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DS Wes

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  1. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by OG Blunt in Moderator apps now open   
    I would like to take this time to congratulate the DS members that get in. you guys earned it!!! 
  2. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Bandit in Why do the cop restraints turn you invincible   
    Explosives can still kill you in cop restraints. If anybody with a rook could rescue someone in custody, no one would be processed, ever. It might not make sense from a roleplay standpoint, but it's super important for balance.
  3. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Bag Of Funyuns in congrats gamers   
    Please welcome @Alex., @Luke SwagWalker, @Smurfyslaw, @Blake., @KriSSu09, @Sjuol, and @Donald who are our newest staff members. Please hit them up with any questions you may have!
    Special congratulations to our upcoming staff team @ds billy @DS Cherry @ds legend @DS Richard @Ds Lt earlhart @DS Wesfromak @DS_Billy @Kal-El @DankBud @cHIP oTLE @Slime @Ron Johnson @Battabing @Leroy Jenkins @Hoodlum Priest @Crasher2003 @Maaqs @Devin @Gregg @WizeV @Zero Muffins @Abramos @Sidewinder @Deputy Justin •0311• @Tommy Jones12 @Rivers @J9HUNNA @Reaper @Barry the Pilot
    For a full list of our upcoming staff team, please refer to this link https://my.gaming-asylum.com/gang?gid=27
  4. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Trioxide in Magazine Additions   
    Can you add tan/sand mags for the Spar 16 and lush mags and drums for the AK-12? Small change but it would be nice to have your mags match the color of your gun.
  5. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Panda in The good times keep rolling   
    Wardonkey's always sleeping on the job.
  6. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Kelly in The good times keep rolling   
  7. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by danile666 in Verbal and Siren Initiation Improvement   
    One sides poll.  No change is needed. Should have that as an option.
  8. Bherky liked a post in a topic by DS Wes in Prison Let out   
    Honestly there will always be those guys who think cops just shouldn’t be able to perform anything to help them in a fight. 
  9. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by MysticLion in Prison Let out   
    for a start you realise the jump from the wall to the shed is literally not even that high for a start, on top of that it's not an exploit already checked, I know jumping out of deerstands is allowed I was making a point your saying jumping from the wall to shed which is a tiny jump and not exploiting shouldnt be allowed but jumping though the deerstand windows is fine?? you're right it's not punishable you're still jumping though an object which is worse then jumping up a 1m high jump. So I don't understand why people are complaining about it.

    If we had it your way we wouldn't be allowed to jump from vans onto the wall as it's bigger jump then the wall to the shed is
  10. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by bbgreg17 in DS WesfromAK AR   
    AR revoked via request on discord.
  11. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Zurph in Prison Let out   
    I get the spawning on the bridge part because if u accidently fall in you should not be able to tele out in cover thats your fault for falling in. But having to wait till the end of the prison is stupid.
  12. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by MysticLion in Prison Let out   
    It's not a exploit for start, It's not even a high jump it's literally the smallest jump you come across,  you guys jump out of deer stands and over sandbags that you should be able to like you really don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to talking jump exploits
  13. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by MysticLion in APPLICATION   
    Wait to you actually have a relevant rank to be able to give people ranks 🙂 
  14. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Leady in Federal Event Cooldown Timer Feedback   
    A concern brought to us by the Cpts is that there is not enough time between federal events. It was suggested we increase the time greatly to allow for several things:
    - Actually ending the fighting
    - Collect all suspects and return to an HQ
    - Process all suspects
    - To return to Patrol
    The benefits suggested would be:
    Allow more time for civilians to fight each other, rather than cops. Bring risk back to running of illegal items as APD would have additional time to patrol these areas. Give more opportunities for spontaneous combat to occur rather than scripted events.  
    suggested downsides: 
    Large groups looking to make money from bank/fed/lockup would have to wait much longer to do so. If your group mate is sent to jail from a federal event, completely eliminates the opportunity to break them of jail.
    Greatly increasing the time would obviously be a major change to how the server currently functions. And before we make any decision around this we wanted feedback from all sides in the community. Please vote in the poll, and give your thoughts on the topic.
    (And yes I am aware the federal reserve cool down is currently broken)
  15. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Patheticflower in Patheticflower AR   
    I know this is VERY last minute, but I can explain. Was planning on being more active this month, but due to recovery, which has been lengthier than anticipated, I have not been feeling up to playing.
    Officer Name: Patheticflower
    Player ID: 76561198089670712
    Rank: Corporal
    Application URL: 
    Duration of Absence: Hopefully only 1 more month
    Month(s) of Absence: December/January
    Reason: Continuation of previous AR. Spoke to Greg as well.
  16. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by DankBud in APD Change Proposal   
    If you can get shot out of it thru the glass,don't see much of a issue here with it being a thing for cops if only captains can pull it an only one at a time.
     The issue with cops not making it bank is,well,the cops,most times its them going in one at a time/only a couple in a hatch an them yelling at one another on how much this an that person sucks/shitter,if the cops could manage to not be at one anothers necks the whole fight im pretty confident that they could win more events.Shit some of them don't even try they just go an die once or twice an don't come back.
     There is maybe like 1-2 groups that work well on cop together.
  17. Yuki Hayami liked a post in a topic by DS Wes in DS WesfromAK AR   
    Officer Name: DS WesfromAK 
    Player ID: 76561198136351827
    Rank: corporal
    Application URL: 
    Duration of Absence: 1 month
    Month(s) of Absence: January 
    Reason: my trip might be extended for another month and if it is I wouldn’t be able to play until February. This is not 100% yet but I will PM a LT if it does go Through 
  18. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by bbgreg17 in DS WesfromAK AR   
    Approved for January 2021. If you wish to revoke this AR pm me on discord or the forums.
  19. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Rafael in ****APD Policy Update 7/31/2020***   
    Effective Immediately
    Prison Breaks
    Assisting or initiating a "prison break" will no longer be a straight to jail charge. Any civilian who initiates or participates in breaking anyone out of prison will have the right to explain their charges. 
    If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact a Captain.
  20. DS Wes liked a post in a topic by Copa in "Drunk Squad" Server 4   
    This is Wes hes already in
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