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  1. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Reformed epTic in Re-Deploy to all Federal Events   
    That's why I never softlog to federal events anymore 🙂 If I'm in Kavala, I'm driving to the bank because I'm not getting fucking cop capped due to shitty BROKEN ratios. 
  2. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by andy7255 in Who owns this house?   
    @Jack7296 The memories we had from this house back in the day 
  3. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Shepurd in CLOSE SERVER 2 SO WE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE A FULL SERVER   
    Server 2 on Wednesday the 21st had its peak population of a whopping 53 whole players at 11:30PM EST. The ENTIRE DAY and 53 was the highest it ever hit. The server averaged less than 35 players for the day.
    Over on Server 1 the population hit its peak population of 59 players at 9:30PM EST, and averaged less than 50 for the whole day.
    How are you gonna have a straight face on and be like, "tHiS iS gOoD. pOpUlAtIoNs ArE A-oKaY!"
    You can see the server statistics for yourself here. Server 1: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/arma3/3267120 Server 2: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/arma3/3267121
    I get why people who play a certain server wouldn't want it to shut down, but we can't justify keeping up 2 servers like this. Doesn't matter whether we shut down 1 or 2, we just have to only have 1 server active right now. Let's come up with a good compromise and make something happen please. @Jesse @Clint Beastwood
  4. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Shepurd in CLOSE SERVER 2 SO WE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE A FULL SERVER   
    Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I think we should only have server 1 up for now. Currently, everyday we have like 50-60 people on s2 and like 60-70 people on s1 and we never have a full server. (atleast everytime I look at server pops its like that)
    Lets only have Server 1 up with a maximum pop of 120 players. With our new mission file the server should be able to handle it, and it will be awesome being to play with a lot of people again. There would be people EVERYWHERE. tons of fights, tons of people out making money. It would be fucking awesome.
  5. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Azeh in V2 feedback   
    feel free to leave
  6. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Veras in 5 Minute Rule for RDM   
    I understand why it exists, but the fact that my support request got denied for being in the mid 4 minute range is fucking STUPID and makes me not want to play anymore.

    - I had JUST joined the server and so hadn't been on it for 5 minutes, therefore it is LITERALLY impossible for me to have recorded it with shadowplay.
    - You can literally hear the guy initiate in the video (The issue is he killed me while he was initiating, as in "Hands up or di-*Starts shooting*"
    What this means is if someone joins, feel free to RDM them in the first 4 minutes and 59 seconds!  You won't be banned by someone who spends 20 minutes rendering and uploading and making a report. 

    I mean, come on?  The guy even offered me comp after admitting he was wrong.  I love being RDMed at least twice a day and the RDMers never having a consequence.  Real fun!

    The video is literally 4:37, oh no, those 23 seconds of you in the server browser are so VITAL
  7. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Blake. in BEAUTIFUL PORTRAIT   
    Lol i appreciate your concern however wheelchair people are weak and deserve to be drawn in a positive light to make them feel better
  8. danile666 liked a post in a topic by Jack7296 in Prison Break   
    If you agree with what happened in this video, you are clearly whats wrong with this server..
    But hey, keep thinking like that if it makes you feel better.
  9. Samperino liked a post in a topic by Jack7296 in Prison Break   
    You are comparing a 5.56 to unlimited 7.62 mags? Retard.
  10. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by andy7255 in Prison Break   
    Video below shows cops responding to a prison break where the rebels fighting the prison have magazines spawned in from an admin. Can you imagine how disheartening this is for cops??? Fighting rebels with unlimited ammo.... 
  11. YuSheng liked a post in a topic by Jack7296 in Role Play on the APD   
    LOL you are wanted for 128k you are basically a serial killer, and you want the cop to walk up to your car and have a chat with you....
    This would never happen IRL??
  12. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Role Play on the APD   
    A guy apprehended a highly wanted criminal.  Sounds like someone being a cop. Role-play definition: act out or perform the part of a person or character.
    What did you want. "Oh, Mr. Murderer how is your wonderful sunny day going?  I see you are TYPING in chat.  That must mean I can trust you and that you want to talk.  Could we casually just cruise down to the nearest coffee shop and get a cup of coffee and discuss how you have brutally murdered 10 people and been manufacturing/distributing highly illegal drugs?"
  13. Blake. liked a post in a topic by Jack7296 in Role Play on the APD   
    LOL you are wanted for 128k you are basically a serial killer, and you want the cop to walk up to your car and have a chat with you....
    This would never happen IRL??
  14. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Sijanec in Role Play on the APD   
    I told you boys like 10 times to get out of the vehicle with your hands up. Idk what you are expecting me to do there was a guy behind you with a downing weapon. If I walked up to the car he would have downed me. Kinda sad that you leave out all the relevant facts.
  15. Hank Schrader liked a post in a topic by Jack7296 in van cargo vs van transport   
    Agreed, its pointless using the Van Cargo.
  16. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Copa in Add more air vehicles   
    do exactly what you did with the ghost hawk, and the jet we have now. Add in some more jets with the ammo taken out. no vehicle reloads and boom. easy patch and shaafi is happy
  17. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by DarkKnight in Guidebook   
    I agree 100%. 
  18. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Ron Johnson in APD Policy Update - Discussion   
    Very understandable policy update. Makes perfect sense in every way you look at the situation. Imagine walking into a police station in real life and an officer has suspicion you have drugs on you.
    I feel like you're finding something wrong just for the reason to complain. 
  19. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Ron Johnson in [S2] [WTS] General Store Sofia House   
    [Ron's Real Estate Company]
    Selling SERVER 2 General Store Sofia House
    A great house location for those Sofia rats  (you know who you are) Perfect view of 'Gun Store' and 'Courthouse.' Can be used as an excavation storage home as well as a gun running house. Type: 150k [3 crate]
    Price: 380k OBO [LEAVE OFFERS BELOW]

  20. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Roice in sCrIpT fAlIuRe, No cOmP   
    @Samperino Get your officers under control! Their use of lethal force is unacceptable! 
  21. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Sp0on in sCrIpT fAlIuRe, No cOmP   
    It's negligence.  Accident or not.

    I tried to google info on this.

    Couldn't find out much.

    there should be more done to her. I do admit I didn't hear her say "taser taser taser" so... yeah. I understand that it was a mistake but this isn't the first time something like this has happend.

    This incident reminded me of this:

    2 different things; but both cases should be looked at as a reminder that officers of the law are to be upheld to highest of scrutiny, and the need of them to look at their own actions under the same precedence.
    She needs to face consequences for her actions.
  22. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by Calle. in sCrIpT fAlIuRe, No cOmP   
    How come all this shit only happend in America?
  23. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by J9HUNNA in KAVALA RATS DAY OUT!   
  24. Jack7296 liked a post in a topic by andy7255 in KAVALA RATS DAY OUT!   
    @Jack7296 @MASTA_B@Blake.@danile666
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