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Reformed epTic

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Posts posted by Reformed epTic

  1. 6 hours ago, Carole Baskin said:

    yeah so next time you message me about your depression on steam, and tell me about how you have no friends irl, i dont wanna hear it

    at least i'm not as depressed as some random youtube e-boy who got cucked by 8 different men

  2. 19 hours ago, Carole Baskin said:

    yeah its fuckin crazy, im not a daily carson watcher or anything, but ive never seen him as a bad guy so i dont know why he’d deserve something like that,


    its still getting updates on it


    my exact reaction when you cried to me on steam about your depression

    i wouldnt be so depressed if you'd just quit making music already

  3. 42 minutes ago, Carole Baskin said:

    idk if any of yall watch callmecarson, hes a really funny dude

    i just seen his gf cheated on him with three guys, now shes blaming it on her “depression” 

    shit like this pisses me off ok the internet cause people keep self diagnosing themselves or looking for attention and shit, like how can you blame fucking depression on cheating on someone with 3 people, that just doesnt fuckin happen at all 

    nobody cares

    william and Roice like this
  4. 5 hours ago, bbgreg17 said:

    Already thought about this and discussed it with some people. A big problem with this is ratio. Soft logging and getting ratioed, while very annoying, is actually a good thing. As much as people hate the ratio and shit on it, it is needed. It helps to keep the balance. With this option it would remove one of the most frequent times cops soft log. Thus you could end up with 15+ cops on when there should only be 9 or fewer. I know soft logging can be a pain especially for those with lower end machines, but at the moment I think it probably is our best option.

    That's why I never softlog to federal events anymore 🙂 If I'm in Kavala, I'm driving to the bank because I'm not getting fucking cop capped due to shitty BROKEN ratios. 

  5. 47 minutes ago, Diseased said:

    just funny how bad blood has fought against corrupt admins and hackers/lagswitchers for the entire of asylum and roguepilot was there to witness it all and he turns into the same thing we all hate. RIP. asylum 3.0 was fun while it lasted but i don't see the server going in a right direction when people are scared to hurt others feelings and allow admins to do stupid things and allow sketchy players who are known hackers and abusers continue to abuse the game. no wonder why a large wave of rebels are already fed up.

    We had a certain admin in RoguePilots gang teleporting away from the cops while being processed and continually spawning in fully geared rebels to try to kill the cops because they were salty they got caught. 

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