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Everything posted by cHIP oTLE

  1. Denied for age. good luck elsewhere bud.
  2. @Dillon why is this in the Videos & Screenshots section btw?
  3. Back to BDO!! I can handle this... @J9HUNNA go ahead and take care of this applicant...
  4. The barrels are the portal to the quantum realm
  5. Chicken wire is the only true nuisance. Some can argue that it adds a difficulty factor to driving off-road, but it’s just too difficult to see sometimes until it’s too late.
  6. Not many more RPGs or Vests to worry about either... haha sorry... too soon??
  7. If we leave heroin in the OG spot, and add a black market to one of the 2 locations suggested by @Sean That Irish Guy, this will create an incredible housing market in Sofia.
  8. If drug field rotations come to an end, if heroin stays at its original location around dp14, could be relocate a black market to that region???
  9. Just got to read the new patch notes and NICE WORK!! Can’t wait to check this new shit and tweaks out!
  10. Another reason for @Zoex to ban me... Lets Goooooooooo
  11. I feel like everyone having the option to name their houses for spawn selection would fuck up the database. just remember which house is which. they are listed in order of purchase date. Except for gang house, which is always last.
  12. Add stairs/ladder to garages at truck shop spawn and make that the heli pad. as for pyrgos, the current helipad at clinic would make sense.
  13. So... my coffee mug purchase meant nothing, huh????
  14. Water? U squeaky lil shit... Welcome back.
  15. I’ll pay $250k over any offer-price from Sealooter
  16. War Rating is the most pointless aspect of Asylum. If I could, I’d give you all of mine @curley
  17. I’m jumping on S1 and changing my name to Undercover for old times sake...
  18. Taking down servers at low pop times would just kill the servers more. If people don’t own houses on all 3 servers, if their server is down, they probably won’t play.
  19. This has been suggested many times before, it’s a surprise it hasn’t been implemented yet... Press Plates = Time Served Instead of lowering jailtime with community goals, increase the time served.
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