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  1. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Sheriff Rick in Wipe event feedback thread   
    The problem with wiping the server is that once everyone makes their money Asylum will be mostly the same, even with economy nerfs.  There isn't a whole lot of new players coming in behind the old ones who are going to grind money too and some of you will endlessly make their experience on Asylum terrible and they will go play something else lol
  2. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Defragments in Wipe event feedback thread   
    Yeah. And while we're at it, let's rebalance the game so the APD no longer "require" ifrits
  3. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Defragments in Wipe event feedback thread   
    I think that a wipe will temporarily increase the amount of players and then it will die down.
  4. luke110 liked a post in a topic by FilipinoBusinessman in Wipe event feedback thread   
    Wipe will boost players for just months in the end of the day. history repeats itself,
    were already in 2022 we dont need to comeback again. we can't force people that doesnt want to play the server anymore.. lets move on and create a new excitements! event,new roles,missions,unlock some new weapons? new helicopter? we just need to be creative.
    a lot of us put lot of hours in the server. just dont wipe it fort those people doesnt want to play in the server anymore LoL, wiping the server cant save it if it gonna be dead server. 
    i am in the server even its only 10 ppl i am in the server when its full. i mean lot of us put hours and life in the game and lot of efforts.
  5. luke110 liked a post in a topic by halfdrunkhero in Wipe event feedback thread   
    Honestly, 5 hours in, sure there were a lot of people on. But... It was almost back to the same shit just semi lower tier guns/vehicles. Kavala everything was blowing up and the houses that were popular were mostly already owned by the same people (besides ones sniped just to spite certain people). Athira had the same dudes that always ran it. Nothing about this feels like it will change a single thing. It will increase server pop for a month or two, then feels like the people that did grind for all this time to give up. 
  6. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Sidewinder in Wipe event feedback thread   
    Wipe goes perm, Im done.  I invested so much time, grinding and crafting to just watch it get flushed.  I would never trust any future investments of my time.

    My suggestions would be:

    1. Limit houses to three per person
    2. Raise the house storage an additional 500-1000 more
    3. Knock every person's bank account down to 5 million
    4. Cap a person's wealth at 5 million.
    5. Don't wipe the contents of houses

    My two cents
  7. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Sidewinder in Wipe event feedback thread   
    Same here.  Wipe goes perm, Im done.  I invested so much time, grinding and crafting to just watch it get flushed.  I would never trust any future investments of my time.  Just my opinion.
  8. luke110 liked a post in a topic by halfdrunkhero in Menace to society re-wording   
    Excuse me?
  9. luke110 liked a post in a topic by luker in LUKER | Arma Montage   
    Watch in 4K ❤️ 
  10. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Marzoh in Wipe event feedback thread   
    waiting for it to go back to normal hopefully
  11. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Aristant in Wipe event feedback thread   
    I personally have never played on another life server, the thing really tying me to asylum is people and assets I liked it so why go to another.. It does seem other servers have more active devs and players than this server. however.. You just might see alot of people who are in the same boat leave to another server because they dont want to do the same thing again and would rather do something new.
    Food for thought. 
    *Me personally* this doesnt mean im going to another server.
  12. luke110 liked a post in a topic by xFatalx in Wipe event feedback thread   
    To me this is gonna finish the server once and for all. People are busy and 90% of the player base gets on to fight other than the random who prob aren’t even on the forms. I will be quitting if the wipe goes through and I know a lot of others will too. This server is fun and I think my idea to get some more fighting and introducing a new dom money system will be much better than a server wipe. Again a new currency you guys can control and manage and will make people fight main if they wanna fight dom. I know a lot of people don’t wanna run drugs for hours and hours to pull up to cartels and die to someone sitting in a bush. I think we need to keep the server, and try to make people have more interested in fighting feds and cartels. 
  13. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Joshhh in Wipe event feedback thread   
    Asylums player base is a lot different to what it was, in general the community has aged quite a bit, more people have families and even more have finished school or whatever and are focused on a career, people don't have the time/nor want to spend the time doing fucking coke runs on arma 3 to afford a few kits...
    Yes people have millions, but why is that a problem, its been this way for years, sure people have more, but once you're into the millions it doesn't really matter? If we take everyone's money away a good chunk aren't coming back. 
  14. luke110 liked a post in a topic by TRYHARD in Wipe event feedback thread   
    No ones gonna make money in 2022
    Ask Olympus how their server wipe worked for them. Nearly ended the server
    What's it matter if someone was to have 1 billion dollars when they will use the same MK-1 as the guy who started playing 2 weeks ago?
  15. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Michael L in Wipe event feedback thread   
    What I am just struggling to understand is surely a few weeks after a wipe the server will just be back to the state it was in prior to the wipe, albeit with lower numbers? I cannot understand how the server could be wiped effectively without significant changes to the server, money in general and the like so that it's actually different. If domination continues to make money out of thin air and passive income continues to exist we are surely just doing the same thing again? 
    The only thing I do see a wipe fixing is the prime real estate hoarding problems that I know people in the meeting talked about alot, but is that not easily fixable by some of the hour requirement/inactive property tax suggestions being implemented or just refunding the people and taking the sheds being held by hoarders for 1+ year who barely play 1 hour a month on the server?
    tl'dr: I don't think a wipe is gonna have any significant impact at all apart from lower playercount even more, unless it comes with significant update or set of updates that entices people to come back and start again. Also unbanning cheaters comes across as really desperate, but that's a whole other argument 🙃
  16. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Savage. in Remove sway   
    I really hope this isn’t this case bc this would be the most pathetic thing this server can do just to keep the population up 
  17. luke110 liked a post in a topic by PGone in Remove sway   
    I believe Asylum will be a script player server in the future
  18. luke110 liked a post in a topic by 王 rando 王 in Add A Wall Of Shame To Discord   
    no it so we can laugh at people we don’t like getting banned
  19. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Bob Danaloo in Add A Wall Of Shame To Discord   
    Like the title says, I think having a channel in the discord where admins post bans when they happen could be a good addition. The wasteland community I play in does this and I think it could be effective on asylum too.
    Here's a screenshot of theirs as an example of what it should look like:
    -People can see that folks do actually get banned and it should cut down on the amount of "admins never ban for rdm/vdm" we see
    -People will see that the bigger gangs do actually catch bans and there isn't favoritism.
    -People's ban history(after the addition) can be looked up with a simple discord search.
    -Extra step for admins banning people.
  20. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Protocol in Remove cop ifrits   
    Plain and simple. This was sort of the major downfall in the APD. The whole point of cops not having Frits is so that the rebels could actually have a chance to escape. This would  be a good idea if that tempest/hemmet respawn truck for cops is actually happening. Either way it’s still boring to fight cops with Frits. The regular armor is fine as long as you don’t drive like an idiot. 
  21. luke110 liked a post in a topic by 王 rando 王 in CHINA GOOD   
    now you may think he didn’t give enough time after initiating but actually it just took a long time for the voip to travel from china to the server
  22. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Tyrone Darnell in montage new   
    too bad the forums are dead now, montages be getting like 10 likes on a good day😢
  23. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Mitch (IFRIT) in Goodbye, Leady..   
    It comes with profound sadness that today Asylum looses a legend. Leady has decided to retire from his 7 years of distinguished service as a staff member. He is the longest running staff member to date, and his contribution, dedication and passion for this community will never be forgotten. 

    I could never thank @Leady enough for teaching me the countless lessons over the years. He has been a consistent partner in crime and has always answered my calls for help. 
    Take care in your retirement, and we will all forever be in debt to you.
  24. luke110 liked a post in a topic by Sandwich in Goodbye, Leady..   
    A wildly OG member. Best of luck Leady. Much love brother ❤️🔥💪🏼
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