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  1. Steve liked a post in a topic by Cre in Jailing Suggestion   
    I'm not offering any suggestion of how to be promoted when no one knows who you are. You offered the solution that the higher ups of the APD should promote people who know how to lead, and I'm telling you that a high percentage of people who know how to lead, or be tactically effective don't want to achieve their promotion by means of sucking up to the correct people. God forbid someone want to be noticed/rewarded because of their good work, and not flattery skills.
  2. Steve liked a post in a topic by Budbringer in Jailing Suggestion   
    Welcome to real life. If you dont put your name on the map, how do you expect people to even hear about you
    It honestly sounds like you have given up and have just rolled over to die. You dont even seem interested in trying any of what I have suggested
  3. Steve liked a post in a topic by DJB in Jailing Suggestion   
    In my opinion as a veteran player of the Asylum community that only plays the rebel side.. This idea is bad.  Very unfair if you ask me and the system is just fine as is in my opinion. No offense to you Mr. Hypanius, please I support anyone throwing ideas out there.  P.s  I'd like to see you serve 45 minutes in jail Hypanius and then say oh this isn't enough punishment LOL <3  We all know you never have to go to jail personally...Captain
  4. Steve liked a post in a topic by Budbringer in Jailing Suggestion   
    Altough doing the bank is easy, the biggest reason cops loses these fights is due to lack of higher ups who knows something else than RP. For instance, I can do a bank, and see the cops charge in with 3 people in a sport hatch with sgts, lts and cpts on. There are no cordination. I see cops charge the prison with quadbikes. Yes the cops are sometimes outnumbered, but the reason the cops are not feared is because, well they dont even try. I cant remember the last time I saw a tactical orca drop. Cadets usually snipe with their holo scope. Promote some people who knows how to lead the battlefield, maybe they will be feared again
  5. Steve liked a post in a topic by Cre in Jailing Suggestion   
    In honesty, the reports will do nothing either. When you punish/kick one bad cop off the force, two more take their place. It's simply too easy to get into the APD, and apparently too easy to climb the ranks. People behave during their time as a Cadet, but the moment they hit Constable they forget everything they were suppose to learn. And somehow the further some people climb in the ranks, the more they forget about correct procedure.
    And before I get quoted and told that my comment is not constructive, and that I should add some sort of solution to the problem: Unfortunately, I don't have one.
  6. Steve liked a post in a topic by HotWings in Jailing Suggestion   
    I mean, if you are turning yourself in and not automatically getting atleast 50% off you need to file a IAD. (not running or shooting is automatically 50% off). We all understand and acknowledge there are bad cops, unless the reports are filed nothing is ever going to be done.  Robocopping with no reason can easily get someone hit with Misc for failing to RP, while not a quick fix will eventually lead to harsher punishments.  I will cut most tickets as long as time is taken to talk about it and not just "self defense....OMG you're robbocopping me for not believing self defense??"  I dont even care about original stories anymore, just effort. Some are much better than others, but everyone should get some sort of discount for trying.  
  7. Steve liked a post in a topic by Budbringer in Jailing Suggestion   
    Why would I turn myself in? Most of the times I get robocopped, or explain myself for a hour and still get full ticket. Sure you can say my rp sucks, but the thing is, no matter how hard I try, people will never give me reduced tickets because gang tag. Sure money is not a n issue for me, but for the regular players it is. I can rob a gas station with a pistol and some random name and I hear sirens and 2 second later I'm downed and getting full ticket for not giving myself up. I was at cocaine fields once, a n undercover SGT showed up, downed me wihtout saying anything, full ticket etc without ever showing he is a cop. The issue with your suggestion is what I just said, that cops are not likely to give you a cut on your tickets which will in return hurt the little guy trying to make some cash from cocaine. You are only thinking about the gang members doing bank and their nonscope 1337 whatever legend they call themself, not everyone. If you want your suggestion to be a valid suggestion, you first need to change your police force into actually rping. As of right now, there are zero incentives for me to give myself up than trying to shoot my way out
  8. Steve liked a post in a topic by kryptonthegamer in Jailing Suggestion   
    The state pays for that xD
  9. Steve liked a post in a topic by kryptonthegamer in Jailing Suggestion   
    Definitely a bad idea. With Money cap, 50k is 5% of your bank. Thats also 2 loadouts, and to lose that money in an instant is a bit bad.
  10. Steve liked a post in a topic by FozzyBear in Jailing Suggestion   
    Hypanius. You ok? We're here for you oke?
  11. Steve liked a post in a topic by Atmosphere in Jailing Suggestion   
    Which cops are shit enough to return 5-6+ times in 1 hour? Shit like that shouldn't even be allowed.
  12. Steve liked a post in a topic by George in Jailing Suggestion   
    Yea dude, hitting send to jail where you're miracously teleported there is pretty expensive, this Is no where close to real life so don't bring that argument up.
  13. Steve liked a post in a topic by Atmosphere in Jailing Suggestion   
    You gotta realise, this guy is a captain.
    Holy -1 from me.
  14. Steve liked a post in a topic by Budbringer in Jailing Suggestion   
    I can see your idea, but there needs to be a cap on it, because people would lose all their money to robocops who are dicks to people they dont like
  15. Steve liked a post in a topic by Buvaloz in Jailing Suggestion   
    The must be the dumbest suggestion I have ever seen on asylum. VDMing medics in Kavala makes more sense then this.
  16. Steve liked a post in a topic by The Orphan in Jailing Suggestion   
    In what world would that EVER work.  In what FUCKING world.  In your whole FUCKING life
  17. Steve liked a post in a topic by Crossfade in Jailing Suggestion   
    this is the worst suggestion ive heard.. not only does it make cops more OP but civ life would become pointless.. cop=money civ=lose money this would make cop=money civ=bankrupt..
  18. Steve liked a post in a topic by marki in Jailing Suggestion   
    worst suggestion ever
  19. Steve liked a post in a topic by kryptonthegamer in Change Log 6.6.1   
  20. Steve liked a post in a topic by Paratus in Change Log 6.6.1   
    Aging barrels are now required for aging alcohol, as was intended. Adding storage containers to houses should no longer cause them to "stack" on each other if you have an aging barrel. The police are no longer interested in buying your vehicle ammo. Added a new menu option at the distillery to see alcohol recipes. Adjusted sale prices of whiskey to match original plans. Added two new talents for bounty hunters to improve tracking radius. Animal hunting/tracking talents have been adjusted to be more powerful, while also making base-level tracking available to all without a talent. Increased base price of processed cocaine and heroin. Completely rebuilt the hunting and skinning system. Now uses real animal AI and there are more animals to find. Cooked animal meat is now more valuable. Holstering your weapon will no longer add an action menu option to unholster, and instead will simply use the toggle button. Long stone houses which would previously only accept 1 crate/barrel can now properly accept 3. Speeding cameras will no longer break contrast settings. The government of Altis will now pay for the healing of all prisoner's broken limbs and such. Civilians will no longer get that annoying popup window when first connecting to the servers. Aging barrels received a massive max weight increase. They'll now hold 201, up from 200. Time progression for day/night cycle sped up a lot (3x).
  21. Furnie Mack liked a post in a topic by Steve in What is your profession?   
    I work at one
  22. Steve liked a post in a topic by TheFatMan in What is your profession?   
    Run a vape shop (i basically get paid to break stuff ) 

  23. Steve liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in What is your profession?   
    Homeless, will approve comp for food.
  24. Steve liked a post in a topic by DreamC in What is your profession?   
    And as a captain your used to handling kids right?
  25. Steve liked a post in a topic by Axe in What is your profession?   
    Professional Hatchback sport speed tester.... 

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