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Sheriff Rick

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Everything posted by Sheriff Rick

  1. This I think the change is a good compromise
  2. Do you guys still have Bully's KFC story? I wanted to show my friends that
  3. I don't think server pop is down because money is easy to make. It was easy to make money pre-wax/buds. Overhauling the economy in favor of stuff everyone did years ago will not be as fun as everyone thinks it will be. I agree Kavala should be on the top of the list ( I know the bias lol ) but also I find it funny that all that change did was make it so freshspawns get killed by gangs in Athira instead. I've seen DH act the same way as a few individuals in Kavala plenty of times. If you want to stop making freshspawns such a target then more effort should be put in reducing bounty farming and the effect bounty hunters have on the server. Nobody ever talks about this but BH is the ultimate griefing tool and allows people to fuck with players in ways that rebel simply can not. Cartels is cartels. Idc about it but it should make money. However, it is probably a minority of players that actually engage with cartels for a variety of reasons.
  4. Arma is a dying game where the player count is only going down further and further, big games released like Halo Infinite, and for some reason Asylum usually sees a dip around this time every year.
  5. It depends on the admin you get. It will always be that way, I get it, but some are willing to unban and others will not lift shit or seem to ignore your appeal until it is almost over anyway. Although there's not a lot to back this up as a regular player, I FEEL like the problem has gotten worse and I believe that may be why more people are complaining about ban severity ( Not talking about hackers, cuz fuck em ). I can say that I've been treated fairly for the most part, but man I have seen friends and gangmates fucked over by admins being completely unreasonable. With that being said, I do find it rich that some people are advocating for less harsh bans while also being notorious for playing report wars. The irony is fucking real
  6. This A lot of this is ulterior motives and hurt egos.
  7. Factors outside of Asylum's control are hurting the server more than the 'economy' of Asylum. Messing with people's money will just lower the playercount even more.
  8. It got the jewelry emporium and then it got removed. Worst choice ever
  9. That meta was around for years and it is incredibly boring. There's an argument to be made about the rate at which you can make money but holy fuck we do not need to play the game the way it was for years straight.
  10. Man devs just can't win lmfao. Too many ifrits around and now there's not enough! Sad!
  11. The money cap was hated by pretty much everyone. What is hurting the server is the fact that it is boring if you're not someone doing cartels or spamming federal events. I would also argue that the money cap only solves problems on paper. Once a player has all five houses, a garage full of ifrits, .50s, and orcas, then being capped at 1M to then exclusively buy loadouts is a joke. Maybe there is some argument to be made about money per hour, but I would also hate for Asylum to run into the same pitfall of 'only meth is profitable' meta that we had for years and was incredibly fucking boring.
  12. Suicide vest, RPGs, and speed bombs should be cheaper. It could solve the ifrit complaining!
  13. I still dont get the hurt feelings over Kavala lmfao. All of you just come off as irrationally upset
  14. Revert the prices and make RPGs and suicide vest cheaper
  15. Manhua has that QBZ-95 on him at all times
  16. Pretty based ngl. Predator missiles are fun
  17. Does that imply you've had your feelings hurt on Asylum before lmfao bruh
  18. I single handedly brought on a supply chain disaster for PDWs
  19. Report wars are lame but the Chinese seem to engage in it too so what goes around comes around
  20. Initiation range makes sense. You shouldn't be able to clap a cop in Pyrgos because your buddy killed one in Kavala Revenge killing is rarely enforced but when it is something someone does get banned for it's incredibly lame. Before I knew someone who got banned for it I thought it was referred to using an excuse such as "Well he killed me an hour ago so I killed him on sight". It really shouldn't be a rule and the only type of person it benefits is someone who fucks with someone and then wants to cry to admins when it didn't go their way. At the very least it is poorly defined...which is also why people who play report wars don't think try and get someone banned for it. It shouldn't be a rule though because idk why you would want to ban someone who isn't even acting malicious. Also I'm pretty sure the person who shot you would appear red for you too which contradicts red = dead
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