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  1. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Glass of Water in Server rule update.   
    i am but a humble roleplayer ifrit man, i know only two truths
    1. israel is not a legitimate state
    2. the presence of a weather app on this server is directly correlated with my happiness
  2. Bandit liked a post in a topic by _HaydenD in Prison Sign   
    I want to hear what others think of the sign at prison, that for those who don't know allow only civs to teleport back into the courtyard.
    My own opinion I do not think it should be allowed to be active during a prison in which
    rebels can jump down and teleport right behind you and most of the time end up killing
    the cops pushing in.
  3. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Add Names To Houses?   
    Or just click on them so it shows you where it is on the map 
  4. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Donald in Hello   
    was not aware february was 4 months ago
  5. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Copa in Jurassic Park jeep   
  6. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Teddy_ in Rebel clothing   
    Add straw hats to rebel please, it's all i live for . thank you
  7. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Addison McGrath in Poll to remove cop vans as a means to go over fed walls   
    Give me swat and maybe I wont use a van 
  8. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Clint Beastwood in MERCH STORE CLOSING MAY 1ST   
    Google we are a cash grab, nothing is changing, we hope you understand.  
  9. Bandit liked a post in a topic by TRYHARD in Pressing plates in prison   
    Change this to 20% off jail time @Gen. Henry Arnold

  10. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Good Lub in Medics w/ Current state of server   
    played medic more than you son and medics are quite broken rn
    also try to revive a guy whose head has turned into a canoe by a 7.62
  11. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Maaqs in Close s2 and s3 during non peak times   
    You're a good guy Walt, but this statement is just ridiculous. That may be YOUR end game, but being "the best cartel fighting gang on the server" is not reflective of the majority of the playerbase; not in the slightest IMO. You really think Gang Wars with 10(or was it 9?) total gangs is reflective of the entire Asylum community.
    Drunk Squad is 4 going on 5 years old, and has never once put cartels first. There are career cops who have no interest in cartels, and when they do log on civ, it's just to mess around. There are gangs / groups that sit in Kavala all night long and cause havoc. "Elite cartel fighters" may be the most vocal on the forums, but they are in the minority in terms of numbers in this community. 
  12. Bandit liked a post in a topic by wollie35 in Where true RP happens   
    i've had more RP with space on steam then i've had on asylum in the time hes been on ma friends list
  13. Glass of Water liked a post in a topic by Bandit in Wizard 101   
    one too tree for gf
  14. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Maaqs in Close s2 and s3 during non peak times   
    Yes, nitpicking here, but it might be boring for you, but there are clearly people it's not boring for (those logged in). If people want to spend their free time (let's say 8am EST -> 3pm EST) grinding out millions to then throw away once the server is poppin, who are we to say "that's wrong"? If I wanna pull an all-nighter grinding out money using my houses on Server 2/3 because I know my playtime in the near future is going to be limited, I should be able to no-life money-making for a night to be good for the next few days.
    Sometimes a quiet server is nice, whether I'm grinding money or just messin around. 
  15. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Patato in What we really want in the community   
    First CSGO wouldn’t let me talk shit during half time, then asylum took away restarts. What’s next my all chat in league?
    currently on a 10 game mute D:
  16. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Nick in Unique Cop Loadouts   
    Give warrant, medic and basic cop slot each their own loadout instead of making the 3 share. This would strongly encourage both warrant officer to be played and for officers of the rank corporal+ to assist officers in need on other servers. Myself and others are tired of jumping onto a different precinct to help out only to get back on medic and forget about replacing our blood bags.
  17. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Disco Biscuits in sCrIpT fAlIuRe, No cOmP   
    As sad as this is, that dude started attacking a cop. Wtf did he expect would happen, he would make it out unharmed?
    Dude was basically executed, he could have done so much to prevent the loss of his own life.
  18. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Leady in Where we've come from, Where we are headed.   
    Just over 3 months ago ownership of Asylum was transferred to @BaDaBiNg_10-8 and @Clint Beastwood. A lot has been accomplished in that short time span with much more planned. This topic is to acknowledge those accomplishments and share a roadmap for the future of Asylum.
     Within the first 30 Days
    Servers returned to full or nearly full during peak times Opened up past bans for a second chance Brought on a new lead developer 3 contributors were also brought in Removed the unpopular money and group caps Within the last 3 months
    Migrated servers to a new host Updated the website front and back end (it needed it badly) Continued to roll out a patch every month that not only fixes past issues but takes community feedback and makes it a reality Increased server stability (While we aren't where we would like to be yet, it has come a long way from December) Upgraded player reporting systems to a streamlined ticket system (Shout out to Mitch for this one) Introduced new weapons to the player base This is just a snap shot from the last 90 days. Even more has been done on the back end to improve server stability and functionality.
    Now that we've looked at what has been done, a preview is in order for the future of asylum.
    A complete re-write of asylum's code from the ground up Replacement of current MyAsylum page and features A re-work of the housing/crate system Re-work of vehicle, police, and ems lighting White-listed medics Various cartel changes  Additional armor and weapons New vehicle and clothing skins Re-work of talent trees Many more items on the list, these are just some of the features we are most excited for. As with anything in development all points are subject to not only change but may never see the light of day. In an effort to be transparent we felt it was time give a glimpse behind the scenes of what the Dev's are working on in addition to the regular content/bug fix patches. @Mitch (IFRIT) and myself look over the suggestion section of the forums almost daily and take that feedback and pass it a long to the owners and dev's for what the community wants and in some cases doesn't want. And while not everything suggested will be implemented we value that feedback and want to give a big thank you to those who offer it.
    As a final note I wanted to take a line or two and say Thank You to the community as a whole. With out you Asylum wouldn't exist. From the admins  who dedicate their free time looking over player reports and compensation requests, to the support staff who sit in Teamspeak everyday waiting to help players, to the gangs whom without the APD wouldn't have much to do, to the APD for keeping the streets safe for the apple pickers and diamond miners, to the Kavalians teaching new players how to put their hands up when being robbed, Thank You. The people are what makes Asylum what it is. 
  19. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Sail in APD - Miss use of lethals ( SUGGESTION )   
    I don’t think this is a good idea.
    Sergeants are trusted members of the APD, and this is is useless.
    Let me break it down. 
    1. We have an IA system which requires video evidence. No need for a system that just marks down when lethals are used when it doesn’t matter. The victim can just post his side and let the reviewer decide the appropriateness of lethals In the scenerio. 
    2. The whole point is not to trust officers lower than the rank of sergeant. The point of contacting a higher up for lethals is to actually allow the higher up to interrogate your reasons for the request. Typing a mere phrase in a text box is not beneficial to a higher up in getting all the details he/ she needs. The text thing is a time burden to the officer, whereas verbal communication isn’t. An officer can put any lie or reason in that  text box and get unnecessary lethals, it won’t prevent anything. 
    3. This system has no regard for the times when a higher up is not present. Unless you actually want to remove the unanimous consent policy we have now
    4. The 10 minute thing is pointless and inconvient. I’ve been in feds where fights have gone 30-45 minutes full lethal. 
    (It also sounds like you want an officer to never have lethals until it is approved, then your magazines would some how be converted. If I’m correct in my assumption, that is just stupid). 
    5. This system is streamlined and can easily be abused by officers through lying and misinformation. Any punishment in result of this would still need video evidence, which renders your idea useless. Why, because the video evidence will already have the material needed to make a decision. You can say that the text entry will provide some sort of insight into the actual officer’s reasoning for lethals, but, there are a multitude of other factors that cannot always be represented through text. 
    Basically, record and report. Assuming that video evidence will still be needed to punish someone, the information you want this system to have is pretty much all in the video. It won’t help, it’s just a waste of time for developers 
    6. This entire idea fails to account for rapidly-changing situations, it also fails to account for many more factors which I don’t have the patience to list. It doesn’t take an Einstein to find out what they are either. Sometimes, perhaps a lot of the times, this system is very inconvient for officers. 
    7. Yes, let’s let the entirety of the server know where cops are already struggling to survive....... 
    8. The point of lethals are to be easily accessible, and are already a commodity amongst civilians who kidnap cops. It would Remove a reason to kidnap police (which would involve rp to get them to drop their shit) and be very inconvient for an officer. 
    Moral of the story: Sergeants and higher are trusted members of the community, if you think they did something wrong, file an IA! If you believe an officer shouldn’t of lethaled you or was wrong to do, then file an IA! 
    FILE AN IA! 
    This idea is just useless, we have a good system already. Internal Affairs Section.
  20. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Ron Johnson in Player Name change (updated character list)   
    TL;DR so far for everyone:
    Database issues have caused a need for restrictive names at this time.
       -  Such issues cause inaccessibility to needed player based data due to special characters being used in one's name. In the future, we may see an increase in the inclusion of Special ASCII Characters again if development sees a solution to the issue Although everyone seems upset about this change, it is for the betterment of the server/community. Give the development team time to test out with this issue and we will see increased availability of special characters once again. VIET-CONG now are being held accountable for their player actions... legit their whole names were ASCII -- they were probably like ninjas on the database, toxic ninjas that is.
  21. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Glass of Water in Hentai Haven {S1,S2,S3}   
    god is dead
  22. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Big Fred in So i've just come back to Asylum....   
    Especially when being downed by bounty hunters for some reason.
  23. Bandit liked a post in a topic by Dull in New Zealand shooting   
    I don't usually like to respond to inbred fucks like you but can you elaborate more on who exactly does the same? Those innocent kids or people that are praying in a mosque and cannot defend themselves? Or ISIS? Who has killed more Muslims than any other people in the world.
    Nobody in earth deserves to be killed like that, regardless of what religion, skin color or whatever the fuck you believe in. What happened today just shows that terrorism has no religion. 
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