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  1. DJB liked a post in a topic by Boonie Hat in An ifrit "drop"   
    better quality https://i.gyazo.com/57661a1110facdafc3a97e9bd081ff04.mp4 
  2. DJB liked a post in a topic by Defragments in DoEsn'T CoUnt aS rdM   
  3. DJB liked a post in a topic by Sheriff Rick in DoEsn'T CoUnt aS rdM   
    Learn to land bud
  4. DJB liked a post in a topic by Prodigal Son in Come together   
    Circa 2014-2015
    This is what rebels did.  Thats what made you a rebel.  
    Somewhere down the line, you all got soft as baby thighs.  Only logging on to play for even numbers.  No gangs have "controlled" the servers since all the big ones disbanded.  Dont even get me started at the bullshit you guys are doing on an empty server with zero cops on.  
    If you want to grind an endless game with zero pvp, get your ass on The Division or something else.
    Somewhere you guys became like this
  5. Defragments liked a post in a topic by DJB in Come together   
    It would be good to see more community stuff going on for civilians.  I notice how we all like siding together in times and going against cops.  Lets get community meth runs going again like Regiment used to do on S4.  Community FEDS, prison breaks or stuff like that too.  Hell we could all band together and attack HQ or something like that.  But I really enjoyed the times when Regiment did like the community meth runs.  That specifically I'd love to see again.  Band together make some money and kill all the APD ! 
  6. DJB liked a post in a topic by Reformed epTic in Come together   
    It's funny that OP uses Regiment as an example but they were one of the worst offenders of metagaming/abusing shit to get an upper hand. 

    Never forget the time when the fat e-girl and her boyfriend were caught on stream discussing how they were going to explain the metagaming reports as they hop in TS and ask all of Regiment to get online to stop a 4 HEMTT meth run because they were angry that we were taking the cartels at night. 

    Funny how 3 of us got away and sold our meth while the 30 of them chased us around in orcas. 
  7. DJB liked a post in a topic by pan fried in Come together   
  8. DJB liked a post in a topic by RonnyB in THANK YOU for V2   
    I abused the fuck out of it and probably made so many people quit the game
    I abused the fuck out of it and probably made so many people quit the game
    I abused the fuck out of it and probably made so many people quit the game
    I abused the fuck out of it and probably made so many people quit the game
    I abused the fuck out of it and probably made so many people quit the game
    Take BH out. 
  9. DJB liked a post in a topic by bigjohn561 in Come together   
    Me and a few others i know for sure will be in.
  10. DJB liked a post in a topic by Sheriff Rick in Come together   
    It's not possible anymore.  Stratis during the day was Syria on steroids but at night everyone dropped all their differences and we all ran meth and had fun.  People just aren't the same anymore.  Everyone takes their gang shit too seriously or holds a grudge and can't just have fun.
  11. DJB liked a post in a topic by Tony in Come together   
    they re on full lethals right now waiting
  12. DJB liked a post in a topic by Zaka in Come together   
    Free Syrian Army.. Gotta have ownership of drug cartel then 

  13. DJB liked a post in a topic by Golophin087 in Come together   
    I mean, there was a time like a week or two ago that all the civilians got together, got tractors, and assaulted the Police HQ at Pyrgos. I will admit that was a lot of fun as a cop. 
    For a solid hour to two hours we defended against a huge onslaught of civilians intent on killing as many cops as possible and racking up a lot of Terrorist charges. I, for one, would love to do this again. I’m sure all the cops and leadership who was on at the time enjoyed it just as much as I did. 
  14. DJB liked a post in a topic by Tarro in Come together   
    What if the APD owns a couple of them 
  15. WolfLeader liked a post in a topic by DJB in Come together   
    It would be good to see more community stuff going on for civilians.  I notice how we all like siding together in times and going against cops.  Lets get community meth runs going again like Regiment used to do on S4.  Community FEDS, prison breaks or stuff like that too.  Hell we could all band together and attack HQ or something like that.  But I really enjoyed the times when Regiment did like the community meth runs.  That specifically I'd love to see again.  Band together make some money and kill all the APD ! 
  16. bigjohn561 liked a post in a topic by DJB in Come together   
    It would be good to see more community stuff going on for civilians.  I notice how we all like siding together in times and going against cops.  Lets get community meth runs going again like Regiment used to do on S4.  Community FEDS, prison breaks or stuff like that too.  Hell we could all band together and attack HQ or something like that.  But I really enjoyed the times when Regiment did like the community meth runs.  That specifically I'd love to see again.  Band together make some money and kill all the APD ! 
  17. cbakes liked a post in a topic by DJB in Come together   
    It would be good to see more community stuff going on for civilians.  I notice how we all like siding together in times and going against cops.  Lets get community meth runs going again like Regiment used to do on S4.  Community FEDS, prison breaks or stuff like that too.  Hell we could all band together and attack HQ or something like that.  But I really enjoyed the times when Regiment did like the community meth runs.  That specifically I'd love to see again.  Band together make some money and kill all the APD ! 
  18. DJB liked a post in a topic by Madlibs in Shotguns   
    I know it has been said, but shotguns capping cartels needs to end. Treat it like the sdar so it can contest but not cap.
  19. DJB liked a post in a topic by RonnyB in THANK YOU for V2   
    I have two things to say. 
    1) To all who were involved in V2, @Jesse and whoever else was involved in rewriting the mission file from the ground up, Thank you. 
    Obviously you care about the community and I think you have done a wonderful job. The server feels extremely stable and it hasn't felt this smooth in the last 5+ years since I've been around.
    Thank you for the work you put in; it really shows and I am happy we have an owner like you. 
    2) Asylum has never felt this fun in the last 2 maybe 3 years. V2 helps a lot as there is no fear of d/c or bugging but I have to tell you guys not having Bounty Hunter in the game is awesome. 
    You can walk around with a bounty now and not be scared of being downed from 200 feet away with no initiation anymore. Even with the population at 60/70% I am finding civs in every city hanging out. Athira is fun again.. civs are friendlier to each other and I have had more conversations with people in the last 3 days than I have probably had in the last 3 months because people aren't afraid to let their guard down and hang out and chill out in cities anymore. 
    PLEASE remove BH completely. If people want to BH they can apply for cop.. its easy.. why do we need cops and BH? Also, most BH i talk to said they don't even bother with large bounties as they are uncatchable anyway.. BH sucks and it kills city life (which is important for new players.. which we need!). 
    Nobody should have the ability to affect up to 1 hour of your gameplay and have the option of NOT roleplaying...
    TLDR; thank you for V2 it is amazing and the servers are 100x more healthy without Bounty Hunting.
  20. DJB liked a post in a topic by Boris in How we Farm   
    I'm surprised you found someone running coke.
  21. DJB liked a post in a topic by Clint Beastwood in How we Farm   
  22. DJB liked a post in a topic by Farmer Steve in how to stop an ifrit since spikes are broke   
    I hope he gets blacklisted so he plays civ more
  23. DJB liked a post in a topic by Bread in Can't believe cops got buffed.   
    Finally! We are becoming a military police state!
  24. DJB liked a post in a topic by Clint Beastwood in bring back Asylum Australia   
    Reason people liked it, because it was new, no one had cash, and it was broken.  
    You guys had to band together to make money.. shit like that.
    Definitely not bringing it back.  It was a gamble enough to start shit from a blank mission file but here we are..
  25. DJB liked a post in a topic by Prodigal Son in V2 feedback   
    Even more impressive.  
    Arguing semantics with these people will only frustrate you and continue to infuriate me. 
    Continue your course.
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