather than sit on my ass.  Or go into fights expecting backup only to not have any or no motivation to fight.  

Age: 24

Hours: 3307.6 at the moment.

Reason?: Haven't had any issues with y'all and I need a change.  Recently came back from a hiatus from Arma and looking for consistency.


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In-game name -BigTiddyGothGirl

Age - 18

Timezone - NA CST

Screenshot of Arma 3 hours - 7000+ (but hours arent accurate mostly AFK)

Previous gangs - Alot of Good Gangs 

APD rank (if any) -Constable
Why should we accept you? -because i am active and i am willing to help the gang and other members with anything and i know a good bit of arma 3 knowledge 

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19 hours ago, BigTiddyGothGirl said:

In-game name -BigTiddyGothGirl

Age - 18

Timezone - NA CST

Screenshot of Arma 3 hours - 7000+ (but hours arent accurate mostly AFK)

Previous gangs - Alot of Good Gangs 

APD rank (if any) -Constable
Why should we accept you? -because i am active and i am willing to help the gang and other members with anything and i know a good bit of arma 3 knowledge 

Denied. You know why

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In-game name: HP.

Time zone : Eastern

Age: 21

Arma3 Hrs : 1200+ 


Prev Gangs : None

Why should we accept you? Team Player and amazing at flying helicopters , KOTH Pilot , PLayed on many many servers like reborn and grandtheftarma and great experienced at rp and actual good aim xD , Good at comms and know most of them from prev servers. 

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On 7/1/2023 at 6:44 PM, HP. said:

In-game name: HP.

Time zone : Eastern

Age: 21

Arma3 Hrs : 1200+ 


Prev Gangs : None

Why should we accept you? Team Player and amazing at flying helicopters , KOTH Pilot , PLayed on many many servers like reborn and grandtheftarma and great experienced at rp and actual good aim xD , Good at comms and know most of them from prev servers. 

Accepted. Let's see those flying skills

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In-game name -Rami

Age - 25

Timezone - GMT

Screenshot of Arma 3 hours - Screenshot 2023-07-05 195558.png (gyazo.com) - 4.5K 

Previous gangs - CWO,FSA, BadBlood

APD rank (if any) - Recently Re-whitelisted (May have to do cadet again) 
Why should we accept you? - Been around for a long time, Active between 2015/2017.  Was part of 2 gangs which ran server 2 and 3 back in the day. Experienced in Cartel fighting. Re-joining Asylum after a long break and looking to get back in the mixer and have a decent group to do that with. 

Edited by Rami
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On 7/3/2023 at 10:18 PM, QuavoHuncho said:

Application Format

In-game name: Vote to Kick 

Timezone: EST

Age: 22 

Hours: 5400 
Been on Asylum too long, want to start doing fed events and cartel fighting. 

Denied. Thank you for applying but we are currently tightening up our recruitment process. Good luck finding a gang.

15 hours ago, ben_s said:

In-game name:Xex

Timezone: 8pm+Est workdays till like 3am and pretty much whenever on weekends

Age: 27

Denied. Thank you for applying but we are currently tightening up our recruitment process. Good luck finding a gang.

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9 hours ago, Rami said:

In-game name -Rami

Age - 25

Timezone - GMT

Screenshot of Arma 3 hours - Screenshot 2023-07-05 195558.png (gyazo.com) - 4.5K 

Previous gangs - CWO,FSA, BadBlood

APD rank (if any) - Recently Re-whitelisted (May have to do cadet again) 
Why should we accept you? - Been around for a long time, Active between 2015/2017.  Was part of 2 gangs which ran server 2 and 3 back in the day. Experienced in Cartel fighting. Re-joining Asylum after a long break and looking to get back in the mixer and have a decent group to do that with. 


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In game name:KrazyKnight

Location/Timezone:USA EST
Arma 3 hours(screenshot):https://i.gyazo.com/0de515df56c032edfbdfe94d5ba4f183.png
Asylum hours: Same amount of time, if not less. I've only play KOTH and asylum. Hell made my start in asylum.
Previous gangs:Black Spades,Uninvited,Independent Slayers
Do you have sufficient cartel experience?: I love me some dildo rock. And yes.
Why do you want to join us?:For the memes and for the lolz. And be in a good well known gang.
What can you bring to the FSA?:More memes, and some good CQC combat. I suck at long rang, sorry bois.
Do you know any current members who can vouch for you:? @Alec-I

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5 minutes ago, KrazyKnight said:

In game name:KrazyKnight

Location/Timezone:USA EST
Arma 3 hours(screenshot):https://i.gyazo.com/0de515df56c032edfbdfe94d5ba4f183.png
Asylum hours: Same amount of time, if not less. I've only play KOTH and asylum. Hell made my start in asylum.
Previous gangs:Black Spades,Uninvited,Independent Slayers
Do you have sufficient cartel experience?: I love me some dildo rock. And yes.
Why do you want to join us?:For the memes and for the lolz. And be in a good well known gang.
What can you bring to the FSA?:More memes, and some good CQC combat. I suck at long rang, sorry bois.
Do you know any current members who can vouch for you:? @Alec-I


FSA, lol


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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, Junke said:

In-game name: Junke

Timezone: N/A

Age: N/A

Bank balance: Enough

Arma 3 hours: 5,576.5

Asylum hours: 3798

Accepted. I'll find out that timezone and age

10 hours ago, Ruffian said:

In-game name: tachophobia

Timezone: est

Age: i pay my taxes

Bank balance: millyun

Arma 3 hours: 2.5 thouysand

Asylum hours: not 2000

Denied. Unfortunately you do not meet our requirements. Thank you for applying.

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3 hours ago, Kernikov said:

In-game name: Kernikov / Cardinal

Timezone: Central

Age: Adult

Bank balance: under 1m after I tried the lottery last night

Arma 3 hours: 3d11828fcf93e1c7fc291b7e753b1924.png 

Asylum hours: 7078097e5ccff86a792fd43698413856.png

As long as you're able to make money efficiently, that should be fine. Those Asylum hours are only counted since V2. Are most of those arma 3 hours on Asylum?

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in game name: john goldberg

arma hours: https://pasteboard.co/rCO1RAxqZUUb.png

money in game: https://pasteboard.co/2s18grGzpHOj.png



asylum hours:1800h

apd rank:dont have

why should we accept you?

i am active and i know everything about the game and server 

i was looking for a active gang to play with and fight for turf and cartels 

i dont play for money any more i just wanna kill and have fun

i hope if you accept  we have great time 

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