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Goodbye, Leady..


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It comes with profound sadness that today Asylum looses a legend. Leady has decided to retire from his 7 years of distinguished service as a staff member. He is the longest running staff member to date, and his contribution, dedication and passion for this community will never be forgotten. 

I could never thank @Leady enough for teaching me the countless lessons over the years. He has been a consistent partner in crime and has always answered my calls for help. 

Take care in your retirement, and we will all forever be in debt to you.



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On 6/16/2022 at 10:55 AM, Mitch (IFRIT) said:

It comes with profound sadness that today Asylum looses a legend. Leady has decided to retire from his 7 years of distinguished service as a staff member. He is the longest running staff member to date, and his contribution, dedication and passion for this community will never be forgotten. 

I could never thank @Leady enough for teaching me the countless lessons over the years. He has been a consistent partner in crime and has always answered my calls for help. 

Take care in your retirement, and we will all forever be in debt to you.



thank you @Leady

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On 6/15/2022 at 9:55 PM, Mitch (IFRIT) said:

It comes with profound sadness that today Asylum looses a legend. Leady has decided to retire from his 7 years of distinguished service as a staff member. He is the longest running staff member to date, and his contribution, dedication and passion for this community will never be forgotten. 

I could never thank @Leady enough for teaching me the countless lessons over the years. He has been a consistent partner in crime and has always answered my calls for help. 

Take care in your retirement, and we will all forever be in debt to you.



leave it to a redneck like you to fuck up a heartfelt post by misusing the word "loose"

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