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Everything posted by wollie35

  1. shotguns are fucked teamspeak is fucked servers are fucked forums are fucked v2 is fucked asylum is fucked i am fucked change my mind
  2. I gotchu (just opened a random activity page on ur profile, this was the first 1 saw)
  3. U got a source for this statement? Cause I don't actually believe that
  4. i know it was easy, just didn't really care for them. Don't know if other people did tho.
  5. Tbh the lights never really mattered. I know you liked m but for me at least they were useless. Never used the menu
  6. nah don't watch it anymore, why did the stream work this time?
  7. It seems fights isn't the only thing goyney can carry
  8. rafael is actually a good cop and chill person. Good choice for once.
  9. America is more of a tyranny then the Netherlands while we have got guns banned.
  10. this part makes sense. Also japan is alot less regulated then u think/say. China is alot more regulated, u can get points there for crossing a red light for example. However you don't need guns to have you freedom, I have more freedom then i can imagine here in the Netherlands never feel threathened and also has never felt the need to take anything from a knife > gun when i walk through amsterdam at 2 in the morning. Gouverment wise were free to do whatever the fuck we want (within the obvious limits). So guns do not add anything towards or away from freedom. But I don't think you can ever change the mind of (i assume republican) American when it comes to guns. So gl with them dude, as long as ya keep buying m from the Netherlands 😉
  11. that's the thing because it's too far in you can't get out of it aswell. But (taking japan again for example) rarely has robbery's. And when they happen nobody gets hurt to due to gunfire (which is the most important part) I know Americans will never give up guns but you still can't deny any of the facts about more guns not helping the safety of citizens.
  12. Japan rarely has a mass schooting because of 3 reasons: Japan implements very strict gun-control laws Shotguns and air rifles are the only firearms u can legally buy in japan (for hunters) Aquiring a firearm is extremely difficult in japan Trust me that removing most guns fixes more problems then giving people guns for defending themselves solve. Americans love their guns tho, so i know it wont be fixed, and our country makes a shit load of money for it. But don't say guns help you with self-defence.
  13. Have u heared of Japan. But Netherlands makes good money of selling guns to America so please keep shooting over there ;D Also gun regulation aside dick Romney is still a mong
  14. wollie35


    Olympus was backup plan for when V2 would fail? Asylum lost 1 of it's biggest competitors if not the biggest, if you can't make this work it's fucked.
  15. Business It & management student, and freelance software programmer (as side job tho, study is full time) Would put on my resume tbh
  16. I am just curious about what yall think about the V2 release. Personally I don't find it interesting enough but wanna know other peoples opinion. And by the title I mean actively played, logging in a couple times to try v2 doesn't count.
  17. I don't know if u understand school, but usually the first couple weeks nothing happens. Sure u go out get a couple beers and retalk the holiday wise, but there are no exams or important shit. Truth be told it ain't looking good for asylum (as far as i see from these posts). They need some good advertisement but IMO looking at what V2 brought now for me isn't interesting enough to come back. Looks like they just removed a bunch of shit. I know it's temporarily but still
  18. this and cops send you to jail for stupid reasons all the time. You should never be losing honor, just like cops and rebels dont lose prestige.
  19. Whatever happened, u cant hate on my buddy blake
  20. i played it. Realized it sucked uninstalled again. Then a friend asks u if u wanna play again, reinstall it. 3 games later deinstall again. League fucking sucks
  21. damn this is even more fucked then him cheating
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