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APD Corporal
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  1. Heidelberg liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Avoid The Use Of Gyazo (Security Reasons)   
    I recommend using this more secure trustworthy website www.Money2Somalia.com 
  2. .Sean liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Avoid The Use Of Gyazo (Security Reasons)   
    I recommend using this more secure trustworthy website www.Money2Somalia.com 
  3. Isaac Cox :) :) liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Avoid The Use Of Gyazo (Security Reasons)   
    I recommend using this more secure trustworthy website www.Money2Somalia.com 
  4. Crossfade liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Avoid The Use Of Gyazo (Security Reasons)   
    I recommend using this more secure trustworthy website www.Money2Somalia.com 
  5. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by AegonTargaryenTv in Buying Flash Bangs   
    Msg @Bazzajack for price. 
  6. Björn Winsmore liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Bounty Hunter (Master Crusader, Apex Predator)   
    Not happening, your asking for Bounty Hunters to become more equipped than the majority of the APD
  7. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Paratus in Big Changes to The Asylum Community   
    There are a few things to mention, but I'll get right to the biggest change: @bamf is, as of tonight, a co-owner of the community with me. Bamf will have the same authority and access as I do and we'll make decisions together going forward. So, congrats to Bamf on the ultimate promotion!
    There are a few reasons for this change, and one of those is that we'd like to expand the team with code contributors from the community so that we can push out more features at a faster pace. Bamf's help in management will make that possible.
    There are also going to be some significant structure changes to other parts of our team as well as policies for bans and how they're managed. You're going to get more information on that really soon, but our goal is to make things easier on the people who receive bans so long as they're not for serious causes.
    So, congrats to Bamf! There are a lot of great changes coming. MAGA!
  8. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by KrazyKnight in Medic Overhaul   
    Medics need this gun right here.
  9. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Mayhem in You piece of shit!   
    Called someone a fuck boy once, he shot me in the back after i tried to convince him to shoot @Bazzajack
  10. MarchingBands liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Malden on the Asylum   
    So much for being a "life" server 
  11. Atra liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Malden on the Asylum   
    So much for being a "life" server 
  12. thero liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Malden on the Asylum   
    So much for being a "life" server 
  13. Thor... liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Malden on the Asylum   
    So much for being a "life" server 
  14. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Allstarplaya in Malden on the Asylum   
    @Paratus , @bamf , @Gnashes you have a huge life community not a community that looks to play a King of the Hill style, strife has already seen a drastic drop in the number of players on it since release. ( Although i understand this may be Tanoa map fault but most people I have talked to Asylum veterans is that they don't get a good feeling while playing that type of game mode) The reason in the past the smaller maps have not been successful for life servers is because they have been neglected and left to rot by developers who don't fix broken things or take community advice to fix things and make it a little more successful. I believe mailden is a great map for a life server due to the fact of its size and ability to interact with people more easier then Altis. Furthermore if you just included everything into the map like Iritis, Orcas, SWAT, Meth, Pure Coke, people would come play cops and civs but this has never happened in the history of Altis where a smaller map had everything incorporated into it from Altis, there has always been one thing or another missing from each of the following servers described (I.E. Banks, Feds, Prisons.). I do understand you wanna promote the idea of strife but this community has always loved the fact and played here for the reason of not having jets & tanks flying around and the ability to only buy 7.62 with 2x scopes.  
    All i saying is that you should either host a community Teamspeak meeting to talk about future changes to Asylum and let the community know what direction you wanna go in or open this choice up to a community pinned thread that people vote for what style map they would like for Mailden. 
  15. Sandwich liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Police Convoy   
    Well how about you just leave people be  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I agree it shouldn't be serious and some trainers do go too far but, if people Want to go to training because they find them fun then why care? 
  16. Lucky liked a post in a topic by Bazzajack in Police Convoy   
    Well how about you just leave people be  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I agree it shouldn't be serious and some trainers do go too far but, if people Want to go to training because they find them fun then why care? 
  17. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Rafael in the APD Role Playing   
    You are seriously the most disrespectful SGT not just on P1 but on the entire APD. You have just lost any kind of respect I had for you. 
    @Jaeger We need a lock here, this went off topic the second it started.
  18. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Flameless in Cop suggestion   
    If only, I have an excessive amount of unused prestige just building up on my account. Mostly built up as a reward for all the medical assistance that I've provided, it'd be nice to actually expend it. 
    @Gnashes @Paratus @bamf Mind if officers could exchange our talent prestige for money? I think this very well could be the solution for many higher-ups coming at a loss of their bank account funds due to the armor and expensive equipment we utilize.
  19. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by AegonTargaryenTv in Cop Pay Idea   
    As a higherup you will never make money if u want to use all of your gear in its full potential. Simple example is bank because if rebels camp the roof one of the options is to hot drop orca on it but if that fails higherup will lose 100k so no matter the outcome of the bank you will not even end up even at the end. 
    I was playing on hardcore rp server and you know if u are in the pd u cant be rebel so people on cop there really play it because they like the role and their gear is cheap.Based on that @Sugarfoot has a valid point, gear for cops should be cheap with serious 5min payouts and that is the best system that would promote rp. Now do our devs not see this ? They do but they also know that such a change would result in more money buying that is a problem already for them. There is a ton of people who play cop to make money so they dont need to grind on civ. Yes, constable using free loadout can make decent amount of money playing cop. 
  20. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by CPT Morgan in Suggestion: Mandatory Response Time for Ban Appeals   
    I had two bounties restrained in my prowler. While they were in the prowler they both started shooting their pistols at the police. One cadet came out, shot my prowler (in his defense he didn't know they were restrained) which initiated the aggression system. I noticed that they were red and immediately downed the officers. One of the officers thought that they were not initiated and reported me for RDM. Which led me to being banned on March 27, 2017 for 7 Days
    Posted my appeal on March 27, 2017. Didn't receive a response from banning admin until March 29 two days later. Immediately responded to the admin the same day to figure out who I RDMed. Did not receive a response until a day later March 30 from the admin. Which refreshed my memory and I again immediately responded with video evidence. It is now April 2 three days after video evidence was provided by me and have yet to receive a response. My ban is over tomorrow. The video evidence is pretty clear that the aggression system was activated before I downed the officers. (Total time with unresolved ban appeal 6 days)
    If admins go on leave or are away for a substantial amount of time ban appeals should be allowed to be taken over by other active admins. Especially if the video evidence is pretty clear that the suspect is not in the wrong. 
    Please do not delete, or flame this is a serious post. 
    @Olio @Volunteer281
  21. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Maxツ in Lights Out! [Rebel Cinematic Video]   
    First of all i would just like to give you guys a apology since this video was planed to be released weeks ago,but i got busy by dealing with some complications with the recording/editing software,however at this own moment i just wanna say that i have finally managed to finish this latest project i have been working on.Enjoy!
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kind Regards: Max!
  22. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Mr. Slick in Broken Servers Meme   
  23. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by TheCrestedPenguin in Change log 7.10.0   
    gotta get some more salt on there.
  24. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by AegonTargaryenTv in Undercover Cop Fix   
    It would be the best if cops didnt exist for some of you. UC is 3 slots per server corporal+ . I like how u want us to blend in when everyone just goes to player list or ts to scout out undercover officers... If you cant defend vs 3slots role then good luck fighting rebels. Btw there is no nlr and this is light rp server. In asylum you "survive" or leave and go play on hardcore rp where there is set of rules that prevents combat. 
  25. Bazzajack liked a post in a topic by Maxツ in Call To Serve! 2.0 [Altis Police Department]   
    With all due respect to the person that has made the 1.st "Call To Serve" video which I really love,Since it made me actually join the APD.But as you already might have noticed i'am quite in love with editing and recording this kind of stuff so i had to make one of my own.Hope everyone enjoys!
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