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Sheriff Rick

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Everything posted by Sheriff Rick

  1. Every time I've been banned, I usually knew what probably caused it. I think this is the case the majority of the time, too
  2. Why do people want this lol. You guys just boot each other and I can guarantee someone will be hacking
  3. Nobody is more braindead than cartel players. These aren't even remotely the same. RPGs are not even near as good as the zaphir lmao. RPGs are expensive and you can only carry limited amounts of ammo, and they're largely a short ranged weapon. Zaphirs pretty much excels at everything and is better than everything currently available on Asylum.
  4. I always hated the change. It was the people who got mad they couldn't just ifrit push anymore and couldn't bare the thought of having to adapt.
  5. Cartels are boring content. People have been doing them for years and they're only fun because people like to talk hella shit to people. Making new rebel content that isn't catered to the usual spergs would be a better idea than to try and keep wannabe esports going.
  6. Dude even mining and weed make decent money nowadays. Everything is so much easier than it use to be because Gnashes and Bamf autistically defended that stupid fucking market system.
  7. You didn't even have to spam enter when back in the day when that shit required a macro
  8. You've been here since 2016. You've probably saw 2 and 3 go down before and you probably saw the disclaimer post Mitch made when he reopened server 2. You did that shit at your own risk
  9. I hate coveralls and the fact they're on the server. But wtf are you talking about lmfao
  10. Facts. I wish more people would get this and the overly impulsive people would realize spamming enter for a few minutes isn't as bad as playing on a server where nothing is happening
  11. Only if you want to be going into the shadow realm every minute
  12. Is the endless cycle finally over? I rather spam enter than be on a boring server so good choice
  13. Yall take this wannabe esports shit way too serious
  14. Something that China is actually #1 in
  15. I sure as fuck don't. Corona came from a lab in Wuhan, your government knew about it, lied to everyone and used the WHO to continue lying ( No human to human transmission my ass lmfao ), and then tried to blame America and say our military did it all. Fuck you guys. You're backwards and I hope American businesses stop manufacturing in your propped up third world shit hole. And don't try and say China tried to prepare everyone, either. Everything was covered up and your government started threatening to withhold trade from countries who needed medicine and masks. I wouldn't usually lump in the people with their governments, either, but I've seen that most of you will happily shill out your communist government's talking points. You guys are truly a slightly less shitty North Korea.
  16. People threw a fit. So I guess adding more drugs is the only option, or just making the current ones more efficient. I liked it better, personally.
  17. Strife, but with no tanks, APCs, and jets and with less points to capture so there's more action
  18. Can we get hatchback skins? For regular ones? I want mine to look cool while I launch it into the sky
  19. Well all cops are simps or groomers. It's well deserved. Fuck yall and go play on a milsim server you powertripping retards
  20. Gay and cringe. Find better ways to spend your time under quarantine
  21. People really out here paying money and installing sketchy shit on their computers just to be able to say sit in sidechat
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