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Posts posted by Treeherder

  1. 1 hour ago, Manolo said:

    Get the new Razen AMD series of CPU and fucking destroy this game!

    This game is very CPU intensive but having a GPU that's so many generations behind does not help. Try lowering the settings and maybe run in a lower resolution then 1080P.

    With the New Razen series or a 7700K you can easily get 90-100 Frames even in Kavala with a decent GPU.


  2. 64 bit should reduce stuttering when zooming/entering a city and reduce memory leaks. Little to no noticeable fps increase, just more constant. Play around with your settings. Lower AA, texture, and object detail. The optimize option in the GeForce experience is pretty good. If you're upgrading go for the 6600k and over clock it as high as is safe with your cooling system. Fast ddr4 ram will make a big difference. Lowering object render distance will increase your fps further.

  3. Chances are you need to get an ssd. Arma only uses 2.5 gigs of ram so it has to constantly be reading from your hdd which is slow and thus leads to your stutter issue. If that doesn't work run objects at low as that removes a lot of unnecessary geometry.


    also overclock your CPU as much as is safe with your cooling system and customize your launch parameters to us all your cores/threads/vram. Checking your ram speed in bios is worth doing as well as some motherboards default to slower than they should

  4. 16 hours ago, Gnashes said:

    This wouldn't affect server memory. Just a bit of network traffic for the creation/deletion of the light source.

    Most difficult part would be getting relative positions for each house model to attach the lightsources to. If anyone wants to take the time, feel free.

    Just spawn a Chem light at the position of the house. Lighting engine doesn't take into account walls so the whole house would be illuminated 

  5. Let's add an unarmed Nephron because it's by far the sexiest jet in arma. It would have to be unarmed for obvious reasons but apart from that it would in no way be op because jets have no practical use in asylum. Since it wouldn't be useful for combat or farming it's only purpose would be to fly around and thus its speed and armor don't need to be a balance concern.

    Image result for arma 3 nephron

    Scott, .Sean, Ghouh and 2 others like this
  6. Just found this in the main mission config. Thought it was interesting since we never actually found out what the drug officer perks would have been.

    //[13, 0, "Drug Enforcement", 0, "The Drug Enforcement squad is tasked with keeping narcotics out of the hands of would be drug traffickers on our fine islands.  Each drug enforcement squad member will be able to choose one (1) narcotic to track at a given time.  Progression in the drug enforcement skill line is broken into two (3) parts:  accuracy, time, and seizure potential."],
    		//[14, 1000, "Rookie Narcotics", 13, "Two kilometre radius on vehicle tracking."],
    		//[15, 20000, "Corporal Narcotics", 14, "One kilometre radius on vehicle tracking."],
    		//[16, 40000, "Sergeant Narcotics", 15, "700 metre radius on vehicle tracking."],
    		//[17, 60000, "Lieutenant Narcotics", 16, "500 metre radius on vehicle tracking."],
    		//[18, 1000, "Street-Level Informants", 13, "10 minute updates."],
    		//[19, 20000, "Trusted CIs", 18, "8 minute updates."],
    		//[20, 40000, "Man on the Inside", 19, "6 minute updates."],
    		//[21, 60000, "Dealing Like a DA", 20, "4 minute updates."],
    		//[22, 5000, "Small-Time Dealers", 13, "Able to track vehicles up to $100k."],
    		//[23, 15000, "Distributor Tracker", 22, "Able to track vehicles up to $250k."],
    		//[24, 44000, "Kingpin Hunter", 23, "Able to track vehicles in excess of $250k."],


    Heidelberg and Scott like this
  7. This is an updated version of my original CQC training mission and is designed to help everyone improve their CQC Skills. It includes three unique fast paced arenas with round-based randomly spawning AI, Blood Bagging, a new custom respawn system, persistent record keeping, fully customizable Ai load outs, jumping, and asylum weapon sway coefficients. It's available on the steam workshop here. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=646755159 Once downloaded it will be playable through the scenarios tab of the main menu.

    Here's a video to explain it better


    Quenton, Eyad, .Sean and 12 others like this
  8. 3 hours ago, bamf said:

    But let's face it, OG Stratis was just a straight meth machine.  There wasn't anyone really "playing" there, it was simply a farm.

    You're forgetting the constant 60 players in agia marina. You could get instant action there and that's really what made stratis feel special. There was a close sense of community there that none of the other cities on any map ever had. The main thing is that you could get the whole life mod experience (rp, combat, both Legal and illegal money making, low key crime, trolling) without leaving the city. 

    Cougar., Gubber Flexx and dog. like this
  9. Or just apply the cast skin to the NATO wetsuit if you're concerned about armor. The paa is already in the game files so it wouldn't add any size to the mission file. While we're there why not add the other unused skins that are still in the files for some reason like the green Russian texture for cast fatigues and the woodland variant of NATO combat fatigues. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Haych said:

    Training servers haven't been the same after everyone learned about fhq lmao

    I wonder who spilled the secret 

     On a different note Just script in money/levels on Koth and play that; it'll be much better than a training server 

    explicit likes this
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